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Everything posted by mariashtelle1

  1. Woohoo! Well done and totally deserved! 🥳
  2. “Original” means “original”. if you don’t believe me or that means nothing to you in the context of TOS then you can open a ticket with fiverr support and ask them if it’s ok to take a description of a top seller and rephrase it 🤷‍♀️ And please come back to us with an answer that fiverr CS will give you.
  3. I would say it is normal and not only if fiverr. Scammers exist everywhere and they choose the most vulnerable and on fiverr those are the new sellers that didn’t read fiverr TOS and just more susceptible for scamming because most of them desperate to get orders. Also on a side note: even a side income takes time to build in freelancing world, it doesn’t happen just by registering on fiverr or any other websites.
  4. It seems that you don’t and didn’t read fiverr TOS, otherwise why fiverr would be removing gigs that are rephrasing someone’s description?
  5. That’s not me, that’s how intellectual property law works 🤦‍♀️
  6. Please stop spamming this nonsense.
  7. Well, that’s not very smart 🤷‍♀️ You bet everything in a volatile algorithm and betting on other sellers delivering worse work than you do. That never works as a sustainable business and income model. But here is an article for you to read and how to fix it
  8. Please stop spamming this nonsense. Social media has nothing to do with internal search system and impressions.
  9. Vickie, you don’t have to worry about your likes and reactions, you know that your likes are far from spamming 😉
  10. That’s expected. Fiverr is heavily based on your performance and getting low reviews is an indication of lower performance and therefore fiverr is showing you less in search. I don’t think it will be a big problem for clients seeing 3&4 star reviews. Every business have slumps and yes, you might recover. What happened to your old level 2 seller account? Why didn’t you keep using that account?
  11. oh well…. At least I’m glad to see that there is demotion for spamming and hopefully OP and other sellers will get a hint. There is, that’s our reputation score and that’s the one that is taken into account for removing restrictions like amount of posts or replies you can post during 24 hours etc. But no one pays attention to that because badges are more flashy flashy 😫
  12. I would remove all that from your list. Gig design and portfolio has no way of being measured by fiverr algorithm. It’s only for your clients to see if they like your style or not sales person month, well that also depend on how much you were shown. It’s kinda chicken and egg dilemma on who came first. reviews don’t matter so much anymore especially public ones, otherwise only gigs with thousands sales would’ve been on the first page and we see even new gigs with zero reviews being promoted there. Hidden reviews yes, they count a lot Keywords and your level completely useless, they just put you in the right search category but on which page you will be shown depend on your performance. I would recommend for you to check topics here on the forum called “fiverr 3.0” and “fiverr 3.1” to dig deeper into that
  13. Of you receive deliveries over the weekend then yes, you do ask sellers to work over the weekend because they don’t have a choice but to deliver your order within the order timeline if it falls on a weekend
  14. Then it looks like you didn’t read fiverr TOS that you signed and agreed to. Yes they can and that’s why I said that you are extremely lucky that no one did so far. If you don’t have all info then you don’t start an order and just cancel if buyer is unresponsive not deliver incomplete work that buyer paid for in full.
  15. I hate this because it only leads new sellers to copying gigs or literally taking our hard word and just replacing it with their names. I hate it and I report every gig that does it. If seller is not capable of creating his own gig for his own business with his own branding, giving it their own personality by writing gig description and creating images then those sellers should not sell their services at all. We all sell our own style no matter what kind of service it is and taking our gigs for inspiration is unethical and unfair to buyers that you will be lying to.
  16. So you don’t think it’s wrong to take someone’s work, thoughts and just change a couple of words? 🤦‍♀️ Those sellers put work into writing their description, they thought of a structure, of what will be important to communicate to their buyers and what will be the best way to describe it in a short description within word limit. And you just going to take all that hard work that went into it and just rephrase it? Well done, you just stole someone’s intellectual property 🤦‍♀️ Sorry, I can’t stop facepalm….
  17. You can skip that part, it might seem from the beginning that you can’t but there is an option to do so. As I remember before you needed only 70% of your profile filled out, though I’m not sure if that’s changed Yes you can, though instead of Google I would recommend for you to read fiverr terms and conditions that you already signed, not only they cover the part about your age but it’s also crucial to understand and know the rules even if it’s a long document because fiverr doesn’t hesitate banning sellers and they don’t give a second chance
  18. Too bad they don’t know that as soon as you log out of fiverr forum then fiber totem send all his impressions to your gig. The longer you logged out the more impressions you get!
  19. And you are lucky that you still didn’t get a warning. But all it takes only one buyer reporting you and you will get a warning right away for doing that.
  20. I was praying so much that your spamming will stop soon that I even had to put you into the ignore list not to see your hundreds of likes on old and every single new thread. So hopefully my prayers were heard and now that you have your grand master you will stop that spamming and serial liking of all posts.
  21. What that has to do with gig ranking?
  22. That’s not the reason, it’s still a very small part and runs in demo mode. You are not getting orders for other reasons, there are always enough business for different niches, prices and quality.
  23. Because creating seven gigs and staying online has nothing to do with your impressions 🤷‍♀️ Only the quality of your gig and how interested buyers are and how they interact with your gig can increase impressions
  24. First of all, fiverr is giving a chance for everyone especially the new sellers and it means that their gig has potential and they deliver better service and performance than you are even with less reviews. Secondly it’s pointless to check yourself in search results because they are tailored for each person based on their history, preference, cookies, past purchases and many more. So your buyers can see your gig on a completely different page from where you see it.
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