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Everything posted by mariashtelle1

  1. Literally everyone can do that. I see you have access to the internet, you have computer and keyboard and that’s all you need to do your research 🤷‍♀️ You are the one who decides to make do a research or not, to put an effort into that or not.
  2. Soooo, you’ve been here since 2014 and you didn’t even read fiverr rules that you can’t have more than one account?
  3. You are a new seller and you sold zero orders from April till now. So if that didn’t work for you why are you advising it to others?
  4. Well, please come back to us when you get 10 orders to tell us if passing a test really helped you to get orders faster
  5. Yes, here you go https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/282146-how-to-be-successful-on-fiverr-common-questions-answered-and-a-collection-of-great-posts-that-helped-me-achieve-trs/
  6. It’s not about who can what. (There is no link by the way) It’s about if you can sell your art and services. As I said, it was not intended to offend you but just to make you look at your gig and other’s gigs and ask yourself if people will want to buy it. Or maybe you are just like a Van Gogh who will be only recognised in another century but don’t sell anything during his lifetime 😉 Your choice what approach to take. and you already take my comments as hate when I’m just trying to help you. But if you think that your work is already perfect and there is no room for improvement then that’s great, you should start selling in no time.
  7. You can’t do anything now, you already broke fiverr rules and got a warning for it. just don’t do it in the future
  8. Then you weren’t building your brand. Negative marketing is still marketing. If you get so much hate you can still turn in into your advantage. But something tells me there is a bigger problem. plus Social medias are global, they are not only German. Not to offend you but I did have a look at your profile, and I don’t see it speaking 30 years of experience. Maybe there is a talent behind it, but your profile doesn’t show it, even a gig title “I will logo design modern or abstrakt”. And the gig images themselves also don’t look like there is 30 years of experience and education behind them, even without the basic kerning and spacing and font stretching on the images.
  9. Well, that’s a step in the right direction in your thought process 😉 The answer is: you don’t just post your gig links on your social medias blindly. m You first build your audience and attract them with the content that you create for them which might take months and months and only after that you start selling selling to them. Reaching your clients is not as easy as just to post a gig link. For example it took me a year of creating content, strategy and brand before I could start getting regular orders from my social medias.
  10. Well, as you can see staying online is definitely pointless
  11. I don’t think it will be fair to rate the seller based on the platform experience. Howeber you can just ask your seller to send you a custom offer for the extra upload that you need and I’m sure he will happily send it within the order
  12. Seriously? You just did what another person commented. She asked HOW? She didn’t ask if she should promote it. Doesn’t it sound weird to reply: -How should I promote it? - Promote it
  13. No one has an idea. And nothing happens fast. Building your business takes time
  14. Are you just spamming this comment all over the forum? She asked “how” and you just repeated what she asked without answering a question 🤦‍♀️ It literally sounds like this: -how can I sell? -you can sell.
  15. Well, you could also just look at my answers or search the forum 😉 after all you are the one who has a problem and you didn’t even put an effort searching the forum. But sure, here is the reason and solution: your gig being unqualified for promotion is a strong hint that it’s your performance. As per the notification you received your quality metrics went down and you don’t fulfil hidden criteria anymore for promoted gigs. Fiverr has a lot of hidden metrics and also two hidden reviews that clients can leave and they can be very different from your public ones as they are anonymous. Organic ranking also depends on your performance and if it went down then your organic ranking also went down. Plus searching for your gig is pretty useless with a new algorithm because you might not be able to find it but other people do because fiverr is matching results to different people. If your impressions more than zero then your gig IS shown in search. Inprove your performance and your ranking will also improve. Edit: And no you weren’t delivering top notch work throughout. You have a 1 star review in last month and over 5 reviews with 4 stars. And those are just public reviews, you can imagine that those people could be even more rough in a private review. Plus as you didn’t want to put an effort to search the forum here is a link for the topic for you to read:
  16. Yes, and I’m sure I answered this exact question at least 3 times just today
  17. It’s not only about getting an order. And it’s not only one day. Fiverr looks how people interact with your gig in search, if people are interested, put a mouse on your gig or click a video from search, if the click on it and interact with it then fiverr will keep you for more than one or two or three days. If there is no interest at all then they will move you back further.
