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Everything posted by vickieito

  1. That made me laugh. 😂 ...But you do bring up very good (and very true points). I think the most major change I've seen Fiverr make is the fact that they actually are holding discussions with their sellers through posting on the forum and through roundtable discussions. It's wonderful knowing the names of Fiverr management and staff by name and I love seeing this level of engagement. But is this all fluff? I hope not. Fiverr does seem to be cracking down on quality, but there are still many questionable gigs that are still on the platform. I also want to see the level of professionalism and quality to be elevated among the sellers. One of the things that attracted me to Fiverr was all of the amazing talent that is on this platform. I'm really blown away with the creativity and skill that can be found on Fiverr. However, there's still a huge stigma that Fiverr is a cheap, $5 platform where you can get cheap services. There's still a lot of dishonestly in sellers and buyers. Not too many people I know think of "quality" when they think of Fiverr. I just turned on Promoted Gigs this morning and got a message from a Promoted Gig client asking me to "fake" their resume: So I really want Fiverr to work on cleaning up the professionalism and skills of their sellers and start elevating premium talent so that we can see less of those buyers who are looking for cheap, dishonest, work (or looking to manipulate or cheat sellers into giving them what they want). Like @smashradio said, it's the human talent (not AI) that's really Fiverr's "ace-in-the-hole." I really hope Fiverr sees that.
  2. Hi @coolwebdevelop - can you explain what you're confused about?
  3. Welcome to Fiverr and the forum, @shahzadahmaddev! That is pretty low. Low impressions mean that Fiverr's algorithm doesn't see your gig as relevant when buyers search for your services. I checked out your gigs and it looks like you are stuffing a lot of keywords into your gigs, titles, and tags which can actually work against you. Fiverr doesn't work like a search engine - it's a matching service. In the words of @frank_d, "If you still think about SEO, and keywords, and ranking, you already lost the game." Read these articles below to understand how Fiverr works: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/243824-welcome-to-fiverr-30/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/278118-fiverr-30-revisited-aka-fiverr-31/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/300818-fiverr-40-some-thoughts-on-the-current-state-of-things/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/293675-%F0%9F%93%88-fiverr-simplified-get-matched/
  4. That's great @proconsultn2035! Keep us updated on how those changes are helping you! I wish the best for your business, too! 😊
  5. How are you evolving @kawsar_log? I started broad (offering services in data entry, virtual assisting, proofreading, writing, presentation designs, etc.). It took me a year to change my bio from "full-time freelancer on Fiverr" to "freelance writer." I'm now comfortable with calling myself a technical writer. 😊
  6. That's a great point @smashradio! I'm seeing this as well - my clients are craving human attention (in the form of Zoom and other personal touches in the customer experience). This is something I'm trying to do as well - but change can be hard. I have a lot to work on if I want to be TRS or Pro. Love this. 😍 Thanks again for your awesome comments. I think I quoted almost every line! 😂
  7. Focus on the first two tips that I gave you - your writing and your design skills are probably what's preventing buyers from contacting you. Here are other things that you can work on:
  8. Hi @mubeen6359, I'm also a resume writer and I can tell you that buyers don't care if you're certified - I charge as high as $450 for a resume and I'm not a certified resume writer. What buyers do care about is how well you can write - your writing has to be impeccable and error-free. Or they won't even pay $15 for it. When I started on Fiverr, I was living in Japan. Some buyers didn't want to work with me until I confirmed that I was a US citizen and English was my native language. They were also skeptical of my low prices because I did start out at $15. So for you, I can see that you can improve your writing in all parts of your profile and gigs (even in the gallery images and the PDF that you provided). Another thing buyers will be very critical of is your design skills. Since recruiters and hiring managers only have seconds to review a resume, your resume designs have to be attractive and well-formatted. Your design skills are also reflected in your gig images and your gig gallery, which could be improved. Your gig images need to be more attractive and clearly communicate your services. None of your gig images has a picture of a resume. Buyers only have seconds to decide what your gig is all about, so your gig images should clearly communicate that you offer resume writing services. In your gallery, the images of resumes that you do have are also not attractive. In many cases, the resume design will be the deciding factor for your buyers.
  9. Great job, @seo_rankxpert! 😊 @smashradio wrote a great article to help sellers know what they should focus on whenever they level up:
  10. Great job @domenikbrenner! I really hope this is a turning point for you! 🤗
  11. Are you going to turn any of your gigs into Pro gigs now, @melanielm?
  12. I'm not sure if these are related to what you do, but this is what I could find on the forum (you might want to read these threads):
  13. Hi Lena! Just wanted to thank you for all your help on the threads I called you over to! You are awesome! 🤩

    1. Lena


      Hi @vickieito

      Thank you so much for your kind words! 🥰

      I am here for this amazing community and it is my pleasure to help! I would also like to thank you for your help as well. I appreciate you very much!

