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Everything posted by vickieito

  1. I don't know what I posted that triggered that last message to be put under review! Luckily it got approved quickly!
  2. Hi @frank_d, thanks for reaching out to us for our feedback on the Analytics tools! I really like all the suggestions so far, especially when it comes to customizing dates for our sales data, implementing comparative year-on-year graphs, and having graphs to help us track our sales goals and targets. Other metrics/analytics that I’d love to add or improve on include: Buyer Satisfaction Score (BSR): Even if we don’t see the exact score, I still want to know if this changes over time. Even an up or down arrow would be helpful. Average Selling Price (ASP): I’d love to see this broken down by gig and over a selected time period. Enhanced Orders Breakdown: I’d like to select my own date range and add more types of orders to the breakdown (e.g., First-Time Buyer Promotions, Coupon orders, First-Time Buyers (new to Fiverr), and First-Time Buyers (new to me)). It would also be nice to see these on a timeline, rather than just numbers. Customer Graphs: I want to see the average spend and average number of orders that I get per customer. I'd also love to see how many of my customers are buying from multiple gigs and what those gigs are so I can spot trends in their buying habits. I can already see who my biggest customers are in terms of sales and orders from my Contacts tab, but it would be nice to see this in graphical form as well (maybe as pie charts). Inbox/Order Response Times: I only see an average response time of 1 hour. It would be nice to see how this is changing over time, especially when I'm busy or on vacation. Quick Deliveries: I’d love to see a score, or at least how often I deliver early (before the 12-hour delivery notice is sent out). Delivery to Closure Time: I want to see how long my orders are taking to fully close after I make a delivery (e.g., through extended reviews, revision requests, and new deliveries).
  3. Hi @glamarchitectur, Welcome to Fiverr and the forum! @donnovan86's post pretty well sums up my thoughts on buyer requests. I'm glad it was replaced with Buyer Briefs last year. I see that you joined Fiverr in March 2023 and it looks like you are wondering how to do business without buyer requests. As you mentioned, it is a shift in your marketing strategies ... and you do need to rely on Fiverr's algorithm to get seen by potential clients. There are several things that you can do to understand how Fiverr's algorithm works so that you can apply this knowledge to your business. Here are several articles that you can read about Fiverr's algorithm: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/243824-welcome-to-fiverr-30/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/278118-fiverr-30-revisited-aka-fiverr-31/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/300818-fiverr-40-some-thoughts-on-the-current-state-of-things/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/293675-%F0%9F%93%88-fiverr-simplified-get-matched/ Even though competition is pretty high, you can reduce the competition by niching down so that you are competing with fewer sellers. Also, the more targeted and specific you are, the better chance you have of being found by the buyers who need your services.
  4. Hi @ovi2750, Type in "Fiverr gig photo" or "Fiverr gig thumbnail" into Fiverr's search to see what other sellers are offering for the prices that they've listed. If this is a service that you also want to offer, find out what you can offer that would make you unique from all the other sellers offering this service.
  5. Hi @aariful! I see that you joined last month, so you are off to a great start! You are getting impressions and clicks, so it looks like all you need to work on is converting those clicks into orders. If buyers are visiting your gigs and profile and are not placing orders, that means they took a look at your services and decided not to buy. Always look at your gigs and think, "What would convince a buyer to place an order with me?" Then make the changes you need to make your gigs and profile more attractive to your buyers. With 20 clicks, you should also be getting inquiries. Pay attention to the inquiries that you get because that can shed light on why buyers are not placing orders with you. Sometimes it's price or sometimes you don't have enough information in your FAQs, gallery, or gig descriptions.
  6. Hi @sahhart, sometimes buyers will "disappear" in the middle of a conversation. This happens often and for many reasons - the buyer may be reaching out to several sellers, had a change of plans, or got busy with something else in their life. In any case, it means the buyer isn't ready to place an order. Just leave the conversation as is, and if the buyer ever wants to pick up where he left off, he can.
  7. Hi @lucas_esp, Welcome to Fiverr and the forum! Can you let us know what you have tried, so we can recommend other things that you can do? If you don't have impressions, that means Fiverr doesn't see your gig as relevant as your competitors - this is because your competitors are performing better than you (e.g., they have more orders, deliveries, and happy customers than you do). However, as long as you have more impressions than 0, that means your gig is still being shown to buyers. Work on converting those impressions into clicks and your clicks into orders. As you get more orders, deliver high-quality services, and keep your buyers happy, you can increase your visibility in Fiverr's search. If you don't have clicks, that means your gig is not attractive to buyers, so they aren't clicking on your gig thumbnail to learn more about your services. Buyers only have a few seconds to decide whether to click on your gig or not, and currently, they aren't clicking. I see that you are a graphic designer with "eye-catching designs" - so make your gig thumbnails as unique and stunning as possible so that buyers will want to click on your gig thumbnails. This is an opportunity to show off your design skills. Please also make sure that you have 3-5 words that clearly define your services. Once buyers "click" on your gig thumbnail, you have to convince them to place an order. One of the best ways to do that is to create a strong portfolio of your work. You have gig videos, 3 images, and 2 PDFs that you can use to show off what you can do. I recommend using all of these to show off what you can do. If you don't have portfolio samples, create them. The more you can show, the better chances you have that a buyer will see something that they will want to buy. Currently, buyers aren't seeing enough samples and aren't placing orders or contacting you. When I was a newbie with 0 orders and 0 reviews, my portfolio was the only reason that buyers were reaching out to me and placing orders. You currently have zero examples of your translation work and only a few examples of your graphic design skills. You will need more to convince buyers to place orders with you.
