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Should Fiverr create “Newbie section?”

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I don't know if I'm speaking the mind of someone, but over the weekend as I was thinking about the stress NEWBIES go through before they are eventually hired. I was just thinking if it would be appropriate for @fiverr_admin to create a section for newbies so as to reduce the competition to a reasonable and bearable extent for them as it relates to getting orders.

The concept behind this is that, buyers can always go to the “section” and select newbie sellers.

I would be great if @fiverr_admin can look into this and create something around this.

I stand to be corrected. Kindly correct me if I'm wrong.

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8 hours ago, adetunjiademola said:

I believe this, of looked unto would help lots of newbies that are almost given up due to “No Order”

Newbies do not need free handouts to become successful. They need the ambition to be better than their competitors, and the determination to take their own actions -- based upon their business goals -- to build their own success. Successful sellers want from nothing to success because of their ambition and determination. New sellers have the ability to do the same.

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If a NEWBIE section was created (for sellers to get their 1st order), I would avoid that section!!!

From a buyer's perspective, placing that first order with a new seller is VERY risky. I had good success with new sellers, placing over 40 orders with new sellers last month. Some were even first orders. However, yesterday I took a chance with being the first order for a new seller that I actually found through this forum. In our conversations it seemed like it was going to be another good experience. I thought I would be able to do at least 50 orders with him. However,  the seller was more concerned with getting his first order completed that he was unable to think of my needs as a buyer. He was pushy and overbearing. He didn't pay attention to the order requirements or the chats that were coming from me. The  delivery was too quick and was filled with errors. After I sent a revision request suggesting we talk through the delivery together, he panicked and flooded my inbox with his portfolio and other things that had nothing to do with my order. He tried to get me to choose one of his premade products even though I wasn't interested in them. I told him to calm down and just focus on delivering quality work. And if he made all the corrections we could try another order. But he was too eager to finish that order that he didn't hear what I was saying and kept sending me things that I did not want. He wasted my whole day and would not leave me alone. It was an extremely stressful experience for me. 


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11 hours ago, adetunjiademola said:

I was just thinking if it would be appropriate for @fiverr_admin to create a section for newbies so as to reduce the competition to a reasonable and bearable extent for them as it relates to getting orders.

If you search the gigs on the main site, you will see that there already is a section for new gigs.

As for reducing the competition to a reasonable and bearable extent, how is that supposed to happen with such a huge number of new sellers joining Fiverr each and every day?

11 hours ago, adetunjiademola said:

The concept behind this is that, buyers can always go to the “section” and select newbie sellers.

Well, there already is a section for new gigs, and some buyers do go to that section and choose new sellers.

11 hours ago, adetunjiademola said:

I was thinking about the stress NEWBIES go through before they are eventually hired.

You seem to think that once a new seller gets hired, they'll just keep getting orders. But that's not what necessarily happens. There are plenty of sellers who manage to get a few orders, and then orders stop. There are sellers who've been here for years, and their orders sometimes suddenly stop.

There's no guarantee that you will get orders on regular basis, whether you're a newbie or not.

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11 hours ago, adetunjiademola said:

lots of newbies that are almost given up due to “No Order”

I started as a newbie 10 years ago. We all were newbies at  one point.
There is a clear difference between a newbie who got orders eventually VS a newbie who never gets orders.
THERE IS A REASON why this happens.

I'd say 99.9% of the newbies who comes here and complain about not getting orders clearly are not ready to do business.
You go check their gigs and in most cases it is no surprise that they are not getting orders.
The first thing they need to understand that simply creating a gig is not enough. 

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12 hours ago, lloydsolutions said:

If you Switch to Buying and look under Categories and then Seller Details at the top of the page there is a category for New Sellers included with the other categories.

Though it includes New Sellers and the option is called "New Sellers" it's based on the level rather than how recently they joined. eg. when I go to the Logo Design subcategory and select "New Sellers" from "Seller Details" the first page includes a seller with >56,000 reviews who joined in April 2012 who is currently unleveled.

Maybe they could add a section for new sellers if it would help at all. But like has been said, they I think get some boost initially (or the new gigs might).

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There's actually a section for new sellers to get their first order.

