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  1. @anniejenkinson Glad to help 😊
  2. I had to delete the last two questions to be able to save the FAQ. I guess you cannot have more than 10 entries? I would appreciate it if someone had any insight.
  3. Hello all, I have not yet encountered this error: Gig service updater sort is not included in the list. I was just adding an FAQ when it happened and now I cannot save it. Does anybody have any idea what could be wrong? 😓 Thanks!
  4. I'm curious, why do you write vi-deos instead od videos?
  5. How have you posted the exact same post as amzadhosen1 and prasanta_social at almost the same time?
  6. Great question. I've asked a similar question recently; no answers yet 🙂 I can clearly see that the freelance landscape has changed, but how to adapt to all this is still a mystery to me.
  7. He said he has been on Fiverr for 5 years now, I doubt he's impatient. And how do you make yourself more efficient when you have no orders? Genuine question.
  8. Are there any small business owners or employees (former or current) here? I'm curious to know how are small businesses doing right now! I have a feeling that the market has changed a lot, and I'm wondering if small businesses still make the majority of buyers on Fiverr. What's your experience?
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  9. How are you searching? By category or keywords or...?
  10. Is there some kind of image compression happening on Fiverr's servers? I've noticed that gig images get cropped too, although I'm following the image size guidelines. I wonder why is that.
  11. I've had no idea that Fiverr has to approve your account first 🤔So deleting an old account and starting over is a bad idea for sure. I'm guessing they had a lot of cases with buyers abusing the option.
  12. 24 hours active? 🤯
  13. You need someone to proofread your gigs. Or at least try to use a spellchecker. I'm not claiming my grammar is excellent, but your gigs are hard to read and understand.
  14. Again you two 😂 providing almost the same answer at the same time. Are you trying to give him an example of running multiple accounts from the same IP? 😂
  15. What's up with almost identical answers from two different accounts in this thread? I don't understand the purpose of stating the exact same thing as someone else... 😕
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