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Everything posted by newsmike

  1. I would love that. So far, @frank_d is the only forum regular I've done business with. Looking right at you @mjensen415
  2. I started in 2016, and love the fact that within the TOS guidelines, you can run your business pretty much how you like, plus instead of being stagnant, they have some new enhancement every month or so. Some great, some not so much, but at least they are constantly trying new things. BTW, enjoying your posts.
  3. Interesting point. I have not used it to determine whether I would be a fit for a project, but that may very well come up. So far, I have been lucky in that I included it in the charges for buyers who were ready to hire me, but wanted to chat to talk about style and delivery. So in addition to the VO, and what ever gig extras, I add the conference call charge.
  4. Yes, absolutely. The need is for place to talk to the 25 or so people from 25 countries that don't p*ss me off. My friends in other words. Nomination for acceptance after that to allow great folks in. Yes.
  5. Yes and it falls very short. I am in "Seller Plus" hell right now. I submitted a new gig video which is being rejected on a technicality that the "success managers" used to routinely "handle" for us, but now they changed policy, silently and I am screwed and spending hundreds re-editing my videos. Plus my SM got "promoted" this week, and I got handed off to a new one in Tel Aviv, who only has office hours between midnight and 6:00 AM US time. Plus she has been on every email, and not bothered to respond to any, except....I asked her if she had additional time when the sun might be shining in the USA, and she just responded with a link to the same useless calendar, showing only overnight availability. So I need to pay to get up at 3:00 AM to speak to a SM? Seriously? Plus like all consultants, you learn everything they know in the first few conversations. Last month I asked "Since I have great clicks, how do I improve conversion?" I was told there is no magic bullet. Useless. Probably dropping Seller Plus unless they step up real big, real soon. Thanks to @frank_d for talking me off the ledge today on this f**kery.
  6. And 17 speak English This is making the case for a pay wall to have a seller account. Radio silence in 3...2...1.....
  7. And every one of them is "Expart digital marketeer" from that certain location. I am starting to think that the 20% we pay Fiverr should include search and destroy on this type of crap. It makes Fiverr and it's sellers (us) a joke.
  8. But charge for the time. I charge $100 per hour for video chats. Otherwise, you will waste your day on it.
  9. Nope, still looks like a trailer window to me.
  10. @frank_d 2 questions on clubs. Are they IP restricted, so for example, could someone from UK join the India club? And is US on the list?
  11. Art is the perfect medium to expose weaponized stupidity. People will fork over millions to look enlightened rather than say, "hey, that's crap." https://nypost.com/2013/05/15/43-8-million-for-this/
  12. You should sell those as NFT's
  13. I basically do the same as that. Directed sessions are not bad if you charge big for them. $200 additional for 30 mins.
  14. Do you charge for revisions? If not, you should consider it, so that each additional afterthought is an additional sale. Agree. Best decision I ever made was to remove revisions from the order, so each time someone wants to add "Just one more thing", it is an additional sale. I'm happy to revise all day long.
  15. Even people who need to be on a low protein diet for kidney problems, etc? I thought we were done with the amateur doctors after COVID.
  16. Wrong. Fiver is not set up to work this way. It is not the buyer's responsibility to develop the productivity of the seller. You seem confused as to who the boss is in the transaction.
  17. Most people rely on liking every post, even those that make both sides of an argument, and the good old fashioned pasting of "Good info, go more ahead, bro," to every post you see. Quick and easy, no reading or comprehension required.
  18. As you can see color is not very important. It is much more important to have a good offer.
  19. Yes, there is a huge difference between the buyer who asks that you discuss first. No problem. The issue I have is the way some sellers want to mandate that as a policy, which is the group that makes me suspicious of their abilities. You can tell by that seller's response that they are to be avoided at all costs.
  20. I said, and still believe that sellers have every right to ASK that they be contacted prior to ordering. But it cannot be required as this tantrum is about. There is nothing that compels a buyer to communicate prior to ordering, and that is blowing minds once again. That's all.
  21. Actually, I can label this anyway I wish. For instance, I can label your approach to this as uninformed and unserious. Fiverr does not allow a seller to REQUIRE contact prior to ordering. That is a "fact", not a "narrative." This might be easier if you learned the difference between the two. This is the reality, and just because you don't like it, does not make it untrue. You can play make believe all you want, but it makes you appear silly. Fiverr is not DESIGNED to work with the REQUIREMENT that you are demanding, while pounding the table. Fiverr is an on-demand marketplace! Fiverr is an on-demand marketplace!! Fiverr is an on-demand marketplace!!!
  22. I have some people who message first every day, and that's fine. I'm happy to discuss the job and get an offer out. My problem is with the buyers who want to interview the sellers first. Either they have shaky skills, or poorly written offers in their gigs, meaning that they are nervous as to whether they can actually perform what they advertise, or their gigs are poorly written and leave all sorts of details out of the scope of the offer. Often someone will place an order with me, and if there are extras that need to be discussed, that conversation happens.
  23. Actually none can "require" it. They can ask for it, but that is not the way Fiverr is intended to work. It is usually a nervous, inexperienced seller who is so unsure about their abilities that they need a courtship prior to purchase. We are, like it or not, an on demand platform. It is a huge red flag that I believe should make a buyer avoid the seller.
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