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Everything posted by vickieito

  1. Why was your previous account shut down? If it was shut down by Fiverr, you aren't allowed to create another account. If you shut the account down yourself for some reason and want to open a new account, this can be done with CS's help. There are things that you are supposed to do before shutting your account down (for example, if you wanted to use the same email address, you would have to change it on the previous account before you shut it down, so you can use it on the new account). That's explained here: https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/360011329498-Account-and-profile-settings#h_01GHGW9KCJV4QK0Y6KM1FYCYNH It might have been the same for payment methods. But ask CS about it, to confirm.
  2. Hi @amjad1031 - what was the dispute? Was it your order that was wrongfully canceled by the buyer?
  3. Hi @symphonyofcello, just tell your buyer that what he is requesting falls outside of the scope of the order, so it can't be addressed with a revision request. However, let the buyer know that you would be more than happy to take care of his request for $XXX.
  4. Hi @datwriterguy - I joined the Seller Plus waiting list by clicking on this link here: https://www.fiverr.com/cp/seller-plus I was a newbie seller when I joined the wait list (so it was too early for the special invite). So I clicked on the link and got accepted to the program 5 months later. The only time I received the invite was when I was qualified to join.
  5. Just so you know why I was probing for so much information and proof - I've been in many industry and government audits where it's assumed that you are "guilty until proven otherwise." As long as I had documented proof of everything, I was okay. Otherwise, the government could shut my company down or I would be fired because I was responsible for ensuring that the company was in compliance and audit-ready at all times. Fiverr takes review manipulation very seriously. There are so many sellers who purposely manipulate reviews for their gain that Fiverr takes a very hard stance on it. They have to, due to the sheer number of violators. So even though Fiverr does have the tools to check, they might not be digging too far if you didn't pass their initial screening questions of "Did the seller contact the buyer about the review?" or "Did the seller contact CS about changing the review?" That's why it's not recommended to even talk to a buyer about a less-than-five-star review or reach out to CS unless you are absolutely sure it violates Fiverr's ToS. Fiverr handles their review manipulation just like how I deal with spam in my inbox - I won't do a deep analysis of every message that looks spammy to check if they are legitimate buyers. If the message only has "Hi there" I will mark it as spam because it's very likely that it is. There may be some cases where the message came from a legitimate buyer, but it's very rare. So back to my industry/auditing days, if there was any question on any point of the audit, I would sit down with the department head and go through piles of documents to see if there was any way to prove that we were in compliance. The department head's job and my job depended on it.
  6. I guess all we can do is wait and see, then. If that's all the proof that you will provide. I was hoping I could help you more, but I can't.
  7. The OP would have to show that there was no manipulation on two counts: 1. The OP did not pressure the buyer into wanting to change their review (difficult to show) 2. The OP did not ask CS to change the review (which the OP did) Not necessarily. Confronting a buyer about their review and questioning "Did you really like my work?" (when it was clear that they did based on the 4-star review and tip) could be seen as putting enough pressure to make the buyer want to change their review. I do think Fiverr's ToS and Community Standard regarding Review Manipulation are pretty harsh, but I think that because the OP confronted the buyer AND CS on the issue, Fiverr decided on the permanent suspension.
  8. Please know that I'm only trying to help - you still haven't sent any proof disproving the possible scenario that I listed ...and Fiverr will be looking for proof. That's the only way to reverse a decision. What did the conversation look like before the buyer stated that she was happy with your services? You would need to share a screenshot of your conversation before May 24th, 2023 1:03 AM (you keep sharing this same screenshot, which doesn't show the information that I requested). This current screenshot only supports the suspicion that there was a review manipulation. As long as you can prove this, then at least that would show that you didn't pressure the buyer to leave a tip. But it still doesn't show that there wasn't a review manipulation. A buyer can leave a generous tip, a "raving" review (via comments), and a 4-star review. I've had that happen to me before. In that case, I thanked the buyer for her generous tip, told her it was a pleasure to work with her, and went on my merry way. So next time, thank the buyer for the tip right away - not seven hours later. You don't know that. As I mentioned, someone simply mentioning my less-than-5-star review would be more than enough to make me feel pressured. I don't like confrontation and your buyer might be the same. If she tipped you, she was happy with your services. A 4-star review is still a good review. Fiverr won't confirm this with her. Questioning the buyer, "Did you really like my work?" can put a lot of unnecessary pressure on a buyer. And most likely if she feels pressured, she won't tell you. We don't know that. All your conversation looks like is you approached the client about her review, she backpedaled and told you she tried to fix it. There is nothing in conversation from your client that she wanted you to reach out to Fiverr CS to change the review. As I mentioned - buyers can leave 4-star reviews with a tip and be completely happy with your services. I really don't know if you'll be able to provide the proof needed to reverse Fiverr's decision for the permanent suspension of your account. Fiverr really takes review manipulation seriously, so in order to reverse the decision, you'll have to provide compelling evidence that disproves everything I've mentioned. If you can do that, there may be a chance.
