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  1. This is because Fiverr gives chances to everyone. You can't rank for everytime. It'll be injustice if anyone can't get chance. However, It's good when buyer sees you're a level 2 seller. He gets comfidence
  2. This is one of the best article to fight against the noobs.
  3. Because It takes time to show you. It happens also to me. If you active for 10-20 minutes. I think it'll be seen and reload fiverr after every 5 minutes without refresher. Hope it'll solve
  4. No, Fiverr only shows 960 sellers' 960 gigs. So, You're not one of the good 960 sellers. So, you can't see in the search results selecting online when there'll be less than 960 gigs you'll be shown if you stay online
  5. Hey Good Morning

  6. No no no and no. it's absolutely false
  7. Never ever. It'll not affect your profile
  8. @onlineearningte If your rank is good on fiverr forum then you might know a lot about fiverr. You got ideas from fiverr forum from experts like @vickiespencer @mariashtelle1 @corsogr who are regular on this forum and fiverr
  9. @abdheshkjha Yippe! Congratulations 🥳 for getting the biggest order of your life
  10. Because fiver will think you gig is less attractive and ineffective.
  11. If you get more clicks and no orders such as 44 clicks and 0 orders then your gig ranking might be lost.
  12. Use the suggested keywords: For example you search Data Entry and the suggested keyword is data mining. So, You can use this as tag. Write your keyword: from4.00-5.00% and the secondary keyword 2.00-2.50% Don't use any keyword more than 5.00% Write 10 faqs: and use your targeted keyword data entry 6 times per 10 faqs Create proper eyecatching image like the above: Use your keyword on every package basic, standard and premium That's all and don't forget keep the price fair and keep the content natural and understandable I hope it'll be helpful 🙂
  13. Your 7 out of 7 gigs can be ranked for sure.
  14. You shouldn’t edit your gig because you gig’s rank may dropped
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