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Why did you choose to start Freelancing?


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Hey Sellers!

Freelancing is a highly rewarding career path with numerous perks! I'm curious, when did you make the decision to become a freelancer, and what inspired that choice?

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Thanks for the great topic idea Kesha.

In my case, I started freelancing on Fiverr 10 years ago. The company I was working at that time was preparing to shut down, and I didn't want to go for another corporate job. Instead, I wanted to use my creativity and also be my own boss. Which I will say, Fiverr helped with quite a bit. And since then, I never stopped. It did get a bit harder due to AI damaging the freelancing market quite a bit, but as always, we need to adapt. I am sure there will be crazier stories than mine.. but for me.. I found Fiverr at the perfect time and I already decided at that point to give freelancing a shot, instead of just hunting for yet another job.

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Here comes my story.

I am from Belgium and I worked for 33 years in the same company. That was a company from Belgium. We were designing and building machines. I was working as an ECAD designer in the Engineering department. 

In 2008, I was asked to give support to our Engineering and manufacturing department in China. I traveled every month to China. I stayed there for 1 month and then I returned to Belgium. After staying 1 month in Belgium, I went back to China and stayed there again for 1 month. This schedule went on for 2 years. In 2010 I was asked to stay for 2 years in China. So the traveling stopped. My contract was renewed again and again, but in 2020, my company wanted me back in Belgium. Unfortunately, what was offered to me as a new job, in combination with a new boss (one that nobody liked) was something that I did not want. 

I calculated if I could survive with my savings in China from 2020 until I retire. It was possible and I decided to quit my job and I stayed in China. 
There is not much to do here where I live now, and nobody speaks English. So I tried to find something to keep me busy. That is how I discovered freelance work. I started to study the different freelancer platforms. Fiverr looked like the best one. I made an account in September 2020, and I studied Fiverr in depth. I made my first gig at the end of November and received my first order on December 9. 

I was prepared, not like most new sellers now on Fiverr. 

I am mainly designing user manuals in Dutch and/or English on Fiverr. Apparently I'm pretty good at it because Fiverr discovered my skills and asked me to join Fiverr Pro in February 2022. One year later I received the Top Rated Seller badge.

I started with Fiverr to keep me busy. And after less than 1 year it became a full-time job. 

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I began freelancing more than 20 years ago due to personal family challenges that made getting a "real job" extremely challenging. 

I had a marketable skill, enjoyed learning, and dove in. At that time, it was relatively easy to make quick money writing almost anything online. This was pre-Panda (Google algorithm update). After that, I pivoted to more specific and lucrative freelancing opportunities and other income sources. The rest is history. Fiverr remains an appreciated but small part of my overall online efforts.

Like Donnovan said, AI is forcing another period of adaptation. Freelancing full-time is certainly interesting.

Edited by melanielm
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Well, I have been doing freelancing since 2010 but on other platform along with my M.S. Degree. After 3 years, that platform had no more jobs related to my services so I quit that platform and tried other freelancing platforms but unfortunately they were not good enough for me. So I did some research on Fiverr in 2014 and created an account in the month of August 2014. Created gigs and got an order within 2 weeks. Since then, I decided to try my luck on Fiverr only.

I wanted to be an independent lady and also wanted to help my family financially (even though I was not bound to but still) so thought of doing freelancing even I have done different office jobs too i.e. Back Office Manager, Graphic Designer and Campus Manager (2015 - 2020) along with freelancing on Fiverr but had to quit all those office jobs because they were not paying me enough according to workload. But now, Fiverr has become one of the best source of income for me as it helps me in covering all of my expenses and other things. I am still getting loads of job offers via my social circle due to my graphic designing skills but accepted only one local job (work from home). I will still prefer freelancing over office jobs no matter what!

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In late 2019, right before the onset of Covid, I was the CEO of a sizable company in Thailand with 95 employees. My business partner, who owned 90% of the company's shares, was Chinese. He was abducted in Yunnan, China, and I received a ransom demand amounting to millions of dollars. In response, I used all the available money, including the salaries of the 95 employees, to save his life - a decision I still question today. If confronted with a similar situation now, I might not have chosen to save him.

Following the rescue, my Chinese partner did not reimburse me, plunging me into bankruptcy and deep depression. As an expatriate in another country navigating through the Covid-19 pandemic with everything not moving, the future seemed grim. I was financially strapped and even contemplated selling my organs, but thankfully, it wasn't feasible in Thailand. During these trying times, a friend took me in and provided shelter.

