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Everything posted by newsmike

  1. Seems the topic has derailed on a minute point. Let me reframe as follows: No longer about Fiverr, this thread is now about London restaurants, and a ton of owners who routinely post that they can't sell enough. I would suspect it might make sense to suggest that one might start by tasting the soup, checking if the shrimp if frozen, and tasting everything? Look at how attractive or disgusting the plating is. Take a look at your surly mother in law who runs the register and never smiles or greets customers. How clean is the property, what shape is the waitstaff in? Check all this against your competitors. All the product/quality issues. Imagine instead that the main advice given was, "Check your SEO words, be patient, share on social media, and stay open 24/7." Maybe this illustrates how farcical it is to address the side issues while ignoring the main facets of success. That was my point. How product quality is never part of the solution here.
  2. All orders received by midnight will be autographed.
  3. Seems we are in the weeds here. I believe there were much larger points in my post. But I do believe that when Support says gig ranking, they mean something entirely different than the people who post because they are not permanently on page 1, which is what my post was about.
  4. That would mean that they are not dynamic, that there is an ordered list of gigs, ranked by some metric, yet the display changes every time you hit refresh, destroying any ability to state that they are ranked on anything.
  5. You think there is a static rank?
  6. Even though the concept of "gig rank" has been debunked here ad nauseum, "How to rank gig?" continues to be the most asked question. For the purpose of this post, I'll skip addressing the silliness of every single Fiverr seller feeling simultaneously entitled to be top left tile in their vertical on a permanent basis, and focus more on the voluminous pile of truly crummy answers that get posted here in response. Yes Parrots, I'm looking right at you.... Usually after someone who has been on Fiverr for a good 6 minutes posts that they cannot rank their gig, the crap answers start pouring in. And the sad part is that the answers almost always center around either myths or sloppy "low hanging fruit" efforts. Such as: Myths: Stay online always, 24/7, or more if you can. Be patient, wait for success. Offer unlimited revisions. Post your gig to social media. Or my favorite, pray for success. Lazy, Low hanging fruit solutions: Change SEO keywords: Chances are that you stole your keywords from a TRS seller in the first place, so unless you are totally off target, this is a silly fix usually offered by someone with SEO in their profile name. If you are a writer with "coffee" as a keyword, then you deserve failure, but if you sell coffee and that is a keyword you use, then maybe your coffee just sucks. Yes we are going to start zeroing in on the fact that product quality is never part of the solutions offered. Why would you look at the product itself, when it is so much easier to shuffle deck chairs on the Titanic? After all, it is a known fact that every single one of Fiverr's 300 million photoshop editors is the Van Gogh of background removal and 100% equal in talent and abilities. Sell at the lowest price: Back in the 1870's it made sense to sell at $5 on Fiverr when the algorithm was not as finely tuned to matching buyer and seller at the highest price point. This was a way to get some traction and hopefully score a sale or two. Now the algorithm abhors cheap sellers, seeing the act of providing visibility to a $5 gig as a wasted opportunity when they could just as easily present a $20 gig, and you know...make more money. I'm not saying that you should be the most expensive if you are not selling regularly, but price yourself at a point where you will earn a decent wage for providing your service. Nothing says "no skills, low quality" like selling at $5 in 2023. And don't even get me started on the fact that you will attract $5 buyers, who will no doubt make you want to self immolate. Offer unlimited revisions: This seems to go along with the "satisfaction guaranteed" claim that retailers often make. Wal Mart would rather place the extra can of green beans you bought back on the shelf and refund your money if it gets you out of the store quietly and quickly. Why argue? The employees are already on the clock, and they get the $1.29 from someone else. No harm. You however are selling your time, and creative talents. While you must be open to legitimate revisions where you did not follow direction, or made a mistake, all other such requests should be opportunities to sell more services. This is helped by having a FAQ clearly outlining that all revisions requested for directorial or editorial purposes will be billed at normal rates. Funny thing is that the $5 buyer will DEMAND you rewrite the Bible 10 times for free, while the $800 buyer will ASK, "How much for this revision?" In case you missed it, avoid $5 buyers at all costs. I can't remember which circle of hell Dante placed them in, but it was in there somewhere. Offering unlimited revisions literally means that I can keep you working for the rest of your life for just $5, which I'm sure some sadist has done just for fun. So.. The point of all this? If you are not getting the sales you think your deserve, start by verifying that your product and the sales pitch (your gig) is actually as good as you think. There is still a belief that all it takes to be successful is showing up, copying others, then the money floods in. This misses the point that while you may be skilled at copying the SEO words, description and gig images of others, that may be the extent of your talents. If you are unhappy with your "rank" and the level of sales, forget the easy fixes. Start with the concept that there are people who are truly and exceptionally talented, already selling the exact service you want to offer. If you can honestly answer that you are every bit as good as them, then price yourself alongside them and customers will flood you with orders. If success does not come, then that is the customer telling you that your quality is not on par with the others. Listen to them, they know, and speak volumes in their willingness or refusal to order from you. The algorithm is giving you exactly as much success as you deserve, nothing more, nothing less. Learn your craft, get to a level where you can challenge that best seller in your vertical. Then success will come. Don't waste time shuffling SEO keywords. And finally, to the Parrots: The first thing you should offer as advice is "quality of product", yet this is almost never discussed. Forget the "tips and tricks" to rank gig. No one tricks success... success hates when people try. You help no one when you suggest myths and misinformation as the alternative to product quality. Hard work and true talent will always defeat patience or even worse, shuffling stolen SEO keywords. Final ironic reflection: This terrible, ineffective advice is generally given by a "seller" who is equally unsuccessful as the person asking, but who is engaging in yet another myth that offering useless information on the forum, often without even reading or comprehending the thread, somehow... Let's all say it together... "Ranks Gig."
