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Everything posted by newsmike

  1. Pretty simple equation now. 1. Nuclear war between Russia and the West. 2. This gets ended and Vlad enjoys his new backyard. You had me right up till the nukes thing.
  2. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/ukraine-military-chief-says-limited-nuclear-war-cannot-be-ruled-out/ar-AA11zxgE
  3. newsmike


    I recall things like this.
  4. You are well within your rights to tell him that the standard is that there are 3 days to request revisions, after which a new order would need to be placed.
  5. And you say no, over and over, and over and over. Sometimes "piss off" works quite well also.
  6. I hope it helps, but the good news is that there are still plenty of buyers who are honest, despite the flood from that "certain country" you mentioned.
  7. This can be tricky. Technically once you sell something, all rights pass to them, unless you specifically specify otherwise. What you are describing is the entire sales cycle. T-shirt made in China for 25 cents, sold to distributor in US for $2.00, sold to retail chain for $4.00, sold to consumer for $15.00. Imagine Chinese factory worker suggesting that it is unfair because someone resold it at a profit? Again, unless you specifically state that all copyright and ownership rights are not transferred upon sale, and transfer is prohibited, this is not a violation. And unfortunately, even if it were, there is little you can do if someone is intent on cheating you. Fiverr has no protection, and you are dealing with International IP theft, which is impossible to control. You should see the nifty Rolex I got in Times Square for just $50. Just type "Disney" into Fiverr's search bar and here's over 1,000 scammers ripping Disney off as we speak. How Fiverr approves these is beyond me. https://www.fiverr.com/search/gigs?query=disney&source=top-bar&ref_ctx_id=4699875bb2766945d4d3b8be86690eb2&search_in=everywhere&search-autocomplete-original-term=disney
  8. No, you don't get it. The buyers are not here to be concerned about your success. You have the entire thing backwards.
  9. You should work on reading comprehension. You have posted "I can't get orders" in a section of the forum designed for actual "Tips for sellers." Perhaps a focus on written language would help in your business as well?
  10. But you gotta admit, fluent gibberish!
  11. Please don't lie. You are not anywhere near fluent, and being dishonest about it does not help
  12. Would be a shame if you got "COVID" or something and had to stay in the home theater while she visits... just sayin
  13. As @donnovan86 said, you have to be able to speak English properly, also there may be no worse profile image than that with a face mask. Immediate turn off.
  14. newsmike


    Thank you dear.
  15. newsmike


    Not everyone likes blue balls.
  16. Me watching @breals fight nonsense:
  17. newsmike


    And they bring joy to many. Thanks Leo. Not really clickbait. My thread delivers as promised. It advertises balls, and when you click, there is a lovely picture of large colorful balls. 🙂
  18. newsmike


    No context. You got it.
  19. newsmike


    Thank ya Mam.
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