Out of desperation, I decided to try out Fiverr. Thankfully, after the Covid crisis, my circumstances improved. The people in my professional network remembered me, and my experiment with Fiverr proved successful when I rose to a Level Two seller status.

2 years in, I recognized the potential income that the platform could provide, even though it didn't offer as much stability as I would have preferred.

2024, I am planning to be a full time digital nomad.

Looking back, I started as a seller without much confidence. But now, I've reached a point where I feel comfortable standing my ground during disagreements with clients, as long as I know I'm in the right.

Edited by strategist_ceo
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Very nice topic!
Well, I don't know the exact moment, because I developed this idea over the years.
When I was a teenager I discovered Photoshop and I started learning it through tutorials then I made graphics for forums such as labels and skins (before the advent of social networks, forums were a big thing).
During this initial formation, I realized that being a graphic designer was a possible path and I followed it by attending the artistic lyceum and later the Academy of Fine Art where I got a bachelor's degree in Graphic Design with a thesis on Web Design.
I always believed in the potential of the internet so during the academy period I also worked on some web design projects found around the web and I started earning some money, but most importantly I was gaining experience (for instance, the power of saying "no" to some client's offers).
During that period I was part of a startup that I opened with other people, but it didn't go well, I also delayed the completion of my studies and I decided to exit the startup.
After graduating I focused all my efforts on remote freelancing.
Now I joined Fiverr and I hope to add a new stream of income to make bigger things.

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So, I'm into my 14 year of website design.  But I only joined the Fiverr platform in 2017.  I have always been a techy geek, but I thought at the time 'why not give it a go'?

In the early years, I kind of meandered along on Fiverr as I was a senior manager in Education and Retail which at the time paid far more money. 

Then Covid came along............ 

I didn't realise at the time how being in the right place with the right skills would kick start my career.  While I was home based with work, and let's be honest, working a fraction of the hours I should have been, I started completing orders on Fiverr for people all over the world who needed to get their businesses online. 

2020 and 2021 were crazy, and I earned more money in these two years than my full time job.  So, in April 2022 when I became a top rated seller on Fiverr I decided to give up the security of a full time job to become a full time freelancer. This scared the hell out of me, but it was also sooo exciting.   At the time this was a really big decision for me, as I had a wife, a mortgage and 2 young daughters.  But I thought, if I don't do it now, then I never will.  

To date I have built over 900 websites.  (Around 500 on Fiver alone) and I have never looked back. 

Freelancing as taught me that you can be your own boss, and you can be successful, you just need to take a leap of faith and believe in yourself.   I also get to spend waaaaay more time with my family, which is really important to me.  And believe it or not.  I am NOT online / active 24/7!!!!!! I work an 9 hour day, and get to put my girls to bed each night, and switch off until the morning. 

Plus I get to sit in my pyjamas all day 😀

You get out what you put in on this platform.  Anyone that tells you it's easy is lying, anyone that thinks they can make it by blagging their way through it is deluded. It's all about hard work and reaping the rewards when you become successful. .  

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I looked at the local market, and all the options I had before me, and online work was the obvious choice, providing the best risk/return. This was around 10 years ago now. The start was slow, but then things kept picking up pace.

Edited by visualstudios
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I needed to earn money for myself and I have some services I render willing to be served, everything left was a buyer to buy my imagination, idea, innovation for their project and here seems my best choice. I love it!

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I started freelancing three years ago and I'm doing quite well nowadays. Though Fiverr doesn't add more than 10-15 percent of my earnings but it still is one of the important platforms where I freelance. Coming from one of the most conservative societies, it wasn't easy for me to find a job that would match my skills and passion specifically when there's no major industry and the tiniest job market is occupied by male population, I decided, after being advised by a former friend, to try my luck in freelancing and it paid off. Due to the difference in currency rates and my full-time dedication, I earned at least 5-6 times higher than what I could've earned on a full-time, normal, job. 

Moreover, though, I yet to climb the ladder of success up, I am becoming a source of motivation for the younger lot in our locality. 

I have decided to write a book on my saga a few years later when I complete at least 10 years of freelancing about how it helped a young woman become successful and independent and what opportunities are there for women! 


My second plan is that when I get a steady, stable income coming in my way on a permanent basis, at least 10 percent of my earnings will go towards female education here. 


For the reference, I'm from the same city where the Noble Laureate, Malala belonged. 


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Thanks all for giving us a glimpse into your journey to Fiverr. It's all so inspirational. We're honored that you chose to share your talents on our platform and regardless of the route you took to get here, we are happy you found your way to us!