  9. Part of the problem is that you are reaching out to Fiverr CS - they are not the team conducting the review of your account. It's done by a separate team, the Trust and Safety Team. The best thing you can do is attach the 200 agreements that you have and ask them to forward that to the appropriate team to include in their review. If you can put together a concise statement here that clearly outlines why you were wrongly shutdown (with reference to the 200 agreements you have and any other evidence that you want to attach to show these third-party platforms are completely happy with what you are doing) ...we may be able to call over a Fiverr staffer to this thread to help get your statement seen by the right staff members.
  10. @mukhtarhussa860 & @shafin901 - Fiverr will tell you that your country will change automatically (but it didn't for me). So I reached out to Fiverr when I moved from Japan to the US. Here are several things I had to do: 1. Notify Fiverr of my country change. They asked for a copy of a utility bill showing my name and new address. Once I provided that, my location was changed to the US. 2. Since I am a US citizen, I had to update my W9 information. 3. I also updated my phone number to a US phone number. 4. Per Payoneer ToS, I had to create a new account since I was moving out of Japan (see below) ... but Payoneer also had a strict rule that only one account was allowed per user. So I had to first shut down my Japan account under Payonner CS's direction, unlink it from Fiverr, and then create a new account in the US using a different email address. So do your research there - you might only need to change your address (not set up a new account). 5. PayPal is country-specific and you are only allowed one personal account per user. So I closed my Japan account and opened a US account.
  11. I was talking about withdrawing. I've never used a phone number or verification code to withdraw (only upon initial set up). I only use PayPal or Payoneer to withdraw and it's just a matter of pressing a button to "withdraw." So I never had to deal with this:
  12. Or it could mean that we all verified our phone number at the start before getting orders. Verifying my phone number was the first thing that I did when I set myself up as a seller. I also set up my withdrawal method. So when I delivered my orders, after the 14 days cleared, I used PayPal to make the withdrawal.
  13. Hi @calieyseo - One thing I noticed when reading your bio in the internet archives was that you stated you were guest posting on 600+ sites. Whenever you work with third-party sites, you have to follow their ToS. If you violate the third-party sites' ToS, you are violating Fiverr's ToS. So it's your responsibility (not Fiverr's) to keep updated on these third-party sites' ToS to make sure you are in compliance. I have a hard time doing this with just two third-party sites, so I don't know how you were doing that for 600 sites. My two third-party sites have very different user agreements, so I have to make sure my gigs and services are structured so that I'm in compliance with those ToS. For example, LinkedIn's User Agreement prevents me from logging into my customer's accounts to make changes. However, Thinkific's online learning platform will let me log into my client's account, provided I am added on as a course admin or site admin (for an additional fee). I can't log in under their personal login. I have no idea what ToS your 600+ sites had so it might be helpful to go through ToS of the top 10 that you specifically listed in your different gigs to get an idea of what that violation might be.
  14. @nexartdesign - To clarify ... this is what it looks like so far: 1. Your buyer gives you a 4-star review. 2. You confront your buyer in the inbox and ask why you got that 4-star review. 3. Your buyer decides to change her review to a 5-star review but can't. 4. Your buyer assures you she was happy with your services and tried to change her review for you (note: this may not reflect her true feelings). 5. Seven hours later, the buyer decides to give you a tip to compensate you for that less-than-5-star review. You thank her and screenshot the message for CS. It would be different if a buyer tipped you while leaving her 4-star review, but since the tip came after you confronted her about her 4-star review, it could be seen as review manipulation. And the whole conversation could be seen as a "manufactured" conversation to take to Fiverr CS to try to get the review changed. Which you did. So this is how Fiverr might see it, even if that wasn't your intent. It really doesn't take much to make a buyer feel pressured to change their review. Just putting them on the spot can cause them to freeze and feel bad about it. I certainly don't want anyone questioning me about a less-than-five-star review that I gave them. So I wouldn't even mention their review to them. I would just go back through previous conversations and do a post-mortem review of how the order went to see how I could improve things going forward.
