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Everything posted by newsmike

  1. Nor the ability or interest to read the TOS, learn the rules and follow them.
  2. I notice they are begging forgiveness, yet none has offered to return the funds they stole to the buyers they scammed. They just want the forgiveness without any consequences. Empty gesture as every crook cries in the police station after they are caught.
  3. They had a chance and destroyed it with dishonesty. They could have been honorable, but chose to be scammers instead. Please do not portray them as the victims, the actual victims were the people they robbed both by stealing descriptions and accepting money from buyers for work they booked while using fraudulent credentials.
  4. I am particularly entertained when they admit they were scamming, but complain about getting caught. Now I'm gonna go watch "The Usual Suspects"
  5. If you read the very screenshot that you attached, you can see that it is no longer available.
  6. If this keeps up, someone is gonna start a thread as to how we need a barrier to entry to prevent scammers.
  7. What kills me is when they go off the rails, like a dude posting a pic of a woman, yet keeping male pic for forum. Would be like me using a headshot of Chaka Khan for my profile pic. So dumb, yet here they are yelling how Fiverr is flawed. Good comedy to start '23 I've just reworked my videos and thumbnails. May use this as profile pic, good idea?
  8. I'd expect nicer language from her. 😁
  9. LOL "I just upload my ID & selfie for verification. "
  10. That is hard to imagine considering how well you present yourself here.
  11. You are forgetting the "Sicilian divorce."
  12. Coke and McDonald's change copy every couple weeks. Just that they have huge staffs and agencies to work on it full time. It always pays. Excellent. Very happy for you. I am reworking my gigs right now. Good Luck!
  13. I just looked at your gigs and the are brilliant. The perfect balance of using a design that is consistent enough to build a visual branding across all of them, while changing the secondary elements to reinforce the service being offered. And your headshot as a constant anchor is great. Excellently written descriptions, and priced well above attracting problem buyers. 200+ 5 star reviews. This already looks TRS, and I'm sure that will be soon for you. Congrats.
  14. What about improving product quality? Seems everyone wants to shuffle tags, but rarely talk about the quality of what they sell up against the TRS/PROs in their verticals. If your coffee is lousy, no amount of SEO fiddling will help.
  15. And to the ladies as well.
  16. Good points. Not sure if Fiverr can or really wants to entirely solve the schizophrenic nature of the site. They may be committed to trying to offer PRO services, but also remain tethered to the revenue of the $5 economy. One could argue that Amazon offers $2 packs of gum, and also this:
  17. Winner: 2022's Biggest Lie! And a respectful tip of the hat to the runner up: "Expert Digital Marketer" Game on for 2023. Gentlemen, "Engines your start."
  18. When a buyer sees an obvious lie in your gig description they do not order from you because they correctly assume that if you are willing to lie about 1 thing, then you will probably lie about anything to grab a sale. I would start by removing untruthful information form your gig, such as:
  19. Until you mentioned that, I had never looked at your gigs. They look great, you have over 1,000 reviews and I can see 15 orders in your queue right now. With all that success, are you not tempted to go to $10, since that magically doubles your income?
  20. I appreciate what you are saying, but to be fair, we already knew why they sell at low prices. The discussion is about the negative impact that such sellers have on the site, and what steps should be taken to prevent it, regardless of why they do so. This applies to $5 sellers in the USA as well as any other country. It's bad for the site
  21. The problem is that a great many do not have skills, and therefore cannot render "valuable services", so instead they steal gig descriptions, images and other content from successful sellers in an attempt to grab a $5 bill, for which they cannot deliver a quality service. Every day we call out people here who post "I cannot get sales, please help me", and at the same time they have gigs claiming to be "SEO/marketing experts", an obvious lie, and attempt to scam buyers. This is more often than not the case, and especially out of control with regard to 2-3 locations.
  22. You could be honest about when you are actually available instead of trying to find ways to lie about it in an attempt to trick people.
  23. If you are getting impressions but not clicks it is not an SEO problem, it is a product problem. This means that people are seeing your gig, but what they see is not compelling them to click. Work on your description, thumbnails and pricing.
  24. What do you suppose we think of you claiming to be a digital marketing expert, yet you have been here for 6 months without a sale? In addition to the exaggerations of your skills such as " I know how to grow an online business", there is also a glaring error on your gig. Other than that, great gig.
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