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  1. The forum is only useful for getting information. It won't help you actual Fiverr account at all. Not connected.
  2. Helps nothing other than get information you may need from long term sellers.
  3. Never use it although it is there. I always wait a month before drawing my cash.
  4. I started with low prices, left it low for a couple of months, got a few ongoing clients and then upped my prices. I upped them twice. You do get better clients when your prices are higher but you need to establish a rating first.
  5. Yes, I see now! Sorry! I had not clicked on the actual gig.
  6. Add screenshots of front pages of websites, which you have completed, in the profile section of your gigs. People like to see previous work.
  7. This also happened to me and although I still had the reviews on my profile, when I remade the gig, it was like starting all over again. Contact Customer Services and ask them what was wrong on you gig. Sometimes there are mistakes or your gig is unclear. What happened to me was a potential client reported my gig because it was unclear. When I contact support they told me that if I use Google translate I must state it in the Gig heading.
  8. Unfortunately, that 3 rating has affected your position. Just carry on working hard, stay online, and view buyer’s requests very often during the day. Bid for work. Get traffic to your gigs.
  9. What was the rating of the bad review? Just asking as this will affect the gig. It won’t affect the other gigs, if you have others. Also, it you do any update on your gig?
  10. These people will not last. I have used a few different sellers on Fiverr and I have learnt, choose those with good ratings, and those that charge. The service I have got from one or two sellers has been terrible.
  11. Well, it does make me wonder how good they are! In my line, I charge from $300 up and there are people offering ‘the same’ service or similar for only $45. It makes me wonder, how do they make any money? How good is their service. You pay for what you get!
  12. If you cannot find yourself on the searches go to help and support, send them a personal message about this. Don’t forget to give them the gig link.
  13. I don’t update or change anything on my gigs unless I have a big change to make, because of this very thing. As soon as you update they will check your gig and then it sometimes is no longer on the front pages.
  14. I never look at my impressions and clicks anymore. Did you do any updating on your gig?
  15. Hi, I have had this experience. In your requirement section on your gig, make it compulsory that the buyer answers all questions. So you will give him a custom order, if you set the requirements on you gig, you will get a message after the buyer has excepted the offer (It says something like: have you go all the requirements to start the order), check if the buyer has given all you need, if he hasn’t press you have not received what you need. The requirements is a section which makes sure the buyer knows what he is purchasing. Go to Help and Support and file a complain, or just accept the cancellation and carry on. I do not agree if buyers do this! I certainly would complain to support about it.
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