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Summer Holidays


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Do you take time off from freelancing to go on a vacation of any kind during Summer? If so, where do you plan to go this year?

My Answer: I don't normally take more than a day or two off at a time. I will sometimes take a day trip to the nearest Big City, but that's usually it for me. As I am a local elected member of our local municipal government, I have been to two different 4-day and 5-day out-of-town seminars this year. I have a week-long one scheduled in September. I was also away for a week in April housesitting/dog sitting for a friend. I also have two out-of-town meetings I attend each month as part of my local government commitment so, really, no need for a vacation for me...lol

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I'm going in just two days to Italy for a week or so! I decided to take it off properly since the last week of June was slow anyway, I will just come back full power once I'm back. I'm also doing some smaller trips (just came back from a friend's wedding but I do tend to work (somewhat) during those. Generally, I take 6-8 weeks off a year, some I sort of work through, others I don't at all (like Christmas or if I'm abroad and actually touring the place and not at conferences / etc.) It works OK for me so far but I always try to be flexible in case something comes up. 


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8 hours ago, looseink said:

Do you take time off from freelancing to go on a vacation of any kind during Summer? If so, where do you plan to go this year?

My Answer: I don't normally take more than a day or two off at a time. I will sometimes take a day trip to the nearest Big City, but that's usually it for me. As I am a local elected member of our local municipal government, I have been to two different 4-day and 5-day out-of-town seminars this year. I have a week-long one scheduled in September. I was also away for a week in April housesitting/dog sitting for a friend. I also have two out-of-town meetings I attend each month as part of my local government commitment so, really, no need for a vacation for me...lol

Unfortunately, this year I cannot take leaves from freelancing because of my mother's surgery (left fractured arm). I cannot leave her alone and go on a vacation (northern areas) as she would need me and my support. She cannot travel and go to hilly areas as bumpy roads or rocks will hurt her arm. So no vacation this year 😢

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My last vacation (had my laptop with me and did two or three smaller gigs, though) was a few days of London in 2019, right before COVID blew up. I was glad I could fly back unhindered and didn't have to stay in some hotel for 14 days of quarantine out of the blue.

This year, I need to move to a smaller place, so, apart from the usual work, my summer vacation will consist of selling stuff (eBay and its customers can be a piece of work...), and possibly renovating an apartment, should I get one. It's fine, though, I don't really need a vacation, especially when I think of the many people who got it far worse than "needing" a vacation.

If I could, I might want to go to Iceland this summer, new heatwave with up to 40 C expected... 😅

Edited by miiila
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I haven't been on an actual vacation in decades. My family tries to discover some interesting local spots to explore when it's not too hot, though. We all hate the heat! 

This year, we're moving, so I will undoubtedly have to take time off for that.

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I'm allowing myself to take more holidays, but I haven't made any solid plans for this year. There will likely be a couple of hiking trips in Switzerland and Germany during August and September. A beach holiday is also nice sometimes, but I find there's nothing like a few days hiking to get back to oneself and recharge. 

Edited by leannelrivers
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On 7/7/2023 at 5:51 PM, melanielm said:

I haven't been on an actual vacation in decades. My family tries to discover some interesting local spots to explore when it's not too hot, though. We all hate the heat! 

This is kinda relatable, haha. We usually prefer to explore local spots or another city nearby, all that matters in the end is being with our loved ones and spending time with them. Sometimes, I wish I could go to a silent place by the seaside, the light rays of the morning sun on my face and some good food and drinks. Sounds heavenly, no?

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