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Everything posted by vickieito

  1. Normally this would only apply to orders completed after you buy the Seller Plus subscription. However, for the past month or so the Early Payout feature has been undergoing updates and it looks like not all Seller Plus members are eligible for the Early Payout feature while updates are being made. Many Seller Plus members have lost this feature completely, with eligibility for it changing on a daily basis. We are supposed to get an update on what will be changing for this feature, but for now, your seller performance determines whether you have this feature or not as a Seller Plus member.
  2. Hi @stagodopet1, I started offering services at $5 and $15 a gig and steadily raised prices as I got more reviews and more orders. I haven't stopped. In the beginning, it was related to the number of reviews I had, since I knew my initial prices were very low. I increased my prices when I hit 10, 15, and 20 reviews. By the time I hit 20 reviews, I started increasing my prices based on demand. If I was starting to feel stressed and overwhelmed, my prices would increase. Right now, I still adjust my prices based on how much I want to make per week and per order. A lot of my pricing is related to how much time I spend on each order. I don't really look at the competition because I know my prices are higher than some Top-Rated Sellers and Pros in my category (I'm also a Level 2 seller). Note: I don't just increase my prices - I also adjust my gigs and packages to make sure that I'm offering the best level of service that I can provide.
  3. This is one of the reasons why Fiverr is going to start implementing reviews on canceled orders - and they are lowering the bar for sellers to maintain their level to 4.3-star reviews. Fiverr expects to see more 1, 2, 3, and 4-star reviews due to this change and hopefully the rating scale will have more meaning to buyers.
  4. Hi @amit_juboraz_ - Please quote if you are going to copy/paste someone else's words into your own posts (you used these same words in three of your posts). You can rephrase the same ideas using your own words (something that is more reflective of how you normally post) and share your link, which is different.
  5. I think the cancelation rate only tells part of the story. At 2%, most of my cancelations were due to providing discounts to repeat buyers who bought through my gig again by accident instead of requesting the repeat buyer discount via custom offer. I was doing this even before these types of cancelations stopped affecting our OCR. Doing this lead to more orders for me and happier customers. And for me, writing 10 resumes for 1 client is so much easier than writing 10 resumes for 10 different clients. Also, when my account was hacked/shut down, all of my orders in queue were immediately canceled. So that brought my 2% cancelation rate to 6%. It would have been higher if I had more orders in queue, but I was lucky that it was a slower time. I'm expecting less cancelations in the future since I'm now using the Request to Order and Partial Refund features.
  6. Welcome to Fiverr and the forum, @ablaze_03! 😊
  7. Just hover over the top right corner of the message that you want to report and three dots should appear. Once you click on it, you can report it by click on the red flag: You can also "Mark as spam" after reporting, so that you don't have to communicate with this buyer (and the buyer can't place any orders with you).
  8. vickieito

