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Everything posted by mariashtelle1

  1. If you have impressions then your gig IS “ranking”. Ranking is your gig being shown in search but it’s different for every person that sees it based on their search history and other factors. You have 3k impressions and that means 3000 people saw your gig, that’s a lot to be honest, with those impressions I get at least a couple of orders converted.
  2. I’m not really sure what is your question 🤔 Skill on how to publish your gig? You don’t need a skill to publish a gig, you just follow fiverr steps. If you are asking if there is a demand for “promotional gigs” then yes, there is but there is also huge competition
  3. Because spending time online has nothing to do with increasing impressions. Impressions depend on how your gig perform in search and if people are getting interested to interact with your gig. your clicks depend on how interested people are to click on your gig when they see it and for now only 1 person decides to click on your gig out of 400 that saw your gig. Is that good enough for you? If not then you need to understand who is looking for your services and what they like so you can create your gig to attract those people
  4. You know, it’s all simple really: people need to like your gig to click on it. It’s real people that decide to click on your gig or not. There are no tricks or anything else, clicks don’t depend on fiverr, clicks depend on buyers seeing your gig picture and being interested enough to click on it.
  5. How are they doing it if no one knows how fiverr algorithm works and fiverr doesn’t disclose that information? Anyone promising you ranking with SEO or whatever else is lying to you aka that’s a scam.
  6. No it wouldn’t necessarily. Fiverr is known to rolling out or switching down features starting from certain beta groups, they don’t roll out or switch off features all at once for everyone. They prefer beta testing and switching it off gradually.
  7. They already have an access to all your orders and chats however it might be also a great idea to attach main points with only one or two screenshots
  8. Not true at all. If you look at the people who say that, you’ll notice that those people made zero sales.
  9. Unfortunately you can not refund if you just don’t like their style. The same as you can’t come to a grocery store, bite a croissant and then say that you didn’t like the style it was prepared and you want a refund 😉 You need to vet your sellers upfront. usually the images that are displayed after the third image in the gig are the real work that seller delivered and that’s how most likely your order will look like. But it’s always best to send examples/photos/images of what you want for your style to a seller and ask them if it is something in their style
  10. Days? And what have you done to promote and build your business to get orders in days? some people with really good gigs might get orders right away but majority don’t. It takes time to build your business and attract your client base.
  11. Well, that’s not great… I would’ve skipped your proposals for sure. They don’t tell me much of what and how you’ll do it, it doesn’t look personalised, you don’t ask questions which is kinda important especially if your clients didn’t write what they need promotions for, what’s the product etc. How can you promise thousand organic followers without even knowing what you need to promote and if it has a big potential target audience to get thousand followers? All that is absolutely not reassuring that you can do it, clients don’t care if you do it in a “beautiful” way or not. Overall it just looks like another copy paste and clients don’t trust digital marketers that can’t even sell their own services or communicate to clients the value, strategy etc.
  12. No it’s not 15% 🤦‍♀️ percentage depends on the amount of orders you completed. Simple math: if you completed 10 orders and one cancelled your order completion ratio will go down 10%. If you completed 100 orders and cancelled one then it will go down only 1%.
  13. I can’t say why your message was flagged but nonetheless it’s pretty rude to send “are you there” messages to your client. I would’ve been pretty upset as a client.
  14. First of all it’s pointless looking for your gig in search, algorithm changed a lot and different people see different results Secondly you did have 1.7 star review exactly over a month ago se here goes the reason for your 40 days. and then you had another review where person said that they paid for fast delivery but never got it. Do you think that person left good hidden review? but in general you need to read this topic, it will answer a lot of your questions
  15. That is rude, @donnovan86 doesn’t owe you to check your gig. He doesn’t have to see himself your profile, he is not the one having a problem of selling. You are. And YOU need to have a hard look at your gigs and figure out why they are not selling, who is your target audience, what they like and why they are not buying. It takes hours or even days of work and research and donnovan will not be doing it for you. Edit: Well, I did have a look at your profile and I’m not sure why would you even expect sales when you are using stolen logos and images in your gig 🤷‍♀️ Clients are not stupid.
  16. Artist here 🙋‍♀️ What takes 5 min for a sketch might take hours even just thinking in my head of a concept. Did I draw for 5 min? Yes I did a 5 min sketch, but in reality it took let’s say 3 hours because it still took time to come up with an idea and how I will make it look according to the brief and how to execute. I am ok with people making sketches if they want to but for me concept takes the most amount of time, drawing is fast if you have a skill. But I’m not giving free sketches because I simply don’t have enough time for that and I am just upfront honest with my clients if I think that I can not invision their idea . The first person definitely couldn’t grasp your idea but still decided to give it a try and that’s his choice to spend his time rather than just saying no
  17. I had an order in revision for 3 years and it never affected my orders flow
  18. And that’s why it’s always good to read terms of service of the platform that you agreed to 😉 For me it’s quite reasonable, otherwise buyers will just leave orders in a limbo. From a seller perspective we have to deliver order within a timeline and then wait for 3 days if client disappeared and then wait another 14 days to be paid, so it’s 17 days wait time just on fiverr. A lot of sellers are happy to accommodate change requests within the reasonable timeline even if order was autocompleted
  19. Level 1 doesn’t guarantee more impressions or more orders. On the contrary, now that you are at level 1 you are competing with more competent sellers that might be delivering better quality and client satisfaction than on your previous level. So if your performance what enough to compete at no level seller, it might not be enough to compete compared to other level one sellers.
  20. No and no. It’s a ratio and calculated based on the amount of orders you completed in the last 60 days.
  21. Are you talking about premade logo generated with LogoMaker or a custom logo ordered through gigs with one of the sellers?
  22. It’s the same answer. You can share only those links from the list. Nothing else, not in messages, not in order, nowhere.
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