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  1. Hey, good day You can find several other threads related to this issue, just in simple words I can suggest you below tips: - Fiverr will never msg you in inbox, they can email you or give you notification (They don't have any account). - No link is allowed in Fiverr, except Zoom meeting and some others which are used for transferring the project or even sometimes we get online project (Make sure you don't click on any suspicious link). - After receiving msg from client, check joining date, mostly scammers are using very new accounts as they are getting blocked after each attempt. - Check reviews, almost no scammer will have review. Thank you and all the best!
  2. Exactly! Look at the description, you feel like he is trying to fight you. 😐
  3. momaidi


    That's true We may never completely avoid it. However, having a clear policy for cancellations would be more helpful. For example, there should be a dedicated team to review the delivery and the source file sent. Decisions should not be made solely based on the text provided by the buyer during cancellation.
  4. @rtsagor Could you please refrain from apologizing to every single person? I'm still waiting for feedback from the members here, and the thread has shifted to being somewhat humorous.
  5. momaidi


    Hello Everyone, Recently, I am hearing news from around, some sellers are struggling with order cancellation after delivery, you won't believe customer service rarely check the asked product with the delivered file. I saw in the response of my friend who had this issue, they wrote him that buyer clearly mentioned that the delivery doesn't meet their expectation (Only conversation text was checked!). It is a very simple way as a buyer to get work done for free. As sellers what ways you recommend in such cases? I had same experience with a buyer, they ask for cancellation directly after they get the file, and everyone knows Fiverr is mostly valuing buyers than sellers, there is one thing which support team will do for you is, don't worry it won't affect your rating (It isn't we want, what about the time we spent and the resources). Will be happy to have your feedback.
  6. momaidi

    Unwanted order

    Dear all, I'm in trouble with my repeated client if anyone provide me a good suggestion My repeated client asked me for translation of a file having 46 pages, my price was high and at the end, we agreed on very less amount (I just told him that I will ignore all formatting), we agreed, and he accepted my custom offer. After he placed the order, he told me I need this in two languages which is impossible to be covered with the amount he placed me order, now I have lost my way, he is my repeated client, I asked him to revise the offer, but he is ignoring me, he is just saying deliver me quality work else we will stop working with you. Is CS team the only way here to cancel the order (I know even with CS order cancellation; my account will be affected) I need a suggestion please.
  7. Yes, paused Gigs are also counting in the number of Gigs you have. You can delete that and then you will be able to publish new Gig.
  8. Hey, It doesn't mean that reaching level 1 and using promotion of the gigs will make you the only choice for buyers 😄😉 You can see in community even TR sellers are struggling with getting orders, it's common that sometimes we should be patient to receive order, you are not the only level one seller in your category. Be patient, you will receive orders soon.
  9. You are in trouble here, you shouldn't have submitted personal information which is against TOS and your account may suspend permanently, I am in translation too and in first days of joining Fiverr, I was receiving 10+ messages from random people who were inviting me to email or telegram but I have never did it and it is clear that it's scam and that is why you are seeing them blocked in few minutes. About telegram messages, it's useless to post here, no one can help you.
  10. You have completed an order with a positive review 3 months ago and I believe you will receive more You just need to wait and be patient, you are providing SEO services while I am doing translation! The service you are providing is not limited to a country, everyone around the globe can do it if they have its full knowledge while I am providing translation service limited to 2 countries maybe and it is easy for me to get orders and find new clients compare to you. I see thousands of sellers in SEO, many sellers with thousands of projects so, it is common buyers won't risk in using new seller instead of expert in thousands of projects and here you just need to be unique and different than others in the same category. In short terms, I am having hundreds of sellers in contest, and you are having thousands so, there is a big difference, and you just need to focus on your goals and never quiet! Your time will come and make to use it in best possible way.
  11. This email made my day! It's not every day you make it to Level 2! It toke me 10 months to achieve this title and of course it isn't something easy to achieve, it needs efforts and sleepless nights to get each single order you get chance for, but honestly I am very happy today and I would like to share you a short story of mine that would give you all a hint to never quite and always handle challenges in best possible way. In the beginning of April, I had only 12 completed orders and I got many chances and received 40+ orders in 20 days only, it was like a dream, every day I was receiving 2 orders on average, I was delivering high quality translation service and suddenly a client left me 1.7-star review after completion the order. I totally lost my way, my success score dropped to 4, I was on low performance, and everything changed in a single day, I wasn't receiving orders like before and there was no new client as all gigs moved to last pages of the search, I never quitted and I was saying I can do it, I can sort it out. Few days ago, after 20+ days I received a message from a client and it was good, I managed everything and brought my Gigs back to the first page, I don't have orders like April today, but it is enough that my account is not down like before, I have hope and I have enthusiasm to move on. I managed to make my success score back to 7 and today I made it to Level 2. As a short text, I would say never quiet, I know new level system is not something we all wanted and specially success score is a headache for every seller, but we can make it, we just need to have quality deliveries and never say "I can't".
  12. You can check out the forums, there are several discussions made already about using VPN But as a short answer I would say, it isn't allowed and it leads to account suspension.
  13. Hey, Good day, as per my experience it is taking time to see changes in success score, but it is worth mentioning that public rating isn't the only factor in defining your success score, I believe private feedback which isn't visible to us (sellers) is the most important factor. But it is taking time, your general, success score won't change every day, it probably takes more than a week to take effect.
  14. Thank you! I would like to have some real experience of those who already joined seller plus, I have read some articles about it but need some advice from seller plus members.
  15. Definitely Yes! Never lose hope, it will take some time, but it isn't something impossible, wait and be patient, few quality deliveries will make difference.
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