  8. No, don't accept the job. You can report the buyer. The buyer is asking you to alter a document (i.e., create a fake document that looks real), which falls under forgery, an illegal act. So yes, this is against Fiverr rules because Fiverr won't allow you to engage in any criminal or illegal activities.
  9. Hi @rosalia_la - rather than focus on impressions, focus on your ability to change impressions to clicks and clicks into orders. Please check out the data that I shared in this post a few weeks ago: Note: You can still get orders on gigs with less than 50 impressions a day. When I was a newbie, I only had 14 impressions a day and I was still able to get orders.
  10. Stay strong @addiefied! There's not really much that you can do besides wait while the Trust & Safety team makes their decision. They do mention 60 days, but it can take up to 90 days for them to get back to you ... which is a really long time of silence/no communication. I was very lucky that my account was only shut down (not put under review) so it only took me 6 days to get my issue resolve (and that felt like it took forever!). In the meantime, focus on what you can do - I saw that you are into computer systems engineering and gaming/live streaming (in addition to being a content creator) so you have a lot of great skills and talents that will serve you well wherever you go. Feel free to hang out on the forum as well to connect with other sellers and decompress. I had a good laugh watching the videos on this thread: 😊
  11. No - just remind your client that all communication must be on Fiverr's platform and you'll be okay.
  12. Hi @hasnatali283, Your account is restricted, so I won't be able to see it. Support will tell you that it can take up to 60 days to hear back from the Trust & Safety team, but it can actually take up to 90 days before you hear back. During this time, it's advised that you do not contact CS for updates, because they are not in communication with the Trust & Safety team and can't help you. They will most likely just close any tickets you open on the subject. Fiverr also updated the rules that if you contact CS multiple times on the same issue, you could get a warning. So the best thing to do right now is wait until the 60-90 day period is over. When the review period is over, you will get a message on whether your account will be reinstated or not. Based on what I see on the forum, if you broke a rule, usually your account is suspended permanently. However, Fiverr does reinstate accounts that were wrongly shut down or found to be in compliance with their rules.
  13. All the time. My most recent mistake was related to cyber security - I knew people get hacked all the time, but didn't really think it would affect me. It did. Several months ago, my Fiverr account was hacked, all my Earnings were withdrawn, and the hacker shut down my Fiverr account. I also had my identity stolen and lost thousands of dollars due to online transactions performed in my name. Did I know about cyber security? Yes, I did. Did I take all the necessary security measures to protect myself against a cyber security attack? No, I didn't. Do I feel responsible for not taking those security measures, and losing thousands of dollars? Yes, I feel pretty stupid. But it was a risk I took, and I lost because of it. What I shared was my experience as well. Sorry if what I said sounded harsh, but I saw a bit of me in what you were saying. And I am pretty harsh on myself when I make mistakes. I know how strict rules can be and how hard it can be when those consequences come crashing down on you. I also want to provide help and support, but I also didn't want to create a false sense of optimism or get your hopes up. There are many sellers who were in the same situation as you and were never able to get their accounts back. You may get a second chance, and that would be awesome! But if not, this is definitely a learning experience that you can apply to whatever you decide to pursue.
  14. Thanks @smashradio! I had a good laugh! I've been in so many corporate meetings just like this one!
  15. It doesn't really matter who initiates the communication ... if you are communicating outside of the platform, Fiverr can shut your account down. And if there are any issues with a buyer while communicating off the platform, Fiverr can't protect you because you are breaking their rules. At first you mentioned that you didn't know about Fiverr's rule, but now you know a lot of people who did the same mistake? It looks like you were aware of this rule and chose not to follow it, chancing that you wouldn't get caught, or that you'd only get a warning. Not everyone gets caught. So that's a risk you took, and the consequences are that you could lose your account permanently, as well as the right to work on this platform forever. In any case, it's up to Fiverr to decide if your account will be reinstated or not. If it is, keep all communications within Fiverr's platform. If a buyer asks to move conversations off the platform, kindly let them know that it's against Fiverr's ToS. This will also make sure that CS can help you if the buyer starts to threaten you or acting like your buyer did.
