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  1. Hey navin_bhattarai, Fiverr's policy strictly requires all work and communication to be done on their platform. If you use Telegram, you risk getting banned. It's not worth it. My suggestion is to Politely tell your client that you're committed to Fiverr's rules and offer exceptional service through Fiverr's messaging system. It's the best way to ensure your account's safety. Your account's safety comes first. Wishing you the best and a successful start!
  2. Hello Club Members, 👋 I hope you're all doing well. I'm relatively new to the Fiverr platform and I'm eager to learn how to secure my first order. I've been working hard on my profile and services, but I seem to be facing challenges in landing that initial order. Could you kindly review my profile and offer any insights or suggestions on what might be missing or could be improved? Your expertise and feedback would be invaluable to me. Profile Link: Mubeen Ahmad I'm open to any tips, tricks, or guidance you might have based on your own experiences. How did you all manage to get your first orders on Fiverr? Any specific strategies or steps you followed that you'd be willing to share? Thank you so much for taking the time to help out a fellow freelancer. I genuinely appreciate your support and advice. Looking forward to hearing from you!
  3. So, can I contact CS from my Fiverr account or from my sister's Fiverr account? Right now I didn't connect my Payoneer to my account. Coz I also know Fiverr doesn't allow the same Payoneer account to be used on different accounts.
  4. So, can we add the Payoneer account to the new Fiverr account?
  5. Hey, Fiverr community, I hope you're all doing well. I'm reaching out because I need some guidance on how to remove my Payoneer account from my Fiverr profile. Could someone please walk me through the steps to do this? I want to make sure I follow the correct procedure to avoid any issues. Any help or insights would be greatly appreciated! Thank you in advance for your assistance. Best regards, Mubeen
  6. Hey everyone, 👋 I hope you're all doing well. I had a quick question regarding using Fiverr on different Wi-Fi networks. I usually access Fiverr from my home Wi-Fi, but when I'm at university, I connect to the university Wi-Fi network to continue working. I've heard from various sources that using multiple Fiverr accounts on a single Wi-Fi network might be an issue. Since there are other students at the university who also use Fiverr on the same Wi-Fi network, I wanted to clarify if this setup could potentially cause any problems. Has anyone encountered a similar situation or could provide some insights into whether using Fiverr accounts from different Wi-Fi networks (home and university) might be against Fiverr's policies? Your advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your help!
  7. I spend around 10 to 12 hours online daily, but I'm not seeing the desired impressions and clicks. I would greatly appreciate any advice or tips from the community to boost my performance.
  8. I need guidance on a Payoneer account update issue. My sister used my Payoneer account for Fiverr withdrawals, but now she has her own account and wants to switch. I also want to link my own Payoneer account. How can we do this without any issues? Your help is appreciated!
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