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  1. don't leave try to contact fiverr team and they will help you
  2. How to understand fiverr clients their success based in your post?
  3. Don't need to be active 24/7 because of your human right? try to target your specific some country clients and try to active your targeted country clients time. But at least stay active on 16 hours minimum.
  4. Thank you so much for sharing this valiable information.
  5. No, Fiverr does not have a strict rule that only one gig will be ranked for new sellers at a time. However, the algorithm tends to favor new gigs for a short period to give them exposure. This initial boost is intended to help sellers gain traction. That said, it's essential to ensure each gig is well-optimized and targets a specific niche to maximize visibility.
  6. Be an active seller for at least 60 days. Complete at least 10 orders (all time) Earn $400 or more. Maintain a 4.7-star rating over 60 days. Deliver a 90% response rate score over 60 days. Score a 90% order completion rate over 60 day. for more information: https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/360010560118-Fiverr-s-new-level-system
  7. Ignore wisely and ignore them
  8. Try to be active on fiverr at least 18-20 hours and share your gig on your different different social media channel
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