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Everything posted by melanielm

  1. Do people really look at this information when the buyer contacts them for the first time? I suppose you can notice it in passing since it is displayed with their username, but their country of origin never really registers in my mind.
  2. When I'm done on Fiverr, I start working on all my other projects.
  3. I've been listening to a lot of medievalesque hurdy-gurdy music lately. I have very eclectic tastes as anyone in my house or at a stoplight next to my car can tell you. My most frequent genres are probably classic and prog rock, symphonic metal, and 80s-90s alternative because it gives me a great sense of nostalgia for my youth.
  4. Way back in high school (1990), I dyed half my naturally red hair purple and dipped the bottom 2-3 inches in black. I'm old and boring now, but sometimes dream of purple hair once more.
  5. I'd hire a LARPing chairman. That takes some serious organizational skills. Perhaps not a vampire sex group LARPer though! Yikes. My oddest request was to hand deliver printed articles direct to someone's office... halfway across the country. I thought they were kidding at first, but no. They expected me to buy a plane ticket with my Fiverr earnings. One of the oddest things I've actually gotten paid for was pre-Fiverr (maybe 15 years ago). Someone hired me to come up with 100 different ways to say "Great!" in ten words or fewer. I'm glad I'm at a point in my career where I can be a bit more discerning with the jobs I take on.
  6. This is perhaps a ridiculous request and I feel a bit silly asking, but is there anyone I can talk to who can explain to me what a Seller Manager is supposed to do? I just cancelled my Seller Plus subscription for the second time because I simply wasn't getting any advice or specific answers to my questions. Whenever I asked her a question, she responded with a request for a screenshot or specific details that didn't pertain to the question at hand. I never received actionable advice or suggestions. Also, she told me I should still contact customer support for issues with buyers. Other people/posts on the forum seem to indicate that their Seller Managers helped them with these things. Did I use it wrong? Was I expecting too much? What types of things was I actually supposed to ask? I DO have a limitation as I cannot do phone/video calls, so everything was handled over email.
  7. On the gig order page, click on the Resolution Center on the right-hand side. There is a place to request more time for the delivery or a cancellation of your order. What you do is up to you. You can select that you cannot complete the order because the buyer did not send requirements.
  8. Per the Fiverr Help pages, these are the approved portfolio sites you can use here: Approved URLs ammyy.com blogspot.com flickr.com mixcloud.com reverbnation.com soundcloud.com spotify.com teamviewer.com tumblr.com vimeo.com wetransfer.com wikipedia.org youtube.com https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360011421218-Gig-policies
  9. I'm so jealous... so very jealous. One day! (Maybe if I post more inane comments like this. Ha.)
  10. I'd suggest NOT contacting customer support. I'd suggest reading and understanding the TOS fully first. You should be able to figure out what you did wrong. Only after you do that, and if you 100% believe you did not violate any tiny TOS rule, then you contact CS.
  11. This is necessary. There's a big problem with the budget setting for briefs for people like me who have a huge range of prices. I'll happily write a sentence of two for $10, but it costs a heck of a lot more than that to get a full ebook. There's no way to attract a range of briefs. I suppose the idea is to only focus on high-paying jobs if I want to remove the chance of getting super low bids on bigger projects. Separate brief settings for different gigs might work, but that's beyond the bounds of this system, I think.
  12. I agree, Donnovan. I'm turning mine off, too. Since the first one, I received two more. One for something I don't do and one with a ridiculously low budget.
  13. A sparkly gem in the pile of Fiverr forum rubble. My favorites are 7, 13, 24, 35, 36, 50. I have to pay attention to more of them.
  14. I got one today, and thankfully the person gave a lot of details. There does need to be an option to contact them instead of creating a custom offer directly. I did suggest they contact me if they had additional info or questions.
  15. Where is an appropriate spot on the forum (or elsewhere?) to ask questions about Sellers Plus? I'm a member, but getting very confusing messages from someone I'm not even sure is my Seller Plus Manager or not.
  16. It takes 14 days for pending money to clear and be available for withdrawal.
  17. All my 'art' is in fiction writing, so I cannot share it here. I just wanted to say that I very much enjoyed seeing all of these amazing pieces.
  18. I'll add my name to this petition! The ability to order 10 (or 10,000) articles with the same delivery time as one is a real problem.
  19. If you sell marketing services, you should know how to market yourself, don't you think? Your gig graphics aren't very eye-catching. Also, 'without any hassle' doesn't sound very intriguing or professional.
  20. I don't. I always wonder when this topic comes up, "Why?" You get no benefit from keeping your money in Fiverr. There's no interest paid. I don't know how banking works in other parts of the world, but obviously everyone has some kind of account to withdraw money to. It should be easy enough to use your money from there.
  21. Did you have multiple accounts? If so, I'm not sure why you would have expected a warning. It's clearly stated in the TOS that multiple accounts are forbidden. Hopefully they get back to you within the 90 days.
  22. I'm guessing that you mean 'how can I spend my time on Fiverr?' I would suggest spending more time OFF Fiverr taking online classes, reading information, and otherwise improving your English, business, marketing, and service skills. Hanging around on Fiverr won't improve anything.
  23. I vote for a tiny skull and crossbones to show dangerous information (like staying awake 24 hours or TOS-breaking recommendations)
  24. It's still money you didn't expect to get when you started the order. Be happy.
  25. I never understood why someone would want a language they can't read tattooed on their body. At least do tons of research first. Very good idea to ask a translator! When something will be with you for life, you'd think people would take special care.
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