    Gig on fiverr

    Encourage them to take Fiverr's FREE course for freelancers here: https://learn.fiverr.com/courses/online-freelancing-essentials-be-a-successful-fiverr-seller And direct them to the Help Center, where they will learn everything they need to set up their gig. Fiverr created a special hub just for sellers to learn about Gigs here: https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/categories/17131506586257-Gigs
  9. From Fiverr's search, click on any category in the top tab (in this case, "Writing and Translation"), and you'll see the trending subcategories below the "Most Popular in ..." header:
  10. Also, it looks like Fiverr leaves the door open (saying that the account isn't approved ....at this time). So there's a possibility that they can try again in the future.
  11. These lists are simply to help buyers organize the sellers that they might want to hire - that's it. They don't do anything for a seller - getting more hearts won't give them more exposure on Fiverr or more business. I use these lists because I am also a buyer, and this provides a quick way for me to vet out my sellers.
  12. When I signed up for Fiverr, I also signed up to freelance on other sites as a proofreader. I was accepted by Fiverr, but other sites told me that my services weren't needed (most likely my profile was not approved because I was in an oversaturated category). This may be the same for your students. Logo design is one of the most saturated categories on Fiverr, so it could be that Fiverr is not approving new accounts that don't offer anything new in that category. If they are trying to create gigs that are generic and look like every other logo design gig out there, that may just be the reason for Fiverr not approving their accounts.
  13. Hi @naimayaseen234 - you can email your Success Manager any time. I usually just send emails to my Success Manager because it's easy and doesn't require any appointments.
  14. Hi @ghostyhappy, Sometimes the issue is related to PayPal, and it looks like this one is. Please open a ticket with PayPal's CS and share with them the conversation that you had with Fiverr CS. They should be able to help you. If not (since I've had issues that Fiverr CS sent me to PayPal or Payoneer for), reopen the ticket with Fiverr CS to share with them the response you got from PayPal.
  15. Hi @arya__resume - every single one of your sentences addresses a different idea: Getting buyers isn't the same as getting orders, making money, or ranking your gig. Since you write resumes (and so do I), here are a few tips: 1. When you get a buyer, try to increase their lifetime value. You aren't just writing a resume, cover letter, or LinkedIn profile for them. If you are working with web designers, create a gig to write web content for their clients. If you are optimizing resumes for business owners, make sure you are offering business support services for them. The most resumes/cover letters that I've ever written for a person is 10. The most repeat orders that I've ever had with a person (by offering additional services and gigs) is 70. 2. I thought I wanted more orders until I was stuck with doing 67 resumes, cover letters, and LinkedIn profiles in one month. That was a nightmare and I'm pretty sure I lost a few brain cells. I was only doing resumes for $50 at the time so since then, I have been steadily increasing my prices. Now I average around $300 on a resume order and I don't want more than 10-20 total orders a month (since I offer additional services besides resume writing). 3. Don't focus on "ranking your gig." I haven't looked at where my gig is in months. Fiverr's search is unique for each buyer, so what you see won't be what your buyer sees in search. So it doesn't make sense to check where you are because you aren't your buyer. Instead, pay attention to what buyers are saying and focus more on your ability to convert impressions to clicks and clicks into orders. @michmikaia has great advice for you. The forum is a great place for new sellers to learn how to grow their businesses. Also, please check out the Help Center - it helped me to grow from a new seller to a Level 2 seller, and allowed me to switch to full-time freelancing fairly quickly.
  16. Fiverr CS might be busy - I had the same issue and they were able to fix it so that I could make a withdrawal: It took CS 7 days to respond, but the issue was fixed as soon as I received their response. Note: I think it took a long time because CS had to reach out to the tech team for help.
  17. If you truly "sent" an offer, it would show up in your inbox (and your buyer's inbox). If it hasn't shown up in either of your inboxes, then you can just reissue the offer.
  18. Oh, so you want to remove both lists completely. The "two words" are actually lists that you created. To remove the lists, just go to the lists that you want to delete by clicking on the heart icon at the top of your screen. Find the list you want to delete and click on the three dots in the bottom right corner. Select "Delete." You will need to do this for the list labeled "shane" and the list labeled "shaneth." We aren't allowed to share the identities of other users on the forum, so it would be harder to blur out the identities of sellers on my favorites lists (if using video). It's easier via screenshots.
  19. All sellers (new, Level 1, Level 2, Pro, TRS) have a Fiverr inbox where they can send custom offers. I don't know why you think only Pro sellers can send custom offers. Please note the Help Desk article where it clearly shows that sellers of all levels can create custom offers up to $20,000: https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/360010560118-Achieving-levels
  20. That isn't a list ... it's a seller profile. And since it is gray, this seller isn't on any list of yours (that's why there's an option to "Create list"). If the seller was on your list of "shane" or "shaneth," it would be red. To visit the lists that you have saved, from buyer mode, click on the heart icon in the top right of your screen: Once you click on that, you'll see all the lists that you saved. Click on the list and deselect any sellers you want by clicking on the heart button. Any seller with a gray heart (like the one you are shown above) is not on your list. Note: I can see that you are out of posts for the day, so you can either edit your post to add more questions to it (you can edit it for 15 minutes) or wait until tomorrow when you have 5 posts again. To edit a post, click on the three dots in the top right corner of your post.
  21. Where are you clicking? Once a seller is added to the list, visit the list again and unclick the seller you want to remove: Once you "click" on the heart, it will turn "gray." At that point you can refresh your browser and that seller should be gone.
  22. @imagination7413 is correct - you click on the "heart" to save sellers to your list (this will mark the heart as "red") and to remove the seller, simply click on the "heart" again (this will change the heart to "gray" and will remove the seller from the list when you refresh your browser).
  23. That is strange. You should be able to add whatever price you want there. What price did you enter (and what price did Fiverr put in)?
  24. Did you contact CS? They may allow you to set up a new phone number to do the verification with.
  25. No, because they will tell you the same thing. Also, they aren't the department that is reviewing your account. Also, if you contact CS too many times, they will give you a warning.
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