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Many thanks for the great topic Kesha.

From my side, I worked in a photography studio as a assistant photographer and a photo editor in my rural areas in 2012 to 2014. I worked two years overthere. Then I moved in Dhaka city for a corporate job. I have changed 2 companies within 1 year and 7 months. Then I parmanent as a senior photo editor in another corporate job.
Then I got permanently hired as senior photo editor in another corporate company. I work here for 8 years and 2 months. I quit my job in September 2023.
Joined Fiverr as a freelancer in 2017 while working here. In the beginning I contacted a friend. He has been a Fiverr seller for a long time. At that time I could finish the work I got from Fiverr even after the job. Because I got a lot of support from my friends.

When I was in the office I used to explain everything to them. They are working as a team for me. Since I am not alone I have a team working, so I did not quit my job. And on the other hand, another big reason is my family. Entire family and my education depended on my earning. I could not leave the job at that time thinking about the family situation. Another reason is photo editing. I love photo editing. I love to do any kind of photo editing. I need to know more about the photo editing I do and become a much better photo editor. Finally I was able to do it. That's why I thought I needed a little more time. But I always wanted to be the boss.
Now I feel like I should have quit at least 2 years ago. Then I could spend my full time freelancing and be my own boss before long.
Anyway, I'm finally my own boss and trying to build my career on Fiverr.
I wish you all blessings!

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If one counts door-to-door choir fundraisers as freelancing, then I started when I was still in high school! (The why: My choir group had the chance to go to Japan, and I managed to raise the $400 I needed to cover myself, but not enough kids in the class did, so the trip never happened.) If that doesn't count, then... roughly 2011, sort of. I took small artwork commissions for what was essentially an in-game currency. (The why: I didn't know any better.)

If that also doesn't count, then I leaned about Fiverr in... 2018-ish. Didn't join until September 2019, after I'd moved to a new area and gotten an on-call job. The why: Turns out that the job had low demand, and thus low work-hours. Fiverr seemed to be a nice hobby-like supplement. 

I'll admit I still see freelancing as a side-gig (heh, pun) since I have a day-job (more consistent than the on-call one), so it's not my primary focus, but I've enjoyed most of the jobs I've done. 

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On 1/17/2024 at 10:44 PM, imagination7413 said:

admit I still see freelancing as a side-gig (heh, pun) since I have a day-job (more consistent than the on-call one), so it's not my primary focus, but I've enjoyed most of the jobs I've done.

I believe you (generally western buddies) earn more on a regular job than in freelancing, correct? 

However, freelancing for us, on this side of the shores, is something fancy and luxurious due to the difference in currency rates and cheaper living expenses. 

For the record, someone who earns $200-$400 a month is considered to be a middle-classy, now imagine a freelancer on these online platforms earns around $1000-$5000....... Isn't it a luxury and a blessing? 

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2 hours ago, rabihumakhan said:

I believe you (generally western buddies) earn more on a regular job than in freelancing, correct? 

However, freelancing for us, on this side of the shores, is something fancy and luxurious due to the difference in currency rates and cheaper living expenses. 

For the record, someone who earns $200-$400 a month is considered to be a middle-classy, now imagine a freelancer on these online platforms earns around $1000-$5000....... Isn't it a luxury and a blessing? 

What an incredible perspective on how Fiverr is making a positive impact for freelancers from different parts of the world. Thanks for sharing!

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8 hours ago, Kesha said:

What an incredible perspective on how Fiverr is making a positive impact for freelancers from different parts of the world. Thanks for sharing!


A lot of Pakistani freelancers have jumped to upper and upper middle classes from lower and lower middle classes due to Fiverr and other online freelancing platforms. 

It all comes down to hardworking, the urge to learn and adapt, and right strategy and you'll change your life for the good through freelancing. 

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On 1/19/2024 at 1:10 PM, rabihumakhan said:

I believe you (generally western buddies) earn more on a regular job than in freelancing, correct?

I talked about it a bit here, if you're interested.



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Very Interesting topic. 

I'm a freelancer from Bangladesh. I was a job holders in marketing sector for 7 years. 

I was unable to spend enough time with my family during my job time bound. So I am searching to start a opportunity of home job.

Then I started part-time freelancing in Fiverr on 2021 as a Social Media Marketing Expert. I was getting good response from buyer and I resigned from Job in 2022. Then I started freelancing as full-time. 

Actually I started Freelancing career for time freedom.

 Now I'm very happy with my family. 

🙂Happy Freelancing🙂

Edited by shuvo_va
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