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Everything posted by vickieito

  1. Right now, the only thing you can do is wait for the 90-day review period to be completed. At that time, it'll be decided whether your account will be reinstated or not.
  2. @malikhifza8127 - it looks like you did academic work, which is against Fiverr's ToS. It was probably your gig "I will write article or essay about health and disease." You aren't allowed to write papers for students. Edit: I just saw you had other gigs, "I will do assignments for your related to nursing..." and "I will complete your online medical course." None of these services are allowed on Fiverr.
  3. You can do both - you can report the buyer for trying to take conversation off the platform and you can also block this buyer so that he cannot place another order with you. To report the buyer, just click on the flag next to the message where they asked for you to communicate with them off the platform. However, I would only do this if the buyer was absolutely persistent about using gmail when you told them that it was against Fiverr's ToS. Sometimes buyers will ask to take conversation off the platform just because it's easier for them (and are usually okay with using Fiverr's platform once you tell them it's not allowed). To block the buyer, visit their profile and click on the block icon right below their name. This should prevent the buyer from contacting you or placing an order with you in the future. Just so you know - a 4-star review is still considered a good review. I've had repeat buyers give me 4.3 & 4.7 stars (with tips) and their reviews were positive like yours. However, I understand how much one such review impacts your account when you only have 10 reviews there.
  4. It looks like your buyer may have reported you for violating Fiverr's ToS. Is there anything from your conversation with your client that might give a clue as to why your account was reported by the buyer?
  5. This is done from the Fiverr inbox, which is allowed. The question about outside communication was already addressed by @smashradio at the top of this thread. To which the OP stated: I was responding to the OP's question about making an offer.
  6. What reason was given for your account restriction? You should have received an email (check your spam folder).
  7. From your inbox, go to the bottom of your messages and click on "Create an Offer." Once you do that, you can select the gig that you want. Once you select a gig, you can select how you want to get paid (I usually opt for the "Single payment"): Once you select the set up for payment, you can then describe your offer, select the number of revisions, delivery timeframe, and price. This is where you can enter in the discounted price for your services. When you are done, click "Send offer."
  8. That's good news, @annalai! I'm glad you were both able to come to an agreement so quickly (while maintaining a good relationship with the buyer). That's not an easy task. Great job keeping it together and professional during this difficult situation. I saw you are taking much-needed downtime, which is so important for you to be able to get back to 100% again. Get plenty of rest, reconnect with nature, take care of your health, and spend quality time with close family and friends. Fiverr will be here when you are ready to come back. 😊
  9. You can change the price when making custom offers, but make sure that it is in line with the listed price. For example, if you state you'll do voiceovers for 50 words at $35, don't increase the price just because you want to. Increase it based on what you've listed your services at. You can charge $70 for 100 words or $85 for 50 words w/ full commercial rights because they are both in line with the prices you state in your gig.
  10. Hi @mandyzines! I agree with @biggerant that having different gigs can help to lessen the effect of a cancelation, but if the cancelation is also coupled with a lowered BSR, that can affect your account for 6 months or longer.
  11. I agree with @aariful - just tell Fiverr CS that the buyer is trying to get you to do free work after accepting your order. I haven't had any issues from difficult clients that I had to block.
  12. If the buyer accepted the order, then there is nothing else that you need to do - they accepted the order and delivery, so they didn't need any revisions. This also shows that they were satisfied with the delivery. If they ask for more work, the proper thing to do is to open up another order for you to cover that work. But they can't force you to work for free. You can report this buyer to Fiverr CS, and block the buyer so that they can't harrass you any more.
  13. It might be best to extend the delivery on this order - and continue your dispute with the buyer.
  14. I've never had a late order. But I think that means the customer can cancel and then you get slapped with a generic 1-star review that says "Cancelled order. Seller failed to deliver on time!"
  15. The problem with that is, CS won't cancel an order if you are in communication with your buyer. They prefer that you handle such disputes yourself, and you have a buyer that's willing to work with you. So I can't really see them just canceling the order for you. They will just tell you to come to some sort of agreement with your buyer. So if you want to cancel, you just have to convince the buyer to cancel. This will be a big headache for you, but if that's really what you want to do, you have to be firm and just keep requesting the buyer to cancel. This can take weeks or even months to do, so be prepared to battle it out for that long. It's really you vs buyer, and whoever wins is the one who is most persistent with their stance.
  16. I also agree that 2% is pretty good. I had 2% until my account was shut down by the hacker and all my orders in queue were automatically canceled. That event brought me to 6% cancelations. So I can see how unforeseen events, such as medical emergencies, could skew that number. So the percentage itself doesn't say much unless it's extreme. I did see a buyer on the forum who mentioned canceling about 75% of their orders (and based on their attitude, I wouldn't even consider doing business with them).
  17. Hi @moriom07, Welcome to the forum! I started using the forum last year, and here's how I made the most out of it during my first 25 days: Your activity on the forum (such as posting or getting badges) won't help your Fiverr business at all. However, the information that you learn can, if you apply what you learn to your business. So don't concentrate on how much time you can spend on the forum - focus on what you can learn. I'm trying to reduce my time on the forum because the more time I spend here, the less time I have to work on my business. It is a fun place to mingle with other users on the platform. 😊
  18. I joined Fiverr in June 2019 but didn't post my first gig until Nov 2021. I got my Level 1 badge 60 days later (Jan 2022) and then my Level 2 badge the next month, in Feb 2022. That's when I started freelancing full-time on Fiverr. It's really nice to move quickly when you can!
  19. Hi @annalai, if you feel like your emotions will be better next month, just extend the delivery time to next month and you will be better equipped (mentally) to take care of the issue then - whether you still want to cancel or continue the order. It's amazing what a good mental break can do ... and you might be able to get on the same page by then.
  20. Great job @bot_effects! Turn the "might get Level 1" to "will get Level 1" and start working towards hitting all the metrics to get Level 2. 😊
  21. ⬆️ This is false!!! 😲 You are suggesting that the seller deliver a "fake" order and take the buyer's money. That's dishonest and could result in a warning for the seller. I would immediately contact CS to see if they can get the buyer to communicate their requirements to you. If your buyer doesn't answer, you can cancel the order, and CS can make sure that your stats are not affected by the cancelation. If your buyer responds, request for an extension of the delivery date so that you can have adequate time to work on the project. If not, you can cancel the order and CS should be able to adjust your stats so the cancelation doesn't hurt you.
  22. Correction: It's actually not a Buyer-certified process, but a Partner-certified process. It looks like businesses can apply to become a partner. Once accepted, they can create their own marketplace for connecting buyers with sellers - just like having your own personal Fiverr Business catalog of sellers. As part of that marketplace, you get to set up your own certification badges (either created by you or Fiverr). So you could create a Dan H. Marketplace with certifications for copywriters, technical writers, content writers, etc. You would then drive targeted clientele to this marketplace using your own methods and you can certify Fiverr sellers to get showcased there. At least that's what it looks like from here: https://www.fiverr.com/certified
  23. Hi @biggerant - as @looseink and @cre8iveartwork mentioned, the number alone doesn't tell you much. It might be helpful to break down why you are getting cancelations. The less cancelations you have, the less headaches you'll have as a freelancer. More on that here:
  24. A buyer can set up their own certification process, so they can now certify their sellers, too.
  25. It looks like now your previous post is attached to this thread. 😊 I'd still like to know the details on the conversations you had with CS, what tips helped you (I don't see any), and how hard it was to dispute it. I think it's wonderful that CS was able to compensate you!
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