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  1. @gajuseidi Everything you wrote is completely true! I used to be a huge advocate of the platform, constantly getting clients to trust the platform when they were suspicious of it, and delivering great results to keep them coming back, but this unfair downgrade has definitely made me lose my trust. I have invested my entire career on Fiverr, and I am probably one of the most loyal sellers in regards to Fiverr, making sure I keep all communication and orders through the platform even though many clients insisted otherwise, but looks like none of that mattered in the end.
  2. The same designer that did this project from start to finish has been working with me since day one. My team is doing great for sure, they are amazing architects and designers. What doesn't make sense, is the fact that out of 600+ amazing reviews, the "most relevant" one is the one with 3.7 stars. Let's say my quality of work went down, and you guys are right, does that mean that 5 years of experience, hard work and amazing projects are completely worthless and I deserve to be level 0? Considering that the past few months we have created some of our best projects to date, it definitely doesn't add up.
  3. Absolutely! These metrics are ridiculous. I have so many returning clients, which would absolutely not return if my communication, or any part of my service, was as negative as Fiverr claims it to be. The Kitchen and Commercial gigs have not even been used for a very long time, and for the time they were used, I received amazing reviews in both which proves that the work was amazing. Attaching screenshots for those as well.
  4. I have been working on Fiverr since 2019. During this time, I have completed 1074 order, and have a 4.9 average with 628 reviews. Today, my profile is no longer eligible for promotions. Today, Fiverr has limited me to receive only projects from my existing clients, because I will hardly have any traffic at all - organic doesn't exist. 5 years of hard work, 24 hour service to my clients, with so many amazing projects, today go down the drain. What used to be a platform that supported its sellers, has turned into a machine that doesn’t recognize talent, professionalism or hard work. My account has been unfairly punished for the past year when I was demoted from Top rated to Level two for no reason at all, but this was just the cherry on top, and unfortunately, this will most likely cause me to not be able to offer services for much longer. Ever since the new system has been implemented, despite delivering so many projects and receiving great feedback from my clients, my success score of 4 points out of 10 has not moved for a single moment. According to Fiverr, the success score is now based on our day to day performance, and it can change on a day to day basis, depending on how we do with our projects, however this is simply not true, because it has remained frozen ever since I got dropped from a Level Two account, into a Level 0 with the "new success score system update". I was advised to focus more on communication, to reach out to clients often, to extend the delivery time to accommodate more revisions, to improve the quality of work, to consult with clients more often – All of which I have implemented, with absolutely no results. I would express my concern that something is wrong with the account, and the success score doesn’t seem to move, but I was faced with the same response every single time: Keep trying your best, it takes time for the success score to change. Am I the only professional on Fiverr facing this problem, or is this a common issue? I would greatly appreciate anyone’s feedback on this case. This has caused me a lot of stress, has forced me to fire my team, and it has basically ruined my quality of life, for absolutely no fault of mine.
  5. Hi there, I am reaching out here, because I have been contacting customer service for the past 12 days without any answers. It turns out that Customer Service have marked the ticket as solved, and are automatically closing any new tickets from me, leaving me unable to communicate about the problems caused by the new changes on the platform and all the errors caused by them. My account has been flagged for “Location Inconsistency”, and my 4.9 score on approximately 1000 orders and 581 reviews has been downgraded to a Success Score of 3, and marked as Level 0. I have provided very detailed evidence, gathering documents for the Ministry of Finance and the Business Registration Agency in my country, however everything has been completely ignored by customer service. My services cannot be compared with other services in my category and price range, because the gig I offer is very different from what the others do. You cannot compare my gig, which offers full Interior Design services with a detailed shopping list of all the furniture and decor (based on the country where the client is), with other interior design gigs on the platform, because although we are working under the same category, the services are drastically different. Most sellers offer just a visual aid, or an idea. I take care of everything, and all my clients need to do is click on the list and purchase. Of course, this service will be more expensive than just providing the 3d design, so not even the price can be compared to the rest. Despite my Top-Rated Status being removed with no reason or explanation one year ago, I remain one of the top earners in my category, with the highest quality services. If I remain a level 0, - because let's be honest, I don't know how my services can be improved, they are already everything my clients ask for, and more - my profile which has a Fiverr's Choice badge, and a Repeated Buyers badge frequently, will slowly sink, and disappear, therefore, destroying my business on Fiverr. Attached you will find a screenshot of my performance metrics, just to see how incredibly unfair and illogical this whole situation is. I cannot comprehend how I can be left in the dark with no information for so long, after all I have done to represent the platform in the most professional way possible, it is the most disheartening and disappointing thing that has ever happened in my life. Just to make sure you are aware of the gravity of the situation; 12 families will be left without an income. This doesn’t affect just me, this affects each one of my highly talented team members, who had this business as the one and only income. This inability of the platform to properly communicate with me during this time has given me a lot of anxiety. I am shocked, and stressed beyond measure. I really encourage a human to take a look at my messages, and review all the information and evidence that has been provided. I am super transparent and open to communicate, but my words seem to reach a deaf ear, and I am left with no other choice than to address this publicly. I look forward to receiving any help and information about this. Thank you, Debora @ana_tomy @Lyndsey_Fiverr @Kesha
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