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Everything posted by mariashtelle1

  1. Getting orders is not a given and there is no specific timeline. Some get orders on the next day, some in a week, some has to wait months and some never get orders if their profile doesn’t attract clients
  2. That doesn’t look like fiverr transaction. If you sent money outside of fiverr then you and your seller violated fiverr TOS and fiverr can not protect you
  3. Orders don’t come by itself, it’s people that are willing or not to buy it. If nobody is buying then there is something in your gig that is pushing them away
  4. 1. Being an extravert 2. being an introvert 🙈
  5. How do you know it’s “ranking” and on the first page? Fiverr shows different search results to different people and if you see it on the first page it doesn’t mean that others see it there too. Did your impressions and clicks increased?
  6. Sometimes it shows zero for the last day but then it updates for the real number 24 hours later
  7. I’m not a customer support and you don’t prove anything with your screenshots and on top of that you don’t have proof to support what you are saying. It’s a simple question: what did fiverr promise with promoted gigs that you say was written and you didn’t get it? simple question to answer, if you can’t answer it then you don’t have anything to accuse them of and it’s all your performance that is dragging the problem
  8. Nah, no need to guess, it’s a “thumbnail”. typical things they repeat to each other: attractive gig thumbnail, stay online and bla bla bla
  9. Because your buyer has EUR currency selected in his browser. Fiverr shows prices in the default currency that every person chose for their browser. your client can scroll down to the bottom of fiverr page and just click to change his currency from EUR to USD
  10. No it doesn’t. Buyer requests don’t have specific local times, they appear when they appear aka when buyers post them
  11. It might or it might not, no one will be able to tell you for sure, it all depends on your edits and how big they are. I edited my gigs multiple times without it affecting gig ranking and the same for some edits it did take some time for my gig to be reapproved.
  12. If your category requires a test then you will need to take a test. If your gig category doesn’t require it then you will not be asked to take a test
  13. While running border? What does that mean? Is that some kind of activity of fiverr?
  14. Why did you comment this? Where did in the original post it say anything about staying online? Or are you just posting random comments without even reading a topic?
  15. You keep complaining about promoted gigs however you didn’t specify what exactly fiverr didn’t fulfill. What is written and what is not working as “written”? Your screenshot doesn’t prove anything.
  16. No, you can not. Did you read fiverr TOS? It clearly says there that all work has to be original and no patterns, emblems or ribbons or anything like that can be used in a logo design.
  17. To be honest doesn’t sound very reassuring, one in the hospital, another one dealing with grief and nowhere they said on the profile that they are a team. And no matter what they are dealing with it should never affect you, if they are going through so many things all at the same time they can pause their profile, that’s not an excuse to send you stolen material. To be honest I wouldn’t e trust them to deliver the original hand drawn unique logo to you. They might just take another clipart to put together that is more difficult to find on the internet. So the trust there is already broken. And creating new fully original logo within 24 hours? Well, possible but also doesn’t sound great. If you want, you can wait 24 hours but for me the trust is already broken.
  18. Then you should know better especially when you offer logo designs yourself and as I can see you are also using stock images in your designs which is against fiverr TOS. In logo design category you are not allowed to use any clipart or stock images even as part of the design, and it’s not only for registering a design you are just not allowed to do it AT ALL. And on your place I would’ve make yourself familiar with copyrights law for logo design or at least read fiverr TOS because you yourself break fiverr rules 🤦‍♀️
  19. Please remove the name of your buyer from a screenshot. I know you are happy and it’s a good achievement for you but please stay professional and follow forum rules and protect privacy of your clients.
  20. As mentioned before, you will have to move your portfolio to one of the approved websites 🤷‍♀️
  21. The reason is because there is an option to conduct business outside of fiverr through behance. Just because you are unsatisfied with an answer and don’t like it, it doesn’t mean that it suddenly will become allowed
  22. What support do you expect? Didn’t you read the above comments that say that you can’t share behance link? Didn’t you see the comment from @lloydsolutions that kindly shared a list of approved links? Not sure what else would you expect 🤷‍♀️
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