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About gajuseidi

  • Birthday 01/03/1996


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  1. I'm sorry this happened to you and it completely sucks. In my mind, there's absolutely no reason for a reputable professional with years of outstanding delivery to be demoted from TRS to level 0, unless they started running an obvious scam, but even then, they should be removed from the platform in that case, not demoted. Fiverr doesn't seem to care about quality and professionalism, because if they did, they would promote your gigs instead of unjustifiably punishing their standing (and your profile as a whole). I have one gig with around 450 reviews, 4.9 rating average. When I research SEO page for my niche, and filter by both "relevance" and "best selling", most gigs shown right at the top are : 1. ads 2. Gigs with barely any reviews or no reviews at all (also, gigs with 4.1-4.8 rating average) 3. Numerous gigs which blatantly copy my gig photos or description word for word, something which I stopped paying attention and taking action against some time ago. Right now, my gig shows up on the first page, but it keeps regularly cycling between the first and fourth pages for seemingly no reason at all. And it stays on the fourth page for weeks at a time, while the first page is populated with new gigs with no track record at all. I wouldn't jump to put the blame on yourself, Fiverr algorithms have been notorious for prioritizing low quality and low effort gigs instead of the ones which have a proven track record and trust from buyers. Even if Fiverr values profit above everything else (which it seems that it does), it doesn't make any sense to me.
  2. I'm so confused by this post. Where are the actual tips for creating a successful Fiverr gig? So far I've learned I have to create a Fiverr profile, add visual media, click on the "publish" button and "earning extra income". How is this useful to anyone?
  3. Well, in that case, I hope that at least we still have a few occasional congas and conga rats! 🏆 That's definitely a new one. I'm glad to hear that the reporting system is working as intended though.
  4. Some things never change, that's for certain. After creating this post I've received 50 notifications from members spam-liking different posts I've made. 😄 I see what you're saying. With a lot of good this forum has to offer comes a lot of the same problems that we've sort of gotten used to. I guess, now that I think about it, my main issue is that the "scroll past 'em" solution works, but also wastes time and energy, which could be used more productively. I have tried filtering out the categories on the forum SEO page, which helps a bit, but spam posts still manage to get in there. However, it's nice to see familiar faces on this post! I'll have to check it out, thank you!
  5. Hey everyone, long time no see! I must admit that I sort of left Fiverr forum or at least became inactive mostly due to constant mind-numbing, idiotic spam that has been overwhelming this forum for quite some time. Of course, it's not the only reason, other reasons are personal and have nothing to do with the forum itself. My question - Is it any better now? I find a lot of joy and meaning in occasional intellectually stimulating conversations with interesting people that can be had here, but the flood of meaningless ignorant posts just made it a bit too hard to search for conversations worth having.
  6. I love the fact that in the gig image your glasses match the color scheme of the main typographic design. The gig looks to be quite fleshed-out, but maybe adding more gig images, a presentation or a video could improve it.
  7. I noticed that as well, messages seem to be lagging a bit. Also, earlier today whenever I would go to my inbox, my interface would turn to a buyer's interface with all the seller tools at the top disappearing 😄 At least that seems to be fixed now.
  8. I agree with this, I can see the incentive behind this system, but it feels forced and rushed. I only have 5 posts per day, I'm not sure if it's because of my forum rank badge or reputation, but I can say it's not enough to have a continuous conversation. Also, this post limit seems to extend to personal messages on the forum, so once you reach your post limit, you're not even able to reply to private messages for the next 24 hours. 🤷‍♂️
  9. @vickiespencer Thank you for the link! I appreciate it. Now I just need to wait out my sentence😄


    1. vickiespencer


      Why do you have a sentence?


    2. gajuseidi


      I was being jailed by the forum. Could not post or even reply to private messages due to daily post limit 😄 Still found a way to reply to you, although the post limit sure does make communication a bit difficult. Thank you once again for your time and the link, I'm already putting it to good use. 😊

  10. Starting your own business is never easy, glad to hear you're making good progress. Best of luck on your business! The longest brake I have taken from Fiverr was probably 4 days. I haven't noticed a big difference once I got back to being available, but I imagine that taking long brakes (for example a month or half a year) can make it difficult to get back on track. I'm not sure how the level system works in this case, as I've seen level 2 sellers who had their last delivery 6 or more months ago, but I think the biggest issue would be that your returning clients would have found another seller for their projects by the time you return.
  11. @frank_d I saw your post a bit earlier, but left it as a treat for later 😄 I really appreciate your posts as they not only contain invaluable insights for sellers of all sizes, but they also inspire us to push further that much more, no matter where we are at in our journey. Without getting too much into the metrics of seller's performance, it's reassuring to know that if we deliver top-quality service as well as make sure our clients have a great experience, we are good to go. I hope you had a fantastic birthday and looking forward to your new posts!🥳🎂
  12. As an intelligent individual you still could not refrain from threatening me, I see. Keep it. I have learned that this thread is not a place to have a civil discussion and thus I won't be participating in it going forward. You have made some great points in your reply and I appreciate your input. However, the arguments on both sides are redundant at this point and to me it seems wise to leave it there. I have offered a different perspective which you can take it as you will. I naively hope that these sanctions are only temporary and everything can get back to normal soon. Best of luck.
  13. @bradmitzelfelt Hey, if personally insulting me helps you better sleep at night, whatever floats your boat. I can only point out that the insults start flying once the arguments run out. Best of luck to you. 👍
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