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Why New Sellers should be given a chance!!!

Guest raimi86

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I just recently started listing my services on Fiverr and naturally compared my offers to the Gigs of other new and older sellers, and from what I have seen during my short time on Fiverr the samples and descriptions usually paint a pretty clear picture. Some new sellers have quite bad presentation and no or just bad demo work,  and those I would certainly avoid. Other new sellers however already bring a lot of experience in their field from outside of Fiverr and that shows in the presentation and samples, so I would not hesitate to give those their first order on this platform.

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Guest lloydsolutions



5 hours ago, rasel19373 said:

A very nice thing to say I also want to give new buyers a chance


What has your experience been from buying from new sellers or are you just agreeing with the original post.

If you are agreeing, which I suspect, as you said "new buyers"  just use the emoji.


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I am a new seller on this platform. I got few orders recently. I have completed and delivered all the orders within the time period. And all my clients are satisfied with my work with positive feedback.

There are lots of buyers who choose skills and  creativity over experience.

These people are the reason for why I am still here on this platform.

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20 minutes ago, mariashtelle1 said:

Are you saying that experienced sellers don’t have skills and creativity? 😉


We are too busy stealing work from new sellers. When someone gets the level one badge, they give up their creativity. Level two, theirs skills... TRS..(their soul?) in exchange for, well...more orders 🙂

(I feel like we should write a 'why you should give experienced sellers a chance' post at this point...)



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55 minutes ago, katakatica said:

We are too busy stealing work from new sellers.

Ahahah. I've seen some of my videos just copied by new gigs several times. And they were getting clients out of them. Literal copies, pixel by pixel. Those get taken down after I flag. But don't even get me started on concept theft - people picking one of my videos, swapping the music for something with a similar feel and BMP, swapping all the stock footage for other similar stock, keeping all the text, etc. and just presenting it on their gig.  So it's technically a new video, but the entire idea behind it was stolen, the edit was stolen, just with new assets, and there's nothing creative about it. And flagging these is hard, because it's a grey area. Technically it's not any of my material there, they have their own project files, did it from scratch, etc.

I, on the other hand, never thought "Hey, let me check this new seller's video and copy the concept for one of my gigs".

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Deja vu. Another thread about the virtues of selecting new sellers over established/experienced sellers...

Here's an open secret. A seller can convey experience and professionalism through their profile and gigs even if they don't have a single review. Projecting such qualities is not mutually exclusive to having a particular level or amount of reviews.

The biggest hurdles for new sellers is in creating their profiles and gigs in an appealing and professional manner with LEGIBLE ENGLISH so that the limited number of impressions they make are more likely to convert into clicks and orders. As aforementioned, EVERY SELLER has to go through the awkward and uncomfortable newbie period, so why would a buyer intentionally select a random unknown seller when there are others with track records of experience and happy customers? The answer is they wouldn't UNLESS if the quality of the new sellers work and their pricing seems equivalent or superior to their competition.

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12 minutes ago, enunciator said:

Here's an open secret. A seller can convey experience and professionalism through their profile and gigs even if they don't have a single review. Projecting such qualities is not mutually exclusive to having a particular level or amount of reviews.

Accurate. I got my first order days after starting the profile. I wasn't PRO, I wasn't top rated, I had no reviews, no level. And the first order was for $200, if I'm not mistaken. Why? Because I presented something more compelling than the competition at the time.

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Hello distinguished buyers

I want us to actually share our thoughts and opinion on this question that I am about to ask:


As a buyer, what criteria do you look for in a seller before giving out the job to him or her?

And do you think new sellers should be given a chance to help you out in your job?

What's your thought about new sellers handling your work?


I need your answers please 😍

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On 10/7/2021 at 4:39 PM, annika41 said:

As a buyer, what criteria do you look for in a seller before giving out the job to him or her?

Authentic profile picture. Unique gig picture. Well written and engaging description with good grammar

On 10/7/2021 at 4:39 PM, annika41 said:

And do you think new sellers should be given a chance to help you out in your job?


On 10/7/2021 at 4:39 PM, annika41 said:

What's your thought about new sellers handling your work?

I am spending my hard earn money. I only want to hire those with proven portfolio who can handle the task I give them. 

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Since, I'm a buyer too. I'm gonna say this... 