  16. Hi @themarineiguana! Great topic! I've definitely worried about conversion rates when I talk to sellers, so when I vet my sellers, I place mini "test orders" to see if I want to work with them. I don't contact a seller unless I intend on placing a test order. This can get expensive, especially last year when I was buying 12-13 gigs a month. Fiverr already weakens situations where sellers contact other sellers (or even buyers contacting sellers) because our analytics look at the overall conversion rate ...not necessarily the conversion rate of a particular user contacting a seller. For example, if you "clicked" on a seller's gig in search, contact them, and then decided not to buy .... BUT the seller got an order that same day from a repeat buyer that same day (not from you), the seller's analytics would still show as 1 click and 1 order, and a great conversion score. So, if you are a high-volume seller (in the case of @donnovan86) or a TRS (like @katakatica) you probably won't have to worry about the conversion rate unless orders significantly decrease. The sellers who you really need to be careful with are the newbies or the ones who are barely getting orders because contacting these sellers, without placing an order, can significantly hurt their conversion rates. I don't have to worry about conversion rates now - I'm getting orders. However, when I was a newbie (3 months in), I had to turn down 8 inquiries in a row (I was on vacation) and that affected my gig for 2 months (dead silence, 0 orders). But only for that gig. I was lucky my other gigs were able to support me at that time. Knowing this, I always check to see if the seller has recent deliveries or orders in queue so that I know my inquiries won't hurt them if they decline my project. P.S. .... Good to see you back @katakatica! I hope you had a great vacation and are feeling better!
  17. I think that's a valid concern, so I usually wait until that 14-day period expires before telling any buyer that I won't take on their next project/request, just to be safe. Luckily I don't have to deal with difficult repeat buyers often. This works better than blocking these difficult repeat buyers (because blocking can make them spiteful). Some of these repeat buyers feel that you have to do their projects, but as long as you have the RTO feature, you don't have to. I still block some who think they can force me into another order.
  18. Unfortunately, before you sign up for an account on Fiverr, you have to check a box saying that you read their ToS, which states that all communication has to be on Fiverr's platform. Taking communication off of Fiverr is a big deal and not one that Fiverr takes lightly because this issue directly affects its revenue. Most accounts put under review for communicating off of Fiverr's platform get shut down for good after 90 days. These sellers are banned from ever creating another account on Fiverr. I do wish the best of luck for you. It looks like you probably won't be able to have your account back on Fiverr, but that should not limit you from pursuing other opportunities to earn a living.
  19. Please keep us updated on what happens @mahnoorzahid965!
  20. It can take some time, based on your situation. I got refunded within 6 days. The OP in the thread that @uk1000 provided, had to wait 3 weeks until getting a refund. The more emails you sent to CS, the longer it'll probably take. I tried to provide as much new information that I could in each message, so I only needed to send a few.
  21. Hi @mahnoorzahid965 - Unfortunately, this has happened to several sellers in the last several months (myself included). You can read the article that @uk1000 attached. Both myself and the other seller it happened to were able to get compensated by Fiverr for our loss. I was also temporarily demoted to Level 1 until the issue (and my stats) were fixed. However, Fiverr was able to restore everything for me. It can take some time for CS to respond, so only send them one message, wait for their response, and do all steps that they require for you to secure your account. For me, there was a two-day wait period between responses. Expect to go back and forth in communication because Fiverr will need to verify the details. For me, I had to tell them I did not request for my account to be shut down (it was a hacker, posing as me), I didn't have multiple accounts (the hacker closed my account saying that I was closing this one because I had multiple accounts), and I didn't make a withdrawal (it was sent to someone else's PayPal account right before my account was shut down). I changed all my passwords and now scan my computer continuously for any malware (and my anti-virus also checks every file that I download). I also don't keep multiple tabs open (so I have to log in/out of Fiverr multiple times a day because my issue happened because I had multiple tabs open when malware hit my computer. So any open tabs were immediately hacked into (bypassing the 2-step verification). I was lucky that I was compensated by Fiverr, but my identity/email was also stolen and I lost money from accounts that the hacker opened using my email and PayPal account. So keep an eye out for any other activity that may occur online with your ID. I wasn't able to recover any of the money that I lost from my stolen identity.
  22. What about giving the buyer a quick "preview" of their review and they can either confirm that's how they want to rate (or go back and edit)?
  23. Respond as if it was a 5-star review because the buyer only stated that they loved your service. Most likely it was the buyer's mistake, but I don't recommend that you contact the buyer or CS because you could get a warning for trying to manipulate the buyer's rating. The best thing to do is move on - you still have an average rating of 5.0, and if buyers ever look at your 1-star reviews, they won't hold this review against you.
  24. Hi @allie_dm! I'm on the Seller Plus Premium plan and I mostly use it to stop people from ordering my gig without contacting me (through the Request To Order feature). This helps me avoid unnecessary cancelations and to manage my orders better. I also really like the Advanced Analytics tools and my Seller Plus Manager. Seller Plus is a really nice program to subscribe to if your Fiverr business is going well, but I wouldn't recommend it to anyone who isn't already getting orders to begin with.
  25. Hi @elmahmady20 - can you show us a screenshot of what your order looks like? It usually has a "delivered" tag on it and if you open it, it has the date listed for when it will auto-close.
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