  15. The part that I think caused the account suspension comes before this conversation here (which we haven't seen yet): What did you ask your buyer to make her respond that way? Did you ask her about her review? How did you word it? Because asking your buyer about her review in a way that makes her want to change her review can be seen as review manipulation.
  16. Hi @usama_profesion, Here is a great resource (filled with many links) to help you build your Fiverr business (ignore the part about Buyer Request, because this feature is no longer available): https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/282146-how-to-be-successful-on-fiverr-common-questions-answered-and-a-collection-of-great-posts-that-helped-me-achieve-trs/ Buyer Request was replaced with Buyer Briefs. Read here for more details: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/293675-%F0%9F%93%88-fiverr-simplified-get-matched/
  17. Fiverr's Help Center outlines in detail how you can take advantage of all of its tools to attract potential buyers to your gigs: https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360010639617-Managing-Orders These tips helped me to get my first buyers and progress all the way to Level 2.
  18. The Help Center has everything you need to know to manage (and deliver) your orders: https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360010639617-Managing-Orders
  19. Here are a few: Pros and Cons of Freelancing https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/279314-pros-and-cons-of-freelancing/ Is Freelancing Really For You https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/305424-is-freelancing-really-for-you/ Bob's Success Story https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/296532-bobs-success-story/#comment-1869644 How to Build Credibility https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/282867-how-to-build-credibility-on-fiverr-even-if-youre-a-new-seller-with-zero-reviews/ Stop Being Afraid https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/282867-how-to-build-credibility-on-fiverr-even-if-youre-a-new-seller-with-zero-reviews/ Five Tips for Efficient Forum Use https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/278683-new-to-the-forum-welcome-here-are-5-tips-for-efficient-forum-use-–-how-to-make-the-forum-work-better-for-yourself-and-for-everyone/
  20. Hi @dm_team360 - it looks like you were trying to put a web link into your bio. Remove the web link and it should save.
  21. Do you even have an account? I can't find you. I'm not sure what your issue is. If there isn't an account, they can't disable it.
  22. Impressions only relate to how many times your gig is shown in Fiverr's search ... so it doesn't take into account any traffic that you are sending directly to your gig through external marketing.
  23. @freshko91 - can you send us more detail on what happened and a screenshot of the message CS sent you?
  24. @nexartdesign - Unfortunately, I don't think there's anything you can do about your account suspension but I do think you should have been compensated for that order that you mentioned. Account Suspension Feedback Manipulation is one of the reasons for immediate, permanent account suspension (it bypasses the warning system due to the serious nature of this type of behavior). This is explained under the "Integrity and Authenticity" section and "Inauthentic Behavior" subsection of Fiverr's Community Standards: https://business.fiverr.com/community/standards/integrity-authenticity I believe your permanent suspension didn't come from contacting CS about the issue ... it was because you reached out to your buyer about their 4-star review and caused them to respond with "I was very happy with the services. I tried to fix my review but it doesn't allow me to edit it." This could be seen as "pressuring a buyer to edit or remove feedback or a review from the platform." More on permanently suspended accounts is here: https://business.fiverr.com/support/articles/360014585217-Suspended-accounts?segment=business Order Compensation I really think you should have been compensated for this order. I'm not sure how compensation would work for a permanently suspended account but this issue was reported well before Fiverr suspended your account. @Lena - is there anything that can be done to compensate @nexartdesign for the work that was done on this $1,650 order? I know I may be shooting in the dark because this is now a suspended account (and I'm not sure how this would be handled). If this issue were properly handled, the OP would've been compensated before the account shutdown. In short - the buyer ordered 70 photos and @nexartdesign delivered 69 in the order chats with good back-and-forth feedback from the buyer. However, right before the final delivery, the buyer's account was shut down, causing @nexartdesign's order to be canceled even though the order was 98.6% delivered. CS didn't provide any compensation. Please take a look at this feed here: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/309573-scam-on-fiverr/ Thanks for all your help!
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