I don't really care about seller levels or reviews. I know how easy it is to manipulate them - regardless of the platform in question. So all that I care for is whether their offer and ask matches with my requirements and budget. The better the match, the more likely I am to choose them. 

Hope that helps!

P.S. Unfortunately, there aren't many buyers on the forum. They only join in to say they are leaving the platform. 👀


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On 10/7/2021 at 12:12 PM, enunciator said:

so why would a buyer intentionally select a random unknown seller when there are others with track records of experience and happy customers?

Head wound, stupidity, defiance of logic?

On 10/7/2021 at 1:08 PM, theratypist said:

Buyers do try out new sellers. Case closed

Yeah, but it's like ordering fish at McDonald's. You know the risks going in. 

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Guest padesius

Hey annika41, I understand that you are looking to make a go at Fiverr as your source of income, but as "ONLY", that isn't a wise way to proceed with a freelance or career income journey.

But Here's the thing, the most important thing is to have 2 or 3 income sources which can help you in the long run. I see you are a Digital marketer, but trying to make that out depending only on Fiverr isn't going to help you in any way. The most thing that is for you right now is to get a better-salaried job, which can be seen as a base building for your other sources of income. Once you get a better-salaried job, as a digital marketer, you can start your website, you can hire writers, or maybe start writing or blogging SEO content yourself, from which you can monetize your site to give you yet another source of income and then afterward you can join different pro writer websites, those who offer writer membership, those who pay to write the articles or content they need to publish on their webpage for their readers. From their, you will be able to get more exposure or traffic to your website or other income sources which you might pursue for.

But please remember, these things are only possible if you have stable or better salaried job.

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How are you currently trying to convince interested users to work with you? By guilt-tripping them? Being a new seller on Fiverr doesn't mean that you can't have experience and a portfolio. We all started as new sellers. I made sure I already have a convincing portfolio when I signed up. Got my first order pretty quick through a buyer request and the client took the risk because he could actually see what I've created in the past.

Please don't be offended, but I just checked two of your gigs and it seems like there is absolutely no proof for what you claim you can do. It says you can promote websites or apps to a large audience yet you're here in the forum not even a month after you joined Fiverr making threads how nobody wants to work with you. If a buyer reads this, he/she will definitely not be convinced by your skills.

Also in your FAQ it says "YES I am a new seller on this platform having viral years of experience by taking various courses, so you can trust me 100% ". I'm sorry but that's not quite convincing and does not count as portfolio. You may have years of experience in taking online courses. That's all it says. And it's not even a proof you actually took courses. It has the same tone as someone saying "No, I won't scam you, I'm 100% legit, believe me I wouldn't do that." or "I'm a doctor, I took medical studies but never worked on an actual patient. Why won't you let me do this brain surgery on you then?!"

There's a lot wrong with your services and gigs and it has nothing to do with you being a new seller. As I've told everyone: stop complaining in the forum and start to improve your services and skills. There's so much good information in the forum and on the web.

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Nothing makes me cross a service provider (I don't really buy on Fiverr, but do elsewhere) off my list faster than a plea for work because they have to make a living, feed their children, put gas in the car, or 'just need a chance!' Hiring freelancers is not a charity endeavor. If the seller shows a higher focus on what THEY get out of the deal than what I do, they're not the right seller for me.

This may sound harsh. Of course, I hope everyone can feed their children, etc. However, if I'm spending my hard-earned money on a product or service I need, that is the most important thing in the transaction. I'm not rich enough to buy questionable things just to be nice.

All that being said, I'd hire a new seller for a low-priced job if they presented themselves and their work well enough to convince me that I'd get exactly what I want.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Had a thought.

All those "you can trust me" lines that make people not trust them, I rather wonder if that's a part of the reason why (at least in my experience) workplaces generally have the unwritten rule of "keep your home life and work life separate". Aside from staying professional and focusing on the job while on the clock, it also prevents 'sob stories' from being used as questionable means to draw in the portion of the market that have poor boundaries and can't say 'no'. There's a reason door-to-door salespeople still exist, especially the cub scout and high-school fundraiser variety (which, yes, I have a soft spot for, even if I really shouldn't be buying those candy bars that I don't even really like because they're out of mint).

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