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  1. I just saw this tagged under the Custom Offer a client accepted from me. Is my gig Fiverr's Choice now?! I never received any message or notification regarding it from Fiverr, nor did I apply for it, so I am confused right now. Happy (if true!) but also very, very confused 😅
  2. You can find your answer here in Fiverr's Terms of Service: https://www.fiverr.com/terms_of_service
  3. I read your Swampland post. The 'creepy person' has a love letter writing gig if you ever need it. 😉

    1. thewritingbuff


      I can only imagine the kind of "love letters" they must be writing ಠ_ಠ

    2. vickiespencer


      Not the kind I want to send! 

  4. Here's a tip from me: don't call random strangers on the internet bro or dear.
  5. Fine tuning the rates according to the seller's country might help. A monthly fee of Rs. 500 - Rs. 1500 would be a reasonable investment from an Indian seller (presuming they won't charge an additional percentage made on sales). I joined Fiverr to earn some extra pocket money while my college was (and still is, unfortunately) closed. A subscription fee would have definitely deterred me from signing up on this platform 😦
  6. Haha. Alas, the Pit of Procrastination is back now, in a shiny new version 😆
  7. Missed you too, @theratypist !
  8. While the forum was in read-only mode, I made my first $100 on Fiverr. I have been elated ever since I reached this milestone 😁
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