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About shafkat_ppc

  • Birthday 04/18/1995


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  1. Thanks a lot for your valuable advice.
  2. I am having very low impression last couple of weeks in all of my gigs. My most of the order right now from my previous clients. As my impresssion is so low that's why I am not getting enough order. I dont know why this happening. I have no bad review or unsatisfied clients. Should I take the promote options? as my gig price is not high enough I am fearing this promote option will cost me a lot. What I should I do now. Need your valuable advice.
  3. wait or you can contact customer support
  4. Promoted Gig Increase the gig visibility. It never guarantees sales.
  5. just try editing with better description, pricing, image, video, title. Hope it will help you.
  6. Watching My mother Happy 🥰
  7. I dont think so It is out of TOS Try to upload in the pdf section
  8. Apply your unique idea for marketing within the fiverr allowed rules. Try to provide unique services.
  9. Deliver the work with images or screenshots. It will appear there like this.
  10. Showcase your skills. This will attract clients
  11. You can create 4 gig as a new seller. It is better edit the gig rather than delete. If it is not performing well than you can create a new one.
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