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Fiverr Suspends Business in Russia


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@gajuseidi I have not said a lot, nor have I been on Fiverr for a long time. As an intelligent thinking individual, I must warn you, you are treading a very thin sheet of ice. 

Sanctions are not an incorrect way to deal with a country that has earned them, like Russia in this case. Sanctions are simply a penalty for disobeying a law, or rule. The one who disobeyed in this case is Putin, and the country he controls, Russia.

However, what is happening with this, and other freelancer websites is a rather unprecedented situation. Historically speaking, Country wide sanctions were imposed by other Countries, physical entities, and corporations that have physical goods and services. The sanctions imposed are designed to economically cripple and diminish the one being punished for their choice to disobey.

The valid argument that is being made against Fiverr's choice to join in the punishment of Russia is that the majority of freelancers here do not currently contribute to the economy of Russia through their taxes. A valid counter point to that being, they take the money earned outside of the country to buy taxable goods, such as food, power, water, and internet access.

The money they earn as freelancers, vs the money they would make by contributing to their societal ecosystem comes from two different places. One comes from within the countries border, the other from outside of the border. Which gives the required justification to impose the sanction on the money from outside the border, as a Global Sanction.

By agreeing that the imposed punishment to the Russian people to restrict their sources of outside-the-country income is justified and the right thing to do, you are also agreeing that they should not be able to purchase food, water, power, and internet access, unless they earn the required money strictly within their societal ecosystem. 

The problem with that line of thinking, is that you are inadvertently agreeing that they do not have a right to basic human rights of global commerce within a world where the internet connects us on a level greater than any country or township can. 

What makes this unprecedented is the fact that the sanctions are not solely from physical goods and services, but Internet services too. What makes people uncomfortable with that, is as a community on the internet, we are more than just our country of origin, or ethnicity. We are individuals who have come together over similar thoughts, feelings, and ideals. And to take that from people is to reduce them back down from the status as equals on the internet to "Russians" or "Ukrainians" or any other title that you see fit. 

Is anyone here arguing that Russia is doing the right thing by invading Ukraine? No, no one here is taking that position. In fact that is the one thing everyone here seems to agree on, that the war is unwelcome. What everyone is arguing, is that it is illogical for internet companies like Fiverr to impose sanctions on the Russian people in an effort to affect the Russian government. 

What you are arguing is that Fiverr has a good reason to make this choice and take this action. I, personally am not so sure. I have not seen any evidence to suggest it is more than a political stance taking a side in the conflict.

The CEO Micha Kaufman said: "Our hearts break for the people of Ukraine and we join the world in grieving for the lives lost and destroyed due to the senseless and unjustifiable violence. We also mourn with our global community of freelancers and business owners, who work daily across borders, languages, and cultures to create opportunity. They know that any conflict that divides like-minded and good people into  "us vs. them" represents a loss for all of humanity and is contrary to everything the Fiverr community stands for."

This acknowledges the point I brought up earlier that in an online community, the Fiverr community more specifically. We are more than our ethnicity, country of origin, or religious views. We are a community. After a statement like this, the continued statement falls flat and rings ultimately hollow. If Micha truly believed in the words he stated in this quote, then it would continue to be about the community on Fiverr, not about where you happen to live. 

Ultimately @gajuseidi, your argument that "they must have good reason" to impose these sanctions on their users is not a logically driven statement. You do not have empirical proof that Fiverr has made this decision with any sense of good faith to the community of Fiverr, you only have evidence that it was made out of popular choice mentality, the only evidence you have of anything is in the original post made by mjensen415, quoting Micha Kaufmans communication. which ultimately proves that Fiverr is playing a game of follow the leader, not making an intelligent decision for the good of the internet community. 

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10 hours ago, gmseifer said:

As an intelligent thinking individual, I must warn you, you are treading a very thin sheet of ice. 

As an intelligent individual you still could not refrain from threatening me, I see. Keep it.

I have learned that this thread is not a place to have a civil discussion and thus I won't be participating in it going forward. You have made some great points in your reply and I appreciate your input. However, the arguments on both sides are redundant at this point and to me it seems wise to leave it there. I have offered a different perspective which you can take it as you will.