      Have an amazing day! 🍀

  14. Hi @Lena - can you look into @multifractal's situation for us? He hasn't been able to create more than 4 gigs (that includes inactive gigs, too). Also, he has a gig for pine script trading that gets auto-denied each time he tries and CS has also been auto-closing all of his requests on this topic. Anything you could find out for us would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
  15. I think this is a trademark of a great seller - they are able to roll with all the changes that have been announced and pretty much carry on in the same fashion as before. Not many changes (or features) are needed because these sellers are already delivering high-quality services and experiences for their customers. I think it's awesome that you are doing so well in this field! It's super competitive ...especially in the categories you are in. I'm actually migrating out of doing design. 😅 I just shut down my Presentation Design gig and will probably shut down my eCourses gig (where I've created videos, ebooks, worksheets, course thumbnails, and landing page designs). I'll just stick to designing technical documents such as resumes, SOPs, forms, and manuals. It's best to leave designing to the experts! 😊
  16. Yes, it should be, since you're not calling yourself a life coach. 😊 You can be an accountability partner, online friend, supporter, motivator, or however else you'd like to be called. And the personalized poem at the end is really nice. No one else offers that (or even has the ability to do it). ...I'm getting excited just thinking about this gig! 🥰
  17. Correction: It'd have to be under Lifestyle > Other (not Lifestyle > Life coaching). Sorry for the error! And yes, this is a very common saying in English (and represents me as well)!
  18. Thanks for asking! I'm on the Big Island, so I'm not on Maui where the wildfires occurred. However, I do have family and friends living on that island (and luckily they are all safe). The town of Lahaina looks like the aftermath of a war zone and the death toll so far is 93. Thousands of people are still unaccounted for. It's crazy and saddening. I lived in Maui before moving to Japan, so to see picture of Lahaina in that state is surreal and saddening. It doesn't look like anything is left. 😟
  19. I just found out that by switching the view in the "Sort by" dropdown, you can suddenly see all of the seller's responses to their reviews right there on their profile page (but only with the profiles that have the "new" look): This is much easier than going to the individual gig pages to see their responses.
  20. Hi @multifractal - that is strange! You should be able to have 7 gigs. Is this related to the "auto-denied" gig that you mentioned? Please let us know what gig that is, and maybe we can find out why you keep getting auto-denied.
  21. He can extend indefinitely - there isn't a limit on how often he can extend his review period. No. Please reach out to CS to let them know what is happening. Often they can reach out to the buyer on your behalf, and your buyer may start talking to you again. I've seen a lot of buyers using this extended review multiple times this summer. It can be frustrating, especially if they are non-responsive. The biggest impact on me was that I had 8 orders that were delayed by the buyers and they all decided to request revisions on the same day - so there was a lot of waiting on my part and then I was overloaded with work on a single day.
  22. Here is the link to sign up for the waiting list: https://www.fiverr.com/cp/seller-plus When my account was shut down by the hacker, I lost my eligibility for Seller Plus for a full month. This was because all of my orders in queue were canceled and that demoted my account from a Level 2 to a Level 1 seller. Even though this demotion was adjusted by CS within a matter of days, the system didn't "catch up" until a month later.
  23. I (bravely) shut down one of my gigs today. It was tough to do and I almost unpaused it. Almost. (Now I won't because I mentioned it here) It's a step in the right direction though. What changes are you going to make, @seo_nasirbd?
  24. Great webinar @Shiran.M! I really like how you were able to post examples of 5-star reviews from recent canceled orders - that was really nice to see! You had a lot of info to cover during the webinar, so I thought it was fitting that you spent the most time on the information that most sellers were concerned about (reviews on canceled orders). @Yoav.M - One area that I think many sellers need help with is learning how to respond to negative reviews from buyers. I noticed that some sellers see this as an opportunity to "tell their side of the story" so their customer service skills go out the window and the response ends up being more of a rant. And that doesn't put them in a good light. So as a follow-up webinar, that would be a great customer service skill to cover - how to respond to negative feedback. I know @yael_success did an awesome job covering this in the Seller Plus tips video but a video or webinar for non-Seller Plus members would be very helpful, especially in light of the recent changes. So Seller Plus members - now would be a great time to go to your Tips and Insights tab on your Seller Plus Program Page and watch @yael_success's video "What To Do When You Get A Negative Review." Note: I went through @Yoav.M's webinar section and this is a good webinar for all sellers to review: https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/4403197337745-Service-success-Customer-satisfaction-On-repeat- For anyone who wants to view all of the webinars, they are here: https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/sections/17143178826641
  25. Looks like it @sripra9007! Thanks for posting it here!
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