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What's the benefit of the Fiverr forum badge? Or what is its significance?


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Participating on forum will help you several ways!

On my first year on the fiver i never know anything about the forum and due to an issue in my gig i have contacted CS. They checked my gigs and activities and they informed me to participate on the forum.

From the above we can understand fiver counting the forum activities of each users. Why thy issued badges ? From this badges only at an one glance they can understand how much you have participated on forum. Do not think this badges as nutshells and all, as it have a great value.

Edited by irshan_cool
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1 hour ago, irshan_cool said:

From the above we can understand fiver counting the forum activities of each users.

I can assure you, a user's forum activities do not affect his/her gigs. The only thing anyone can get from the forum, by design, is knowledge. How you choose to use that knowledge is entirely up to you. 

1 hour ago, irshan_cool said:

Why thy issued badges ? From this badges only at an one glance they can understand how much you have participated on forum.

No. Forum badges have nothing to do with gig success. Forum badges are merely a way to differentiate forum users, based on forum participation. Forum ranks are nothing more than forum ranks.

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4 hours ago, irshan_cool said:

and they informed me to participate on the forum.

Can you please show us a screenshot where fiverr CS said that participating in forum is beneficial for your gigs? 

you can find all your tickets that you ever created in the tickets sections where you submit your tickets to CS and from there you can find a ticket that you are referring to 

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1 hour ago, irshan_cool said:


Hereby attached the screenshot

Thanks for looking for it and sharing it with us @irshan_cool

as I suspected it’s a standard message from CS and it only says that there are things to learn on the forum 😉 and that’s true, there are a lot of insights and news that you can find and learn of fiverr forum but it still doesn’t affect your gigs. Forum is primarily for learning, sharing thoughts and knowledges, participating in community etc. 

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Obviously, reading comprehension for the guy who received a message from Fiverr telling him to go and participate in the forums is lacking.

If you read it correctly, it basically says that there are lots of tips on how to establish yourself as a seller here.

It then goes on to give the LINK to the "Tips for Sellers" category of the forum - so, the customer service person was NOT sending you here to post nonsense thinking this will get you orders, they were sending you to the specific category that may offer you some TIPS from seasoned (knowledgeable) sellers.

As for the bright bulbs who keep saying it has to do with getting TRS status, please take a seat in the back. We will call on you when we need you.


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Fiverr Forum will help you know a lot of stuff about Fiverr- how it works, the Do’s and Don’ts for example, there are some common bugs which sellers/buyers face and the updates are posted. You can also improve your gigs and your selling strategies on Fiverr.

Being an active member on forums earn you a badge which is very helpful too.

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Back in the day I had to design a collection of badges for a forum for little girls (a community around a magazine for little girls). To quote my old boss, “Whatever, just do a bunch of them, they love it. They LOVE IT.” Which, I’ve assumed, was his way to attempt and increase forum participation to have some cool stats and screenshots for the annual powerpoint for the board of directors. 


On 7/14/2021 at 2:23 AM, waqarnadeem said:

It helps to get TRS status


On 7/14/2021 at 1:53 PM, irtifa_sarwath said:

Because of TRS status

How did you come to this bizarre conclusion? Who told you this? 


Edited by lenasemenkova
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6 hours ago, angel_vox said:

Being an active member on forums earn you a badge which is very helpful too.

Oh, do explain how on earth earning forum badges is very helpful?

Have you actually READ the posts some who have advanced badges have written? Most are space fillers, sawdust sandwiches and empty calories.

Having a "badge" of any sort on the forum, whether a newbie badge or Master has nothing to do with your selling ability on the Fiverr site.

Looks like more people need to take a seat.


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It will benefit you in the long run , look at the profile of some Top Rated Seller , Some of them have more than 10,000 Forum posts ! So you can easily assume , obviously there is something beneficial . What's that ? It shows you are making valuable contribution to the Fiverr community , and you can definitely expect something from Fiverr ends too

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