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I'm a coach, which means my services are delivered during meetings, and if anything goes wrong with the meeting that derails the whole gig. I have two purchases that are "hung up" - one buyer canceled at the last minute, and the other had a forgivable mixup. Both now have an open gig on the books, neither has rescheduled despite several reminders. I'm not sure what's the best thing to do is at this point.

I've already fixed the source of the problem (I didn't have a cancellation policy in place when I sold these). I've already extended the delivery date to buy time. Given a choice I'd cancel the gig with the (cheap, new) client and persuade the (profitable, second order) client to use the meeting they paid for. But (given she hasn't been responding) this is not an outcome I have much control over. So my second choice is to just cancel and return her money -  it's a good fit, I really liked her, and the relationship is more valuable than my fee.

I'm still in the process of establishing a reputation for this service (I've had a total of 4 purchases including these two, and no reviews yet). I don't want to do anything that might harm my standing. 

Any advice?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Update: I did end up canceling. It seemed the lesser of two evils. I've ended up mostly switching my coaching business away from Fiverr. I haven't exactly given up, but while it's a good place to get started (creating offers on Fiverr was how I got most of my initial copywriting done), it's not really designed for coaching.

4 hours ago, alightholder said:

Update: I did end up canceling. It seemed the lesser of two evils. I've ended up mostly switching my coaching business away from Fiverr. I haven't exactly given up, but while it's a good place to get started (creating offers on Fiverr was how I got most of my initial copywriting done), it's not really designed for coaching.

Hi there.

I am not in the niche of coaching. Maybe those in the niche have a better advice. In my opinion, paid consultation is the best option for you. Unfortunately, not all sellers are eligible for it.

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