  7. This is only a "problem" if your product and/or service is lousy. Again, looking at product quality is where I'd start.
  8. Odd that you mention nothing about improving the actual quality of the offering. Just shuffling SEO words is useless if the product is not competitive amongst higher quality sellers.
  9. It is that time of year when I remind you the 2 most important things you can do right now are: 1. Bump your rates to pace with global inflation. Even though it will be a little less than 2022, the 5% global average is still shrinking your buying power, so you must increase earnings by 5% just to tread water: Recommended minimum 5% bump immediately. Source euromonitor.com 2. Take a hard look at your gigs. Rewrite the descriptions for freshening. Make sure your best samples from 2022 are in your gallery, and improve any areas of service that you can. Maybe you can deliver in 2 days instead of 3? Bottom line, sellers are still flooding the site, make sure you don't let your offerings look stale. I still maintain that the algorithm likes freshening of gigs. Happy and prosperous 2023 to everyone.
  10. Here's a tip. Read and learn how Fiverr works. Don't expect others to spoon feed you.
  11. Do your research, learn your craft, read how Fiverr works. Your question is kind of like opening a hardware store and hanging a big sign in the window that says, "How do I sell hardware?"
  12. Be better than the 3000,000 other people in your vertical at creation, delivery and marketing your services. You know, hard work. No magic bullet.
  13. Not sure I follow. Are you saying that anthrax, the 3rd Reich and the Edsel will help you?
  14. Wow, that's like Nietzsche playing chess with death in an Ingmar Bergman flick, while Jordan B Peterson and Kafka play "Volare" on the theremin with backing vocals from the Ghost of Christmas yet to come, Klaus Nomi and Fellini's mistress.
  15. It can be tricky. Sometimes if you say a word enough, it stops sounding like a word all together. "Success already knows how to rank gig." Congos.
  16. I thought the same thing...
  17. I'll have a YT link in a few minutes
  18. If only that could be applied to governments as well. BTW Eoin, nice to see you.
  19. This is fraud as it is manipulating your metrics.
  20. Unfortunately, you are not going to have a meaningful discussion about God in this forum. Just too tempting a topic to not attract trolls aplenty. This forum is reserved for inane comments mostly at a 3rd grade level.
  21. There's a huge difference between a legitimate audition, pre arranged with an agency, and an anonymous person promising to give you the 500 word job if they like the first 100 words. Most likely the entire job is the 100 words, and you will work for free when they steal the demo and ghost you. Here's my quick reply for all such requests: Thanks for contacting me. I would be happy to work with you, however, because of the volume of work we do, we unfortunately aren't able to provide custom samples. You should easily find the delivery style you prefer by checking the samples on my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/NewsMikeVO Or my Fiverr portfolio: https://www.fiverr.com/users/newsmike/portfolio Thanks, Mike
  22. This is the entire thread, really. Why do you deserve business? If you are that special in your offering, then they will beat your door down. If they don't, then the reality is that others are better at providing the service and better at marketing it. Your move. End of story.
  23. Not when I was 3 days in. Back then it was "Hey sailor, want a date?" One has to spend the time and fight the fight to be better than the people already earning at the top. Just showing up gets you nothing.
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