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Everything posted by mariashtelle1

  1. No it’s not. Official Fiverr representative already said here on the forum that staying active here or getting badges etc have NO connection to your fiverr profile whatsoever
  2. Nope, your performance never affects only one gig, it has an impact on your whole account. The same as visible metrics, if you completion ratio goes down just because you cancelled an order on a specific gig it still affect your whole account. and yes, there are always sellers who complain about bad sales, promoted feature unqualified etc, but there is always a reason for it.
  3. Just because you opened your gig on fiverr with SEO words it doesn’t mean that you’ll be getting orders. 🤷‍♀️ Just SEO by itself means nothing unless you know how to sell your services
  4. It’s not. Promoted feature being unqualified is not the cause of your low impressions, it’s an indication. As you could see on your notification that you don’t fulfil anymore additional quality criteria for having promoted gigs. So that means that you performance dropped and one of your hidden metrics or reviews got bad. And your performance dropped then of course that will also affect your organic search as it’s based on your performance. Promoted feature having zero impressions and clicks also might have place to be because it’s build on top of your gigs and if your gigs already doing so so then promoted feature also wouldn’t have any impact.
  5. The answer is: you can’t. On top of that you also can’t have duplicated gigs if you offer the same style logos on your gigs.
  6. It’s irrelevant what we think. The question is can you make it and stand out in that niche taking account your style and target audience?
  7. That’s what they mean and that’s what the wording suggest. Plus they still have a lot of outdated information there. But as we discussed this topic many times spamming their gig links (and that’s what they mean by this comments) is not part of ranking. Even the word ranking is highly questionable. I keep using it only because it’s easier for people on the forum to understand. It’s been discussed extensively and we know that you disagree but it’s kinda pointless discussing it again because there is no new data. Unless of course you tried sharing your gig on social media yourself and can confirm that you saw your gig ranking increasing 😉
  8. Then maybe it’s time to be disappointed at yourself not at fiverr. Fiverr gave you a platform to open your gigs and your business but it’s up to you to get orders. Orders don’t magically come just because you registered on fiverr. And if you are a digital marketer but can’t even market your gigs then what does it says about your service? Clients are not stupid they will not order if you can’t even provide your own service for yourself.
  9. Please do not spread misinformation, outside marketing has nothing to do with internal fiverr ranking.
  10. According to how many of them write “I made a perfect gig with perfect images, what’s wrong?” I would assume that they do believe that they would buy from themselves and there is nothing better in the universe than their gig 🙈
  11. What does it say, why was it denied? And what do you mean by “your account is not working”? Was it restricted or banned? What did the email say that you received from fiverr?
  12. Oh well, the winter wind hurts even more 😉 it’s like a thousand needles on your face and getting through your bones, cold burns too by the way, it feels like your skin is on fire But if it’s a winter with 0 degrees I don’t consider it a winter 🙈 that’s almost a summer 😅
  13. Because now you are competing with a new category of sellers. Maybe your performance and gigs were ok to compete with level 1 sellers but it seems that now your level 2 competitors delivering better work and quality and your relative “ranking” compared to them is lower.
  14. We do have our opinion on this. As you could see on the notification that your promoted feature was unqualified because of the drop in your performance and not fulfilling additional criteria anymore. Changing your gig images etc has nothing to do with your performance and of course wouldn’t change anything. As for staying online I am also super sceptical because most likely if it’s been over a month then the back feedback or whatever other metrics that you dropped, just rolled out of the period that was taken into account for your performance. (Similar to your dashboard statistics)
  15. I was born in the area with temperature going to minus 50C so I am absolutely not a winter person even though I lived most of my life in the snow. I moved now to a country with all year long summer and can not be happier even though it’s super hot and sweating is brutal 🙈 I am curious to see if there are a lot of “winter” people here. But my argument is always the same: you will not die if you fall asleep for 2 hours on the street in the heat but you will most definitely in the winter when it’s even below 10C degrees. (I’m not even talking about -50C)
  16. You know what, I am actually reporting you and your posts now for repeatedly breaking forum rules. If you are not sure why you can refer to forum rules and read them, you were warned multiple times by other forum users.
  17. And be reported for spam and get a warning? 🤦‍♀️
  18. Are you guys serious? Did you even read that he wrote “other ways than social media” 🤦‍♀️
  19. In early days fiverr did take that from sellers but I think right now they don’t and they cover that part themselves
  20. They both come in hand, there is no skill without experience and there is no experience without a skill. 🤷‍♀️ That’s for me kind of like saying what should you get: an egg white or egg yolk, they all come in a package of egg in a shell.
  21. Wrong question. Instead of tips on how to rank your gig which are mostly useless and don’t work you should be asking “what can YOU do to attract your target audience and how to improve your gig and your services”
  22. Simple: there is always work in every category and niche and especially in graphic design. You have an advantage over other category sellers because you are a designer and you should know what works for you and attracts your clients as your target audience and you can design it yourself for you own images. If you can’t attract clients then, well, I have bad news, you need to take a hard look at your gig and if you work is up to date and up to a standard.
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