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Everything posted by mariashtelle1

  1. For logo design there is, as per fiverr TOS all work should be strictly original for logos and no use of images, clipart or stock images are allowed for a logo design category.
  2. It is absolutely not acceptable. The seller that delivered that logo is breaking fiverr TOS. Send a cancellation dispute if your order is still open. And if not then contact fiverr support reporting that’s Elmer with a link to the logo that they stole and asking for a refund. Also just out of curiosity: how much did you pay for it? Unfortunately a lot of sellers are trying to game a system and some don’t even have a basic understanding of a logo design and how copyrights law works, so you need to vet your sellers and if something looks too good to be true for the price then probably it is a scam
  3. There definitely could’ve been a miscommunication there depending what you meant by “sticker”. Is it a sticker style logo (eg with kind of cartoonish look and white border around it) or were you just going to use your logo on a sticker (and then it doesn’t really affect the design itself only the files for printing)?
  4. Just out of curiosity, did her samples on the gig match the style you were looking for? Or did you ask for something different from her examples? Did you show her a rough sketch of what you had in mind for the concept? If you don’t mind, can you share your brief here with us? So maybe we can point you if there was something unclear or ways to improve it for a seller to better understand it
  5. You posted on “fiverr site suggestions”category. So what is your suggestion for fiverr site?
  6. No it’s not, you can’t send your website link. Your gig is your portfolio. If that’s not enough you can look up in fiverr help Center the list of allowed links where you can build your portfolio
  7. And? His rating is for orders he placed. He has no obligations for the work that you are sending for free 🤷‍♀️ As I said, if you would’ve followed fiverr rules and started your work only after you had order in place you also would’ve had a chance to rate him and fiverr to protect your work. Rating means nothing if you decide to work for free.
  8. It’s not required, we are the same buyers and sellers here. However there is nothing for you to do, you got scammed. That’s why you have to follow fiverr rules and start all work only after there is an order in place. You can definitely report him however fiverr wouldn’t be able to do anything as there is no order to start with and you basically just decided to give away your work for free.
  9. Are you saying that it’s far better to break fiverr TOS? You are literally breaking fiverr rules that you signed. They do have many reasons and they all based on your statistics ad performance. As fiverr stats :gig position on a marketplace is not permanent and can change based on many factors. Those are not charged even if it’s a fake query and click. You can check if that message has “promoted” sign on it and I’m sure it will not. Algorithm is made to recognise it. For more info you can search the webinar from fiverr on how promoted gigs work. Typical story from 2010, however fiverr is still here and thriving. If they decided to show your gig less then that means that fiverr makes more money from other sellers in your category at this point in time because they perform better.
  10. Great idea. You know what else is a great idea? To check the topics where we already shared all the tips 😉 here is one for starters 👇
  11. There is no specific gig type that will guarantee you traffic. and the categories that had the most traffic also has the most sellers. Gigs that are getting “traffic” are the gigs that deemed by fiverr to have good potential and that fiverr algorithm sees that people are interested in it when they see it in search. And it can be in any category
  12. First of all, please remove a screenshot with a seller’s name Secondly, 32 reviews is nothing third, having unlimited revisions there have nothing to do with ranking. Most likely seller can perform well and deliver great work, that why fiverr was showing him higher.
  13. Horrible template. Just a bunch of words not supported by anything. Why do you have to say you’ll do it professionally? That’s kind of expected as bare minimum. You can not guarantee that client will be pleased to see your work because everyone has different expectations even if the work is top notch. ”you can trust me” wow just that phrase alone would make me run away as fast as I can. Overall looks like just another copy paste and doesn’t give any information as to what you will provide and how you can make this project work.
  14. Which information did you find the most helpful?
  15. Where does it say that your ranking depends on keywords? All they say is relevant traffic and that’s what keywords is for so if you are selling logo design it will be shown if someone searches for a logo design, that’s when your gig will be shown. But keywords don’t determine on what page your gig will be shown, the ranking and on what page you will be shown within those keyword will depend on your statistics and your performance.
  16. 🤦‍♀️ Seriously? Udemy course? First of all fiverr is not Google and have different metrics for ranking which is your performance. Keywords on fiverr doesn’t determine where you will be shown in search and on what page, it depends on various metrics of your performance and not just because you put a keyword in your gig description. Secondly, I asked you to attach a link where fiverr said that keywords are ranking your gig, not a random udemy course that doesn’t even speak about fiverr and can not know what fiverr is using in their algorithm.
  17. Can you please share a link where fiverr says that keywords rank your gig? 🤦‍♀️
  18. You will have “key words” in your gig description anyway as you describe your service. I doubt for example of you logo design that you can completely avoid key word “logo”. But answering your question: no, keywords has nothing to do with your gig ranking, it just helps to show your gig in the right category
  19. It is stated in the forum rules. You can post your gig link here but only in “my fiverr gigs” category. That means that if you have your own page on social media you can post your gig on YOUR OWN social media page, if you have YOUR OWN blog then you can promote it on your own blog. Fiverr DOESN’T encourage you spamming your gig links all over social media groups, comments or random forums and blogs, because spamming is against many social medias rules.
  20. Why did you copy paste my message that I already replied in the very same topic?
  21. You don’t need to contact CS or write them a message, it will show automatically in help Center your gig status
  22. Fiverrlytics has nothing to do with fiverr and it’s not an official fiverr extension. You can check through the help Center if your gig status is active or not. Just follow the steps for your gig information and it will take you to the right page
  23. No, they will just close that ticket and merge it with his first one.
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