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Everything posted by vickieito

  1. Hi @jayden_green - Submit a Help Desk ticket to see if CS can contact your seller on your behalf. They can also advise you on what to do if you still cannot contact your seller. You will have the option to cancel if the order is 24 hours late, but I believe you can keep the order open if you want to.
  2. Yes, you can ask for a review. However, you can't ask for a specific review (positive or negative). So don't ask for positive reviews, 5-star reviews, or to leave a review "if they are happy."
  3. I thought you were operating out of a normal buyer account, so you don't need to delete any account. You can have one Fiverr Pro account and one regular account (used for both buying and selling). Since the regular account can be used for both, Fiverr doesn't allow more than one.
  4. I would say "no" because the buyer ordered incorrectly in the first place so no deliveries could be made - even if the order went late (through no fault of your own). We can see what @Shiran.M says, too.
  5. And question - did you create another account? Fiverr only allows 1 account per user. Creating another account risks getting both accounts shut down. If you are a buyer, just click on your profile picture and you should see something that says "Become a Seller." From there you can set up your gigs to sell.
  6. If it were deleted, then you should have a red banner show up at the top of your screen saying this: When my account was shut down by a hacker, this was the message I got. I had to go to my spam folder to find the email from Fiverr.
  7. Hi @jbwarrensings - did you always have a blank bio? That might be one reason for your seller profile not being accepted.
  8. First-time buyer, no delivery, and canceled 8 months ago - there shouldn't be a review left on that canceled order then. I wonder how this was even possible. Did CS allow it? And this brings up another question - is CS still allowing buyers to change their reviews? For example, if an order gets canceled and the buyer leaves their review, can the buyer go to CS to change their review after reading the seller's reply? Based on forum posts, CS was allowing buyers to change their reviews but not allowing the seller to change their comments. So a buyer could leave a 5-star review and then later change it to a 1-star review (which would make the seller's comments look odd because their comments were made based on the previous review). I think if buyers can change their reviews, sellers should be able to reply to the new review.
  9. That's concerning if it was really 8 months ago and it was a first-time buyer! And was there even a delivery made on that order? Based on the buyer's comments, it almost sounds as if there wasn't even a delivery.
  10. Contact Fiverr from your account and you can give the username of your sister's account. Be honest - tell them that you know they don't allow the same Payoneer account to be used on different accounts and explain your situation. It doesn't help to be elusive about it or try not to get caught. Fiverr CS should be understanding of your situation and should be able to guide you through the process. They may need to verify both you and your sister's identities to allow for the switch.
  11. Did you reach out to Fiverr for approval to remove your Payoneer account from your sister's account and add it on to yours? As @donnovan86 stated (on another thread) - normally Fiverr doesn't allow the same Payoneer account to be used on different accounts (and removing it from one and then adding it onto another makes it look like you have multiple accounts). It's best to contact CS to make sure that you are doing this in a way that doesn't trigger an account warning or suspension.
  12. @ghostyhappy - I hope your issue is resolved! I tried to do a withdrawal this morning and got the same error as you: The money disappeared from my Fiverr balance and didn't show up in my PayPal account. So I tried the suggestions that you included in this thread (clearing browsers and trying different browsers). What that did was change my status from "In Process" to "Withdrawing." However, the funds still were nowhere to be seen. I put in a ticket with PayPal and this is what they said: By that time, the funds made it to PayPal and the withdrawal now shows up as "Transferred successfully." Thanks to you @ghostyhappy, I was able to quickly resolve my issue without having to get Fiverr CS involved. I just hope that you were also able to get your issue resolved!
  13. Hi @charlsmcfarlane! I have been refreshing my browser like crazy since I saw your post and finally got this feature - Wahoo!🥳
  14. How are your impressions and clicks looking like? Are they increasing, decreasing, or staying the same? If you are getting impressions, work on increasing your clicks and turning your clicks into orders. Clicks are related to how attractive your gig is to buyers - this includes your gig images, video, title, and pricing. If your gig catches the eye of a buyer, that buyer will click on your gig to learn more. Once the buyer clicks on your gig, you have to convince the buyer to either contact you or place an order.
  15. Good point! (and I'd love to see you as a TRS!) What I'd like to see is more transparency on this badge. In my opinion, it isn't really a level to aspire to because once you've hit the minimum requirements (which are simple enough), there isn't really much you can do. It's great if you have it (like the Fiverr's Choice badge), but just like badges, it can disappear just as easily (I've seen demoted TRS on the forum stating that they still meet all the TRS requirements but were demoted to Level 2). They are left in the dark, especially if their success manager tells them their BRS is great.