  18. What did that activeness and hardworking includes? What exactly you were doing? I see you have only 3 reviews so it’s much work with orders and what do you mean by “activeness”? Do you mean staying online? It’s also pointless to search your own gig because fiverr shows different results to different people. You can see it on last page but other people can see it higher if your gig matches their search and preference.
  19. Mmmm, though I don’t think that that particular comment will be of any help for the OP’s question 🙈 But the quick, very simplified answer: yes, it’s all guesstimating your number for supply and demand based on the numbers that you can find online. That’s how other business do it and not only for services but also for products
  20. I’m sure @donnovan86 knows how to handle clients 😉 He used to be a TRS seller (if my memory serves me well) and he has close to 20000 reviews on fiverr. And he also knows well that fiverr gives warnings right and left if you ask for reviews on this platform.
  21. And that’s the right approach. Just not for your gigs, but for your business and your brand. There is no such thing as marketing your gigs and you again will see only this useless advices of sharing your gig in the groups etc. Exactly! And that’s why you either need to learn how to sell your services and build your business or you can pay thousands of dollars to people who studies marketing and spent years learning that. As a freelancer you are a one man show and you have to be good not only at your services but also learn marketing, learn how to sell, learn how to understand and attract your audience, be a customer support for your clients, e an accountant for yourself and much more. If you fail even at one of those times hen unfortunately you most likely wouldn’t make it. Knowing how to sell your skill is THE most important skill. A lot of talented people earn less than their less atlantes colleagues just because they don’t know how to sell their service. P.S I would add that removing background is one of the low level skills, every designer know how to press three buttons in photoshop to remove the background but very little of them is offering it as a service because it’s not really marketable. And as @filipdevaere said yes there are softwares that do that and that suffices for 90% of people who need to remove a background. You left only with 10% of those people who will really need a very precise cut and recolouring or whatever else on top which most likely will be businesses with bulk uploads. But is 10% of a market is enough for you to have sales in an oversaturated market of sellers?
  22. All those efforts are pointless efforts. It’s like you need to get from point A to point B which is 2km away and you decide to just walk in your apartment thinking that if you walk inside of your apartment the same 2km it will still get you to point B. Where in reality you just did a pointless effort. I’m not sure where you got those tips because here on the forum we constantly trying to debunk those comments that flood from new sellers who made zero sales and did not achieve anything themselves. Keywords, SEO, staying online, adding high res images int he right size has nothing to do with getting sales, it’s a bare minimum to be able to publish your gig. And that’s not a big effort. The effort is to make market trade arch, understand your target audience and start reaching out to them through various marketing and growth strategy methods. Posting your gigs in promotion groups is just spamming, that’s not marketing.
  23. I stopped having a routine when I became a freelancer 🙈 the only routine I have is Kaya toasts on Thursday’s mornings and answering clients messages every morning while I’m still in bed. And that’s the part that I love about freelancing, I don’t have to put myself on a schedule. I do check each evening what I have to do next day but I’m pretty flexible around it
  24. I don’t think you should negotiate but you definitely should ask the seller what’s the difference between what he offered in your quote and his let’s say premium package. The seller should have a clear distinctive answer as to why the price is higher. “It’s just more complex” also doesn’t cut it for me because if it is not specified in his gig that pricing depend on the complexity of work then he can’t just spike his price like that. When clients contact me with their ideas and descriptions I always point it to one of my gig packages that it will fall into. And if it’s more then a specify it will be my premium package plus x$ for extra versions, plus x$ for extra files etc. I wouldn’t trust working with a seller that doesn’t have a good explanation as to why he quoted you a higher price than in his gig
  25. 🤦‍♀️ This is fiverr community and he already did by opening a topic here. Do you have impressions more than zero? if yes then your gigs are shown in search to specific people. Looking for your gig in search is completely useless because Fiverr algorithm is choosing whom to show your gig and whom not to.
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