It's called "buyer's request"

I love how fiverr adjust the level of competition in the buyer's request section depending on your seller level. For instance, new sellers may only be able to see on average 20 offers per day & with only a few competition; level 1 - up to 50; level 2 - at least 70per day. The volume of requests you get also depends on your gig category. 

I always advise new sellers especially to start with buyers request section. I got my first 3 orders as a newbie in the buyer's request section. 

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On 5/5/2022 at 4:24 AM, adetunjiademola said:

...over the weekend as I was thinking about the stress NEWBIES go through before they are eventually hired. I was just thinking if it would be appropriate for @fiverr_admin to create a section for newbies so as to reduce the competition to a reasonable and bearable extent for them as it relates to getting orders...

10 hours ago, adetunjiademola said:

About this... Kindly make a list of other stuffs they can do to boost their profile... I would love to learn

@adetunjiademola, I love your attitude. You are thinking of the problem (things that give you stress) AND possible solutions (create a section for newbies). You also are eager to learn ways to grow your business. It is this inquisitive, problem-solving attitude that can help you move forward. There is one other thing that I'd like to add to the mix:


What does that mean?

It means that, you as a seller, are the solution. If there's a problem, go ahead and suggest to Fiverr what they can do to improve their business, then focus on the things that YOU can actually do to solve the problem. Because it'll drive you crazy worrying about things that you can't control (such as Fiverr making the suggested changes). Not to mention the stress of thinking that you can't do anything to improve your situation or that you are dependent on the actions of someone else.

If your questions is, "How can I minimize the stress of not having an order?" or "Can you make a list of stuff that I can do to boost my profile?" then ask those questions to yourself, as if you were the solution (because you are)! Then work hard to find the answer to that question. Read everything you can on Fiverr. On the forum. Even this thread has a lot of good nuggets of wisdom from other members. Take action on the things you learn. Some things will work and some things won't. But taking action in itself is a huge stress reliever.

Another reason why you need to see yourself as the solution is because to your buyers, you ARE the solution. Even before you get your very first order, you will be seen as a Fiverr expert and you can't use the excuse of being a newbie seller. If you don't know the answer, let them know you need to research it and get back with them. Don't give them any reason NOT to do business with you. If you're not the solution, the buyers will find someone else who is.

As a buyer, I would never intentionally filter out a leveled seller so that I could work with a seller who has no rating. HOWEVER, if I submit a buyer's request, and newbie sellers (with no reviews) submits offers showing me how they are the solution to my problem, then I will seriously consider those offers. They took the time to thoughtfully consider my request and provided me with viable solutions. Those are the types of sellers I want to be working with.


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 5/6/2022 at 3:00 AM, stojkovic1997 said:

I can see this working only if the topics were made and managed by experienced sellers and not the no level sellers with bad grammar.

The experienced sellers have indeed offered thousands of pieces of advice, which has been largely ignored.  The "bad grammar, no level" sellers seem to only relate to each other as they look for "tricks, shortcuts and get rich answers", which are, of course of no use.  They show up thinking that the world is awaiting their arrival as the 90,532nd seller to remove backgrounds from photos for $5.  So when you arrive with no real skills, a language barrier, no interest in learning and a sense of entitlement, what could possibly go wrong?

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5 hours ago, adetunjiademola said:

Guess I’d need a guide to become successful here.

Hate to break it to you, but you have to get inspired and do it for yourself.  No one is going to guide you along, they are too busy competing with you for $$

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5 hours ago, adetunjiademola said:

Thank you @vickieitofor this excruciating explanation. Your response is well presented. I would love to learn more from you. Guess I’d need a guide to become successful here.

If my post was excruciating for you, I apologize. That wasn't the intent. I'm pretty new to the forum, so my response to your post was one of the first posts that I made on this forum. So it may have been a little harsh. I am still learning.

If you meant that it was excruciating for me to write ... well, thank you! I do take the time to go through all your comments in detail and try to think of things that I can write that might be of value to you and others on the forum. 

You are actually my senior here in terms of activity on the forum, so I've got a lot to learn from you as well. I've been snooping around the forum for the last week and a half, picking up a lot of useful tips and hopefully giving back as much as I'm getting.

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