I naively hope that these sanctions are only temporary and everything can get back to normal soon. Best of luck.

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Fair reminder for all:

Fiverr Forum  maintains a friendly, community spirited, and professional environment. Users should keep to that spirit at all times. You may wish to respond to something by disagreeing with it. That’s fine. But, remember to criticize ideas, not people. We understand this is an emotional time , but harsh or personal attack like comments will not be accepted.


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18 hours ago, gmseifer said:

Is anyone here arguing that Russia is doing the right thing by invading Ukraine? No, no one here is taking that position.

I would like to interrupt the regular programming to tell you that I really enjoy the way that you write.

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18 hours ago, wp_kid said:

Fair reminder for all:

Fiverr Forum  maintains a friendly, community spirited, and professional environment. Users should keep to that spirit at all times. You may wish to respond to something by disagreeing with it. That’s fine. But, remember to criticize ideas, not people. We understand this is an emotional time , but harsh or personal attack like comments will not be accepted.


True, personal attacks are NOT OKAY, at the same time, I urge you to consider the fact that justifying the ban was insensitive and inappropriate and was equivalent to rubbing salt to the wounds of those who are impacted by this ban. People have been wronged, I am sure the last thing they want to hear is the "justification" behind it. Nonetheless, appreciate the much-needed reminder and appreciate all that you do to keep the forum a safe place 🙏

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Guest lloydsolutions
27 minutes ago, harun_62 said:

fiverr suspends business in Russia. This is good decision.

Suggest you join in the discussion here: 


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On 3/23/2022 at 6:59 PM, bradmitzelfelt said:

A lot of people, myself included, aren't standing with either side because they're both terrible.

I stand with the good, honest citizens on both sides, however, who just want to live their lives without being screwed by their governments.

You are right. When I said " We as a community stand with Ukraine" that means the People of course. Russians are also not happy with this war which is a great notion. Let's hope that things turns out best in favor of humanity.

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On 3/24/2022 at 7:17 PM, wp_kid said:

Fair reminder for all:

Fiverr Forum  maintains a friendly, community spirited, and professional environment. Users should keep to that spirit at all times. You may wish to respond to something by disagreeing with it. That’s fine. But, remember to criticize ideas, not people. We understand this is an emotional time , but harsh or personal attack like comments will not be accepted.


Look at this hypocrisy. We, fiverr's staff, broke TOS, we banned thousands of people based on their nationality, we deleted all posts that we don't like, but please be polite and be professionals, because it's emotional times.  

Yes, i will attack your personality, mr Cringe. Because your words do not match your real actions. So what are you going to do? Ban me completely? Lol, i don't care anymore.


Please don't start bombing Palestine harder. There is no russians 🙂

Edited by toner2d
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1 hour ago, toner2d said:

So what are you going to do?


 Did you call me Mr. Cringe ? lol. I'm not a Fiverr Staff, I'm a seller , volunteering as moderator on forum. I have condolence for all Fellow Russian Freelancer. I can understand what you going though. I pray that situtation can go better. 

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14 hours ago, neo_kaiser said:

Fiverr banning Russia is probably pointless since Russia would have probably banned Fiverr regardless lol

We still have proxy and VPN even though Putin's gov-t tries hard to ban them. Russia is not able to block any website.

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In fact, world leaders are blind. They invaded Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Yemen, and Kashmir, many countries in Africa are affected today but they are blind. The United States and the European Union have killed millions of people in attacks on most of the countries above them. But where did the band come from? What is happening in Palestine? Where are humanity and human rights today?  Russia did not have any sanctions on Russia when they attack Syria. I know the real secret. I am sorry for what is happening in Ukraine against the war and I support them. But the trend has turned out to be the real face of the world's advanced and human rights peddlers. Fiverr is a business platform. You always have to be on the side of justice. But you can't do that. Which is a very sad fact.  I do not know when one day the truth will spread in this world and will be established. I think it will be established very soon. Good luck to everyone. God bless everyone.

Edited by mdminhaz05
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