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How can I imporve my gig?


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4 hours ago, shahalom_sheikh said:

Today I have faced a problem, This problem was when I create a new gig. Fiverr do not allow me to create new gig. Any expert member, please share your opinion.


Please read this article: https://www.fiverr.com/levels

Hope you'll get your answer!

P.S. You have no level badge so you are allowed to create 7 gigs only!

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On 12/4/2022 at 2:05 PM, shahalom_sheikh said:

Please check my fiverr profile and share your tips.

Hi @shahalom_sheikh

I checked out your Fiverr profile and here are the tips I feel will help you the most:

From @jonbaas (write your gig to your buyer's pain points...don't just list what you can do):


Here's another one that gets you thinking about your buyer:


Utilize all the features that Fiverr has to offer:


These are my best tips for those who want to know how to survive on Fiverr's platform:


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51 minutes ago, shahalom_sheikh said:

need proper information about Gig ranking and How can I get more order?

Do your research, learn your craft, read how Fiverr works. Your question is kind of like opening a hardware store and hanging a big sign in the window that says, "How do I sell hardware?"   

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