  16. Thanks for the update @Shiran.M! I've been using the partial refunds since it came out, and so far, it seems to be a good feature (I use it to get paid for the work I do with buyers who purchase a set amount of hours each week - and don't use it all by the end). This feature could be streamlined (I don't know why it asks both seller and buyer for a reason for the discount and neither of those reasons are shared with the other party). Other than that, I really like this feature and would like to see more orders qualify for partial refunds. I love this! 😍 This reduces so much stress on a seller's part. Most of my buyers agree to extend my delivery date (in the order chats) but don't realize they have to accept the extension request officially. I'm not sure how this would help sellers achieve the TRS status - most of the sellers I see complaining about this have already exceeded the $20k threshold (and all of the minimum requirements). There are also sellers on the Seller Plus Premium plan who qualify for the minimum TRS requirements (and still have not made the cut). They are questioning what this "fast track to TRS" is all about. Is this 5 days from the delivery date (or from the date of cancelation)? And can orders still be canceled up to 14 days after an order closes?
  17. Hi @hamzayounis_105, I agree with @venonusa & @picaya - sometimes buyers will ask to use communication tools that they are familiar with without knowing about Fiverr's ToS. Once you informed your client that communication should remain on Fiverr, the buyer immediately agreed to follow Fiverr's rules. So you are safe as long as both of you keep communications on Fiverr.
  18. Hi @mahedi3284, how many impressions, clicks, and inquiries are you currently getting? And is this number staying about the same, decreasing, or increasing over time?
  19. It would be helpful to send a screenshot of the client saying that they no longer needed your services. Be clear that the cancelation was because of buyer error (the buyer ordered and then decided he didn't want the order). Don't mention this ⬇️ as a reason, because many mutually canceled orders do affect your order completion rate.
  20. Hi @mehedipro, if you signed up for Seller Plus, go visit your program page to see what benefits you have and start taking advantage of the new tools and features that are available to Seller Plus members. Use these tools to optimize and update your gigs. One of the first things I did was take advantage of the CreativeLive courses. You get access to all 2,000 courses for a full month (for FREE), so I took about $1,000 worth of courses during that time (mostly about how to use Adobe products). Not too many people seem to take advantage of these courses, but it's a great deal. I also enjoy learning from the Seller Plus forum: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/forum/126-seller-plus-premium-member-lounge/ And if you have a Success Manager, schedule your first meeting! No - eligible sellers will be invited to join the program and a lot is based on your seller performance. I lost my eligibility for Seller Plus for a month when I dropped from Level 2 to Level 1 temporarily - a hacker shut down my account which caused all my orders in queue to cancel and my seller level dropped until CS fixed it for me. Even though my level was restored, I lost eligibility for that month. I was reinvited to join the program the following month.
  21. @ghostyhappy - This is strange. I wonder if it's just persisting from the initial issue (since CS mentioned having to wait 30 days until you can try again). Have you created support tickets with Payoneer and PayPal?
  22. Orders don't automatically flow in as soon as you post a gig. I didn't get my first order for 14 days (and many sellers don't get their first order for a month or longer). Are you getting any inquiries? After posting my first gig, buyers started coming to me, but not exactly for the services I was advertising for. I quickly set up gigs for the services these buyers were looking for and started to get orders.
  23. If the buyer says that they ordered by mistake, then CS can adjust your stats so that it doesn't affect you. My client who ordered a resume (only to get a job interview minutes later) stated that he ordered by mistake and no longer needed my services. I put in a ticket to Fiverr CS and they immediately adjusted my Order Completion Rate (OCR) so that the cancelation didn't affect me.
  24. Hi @ghostyhappy - You mentioned that you have the same issue with Payoneer as well, what error message do you see there? Whenever PayPal doesn't work for me, Payoneer does. I've never had an incident when both didn't work. You might want to share the MP4 video of you trying to withdraw with both PayPal and Payoneer. What are the different browsers you've tried this with?
  25. Hi @ahmeddev125, did you take a break for the last year? If so, you could just refresh/revamp your gigs and portfolio and let everyone know that you are back in business (in your bio). Or, if you have been trying to get orders for the past year (with no luck), please let us know what you have tried so that we can give you more specific tips. Thanks!
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