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Everything posted by mariashtelle1

  1. Not in fiverr’s eyes. They want to evaluate cases and see if it’s legit buyer mistake or if sellers are trying to cancel orders as you are to avoid bad reviews. Otherwise they wouldn’t be and to evaluate your performance and your buyer satisfaction rate .
  2. You can’t change it. Gig URL always will stay as you originally created it.
  3. That’s why you are supposed to read the rules of every site that you are joining.
  4. So you got a warning from fiverr for opening topics without meaning and now you opened another one even after getting a warning without a question or without any sense. You basically just made the world aware that you were breaking rules? What’s the point of this topic?
  5. You see, most clients are not stupid. You call yourself digital marketer and you have digital marketing gig but you can’t even sell your own services so how clients can trust you to do for them something that you can’t even do for yourself?
  6. When will we stop this? These things don’t bring success. And you yourself actually a great example of those things not working: you claim to be a lead generation expert and b2b sales however you made only 20 sales in 2 years 🤷‍♀️ Not a great example of lead generation
  7. There is. You cancel it and then you contact support to remove it from your stats but they will do it ONLY if you didn’t start the work and didn’t try to deliver the order and informed your client right away that what he ordered is not covered in your gig. And FAQs you need to protect your case for customer support. If you don’t have FAQs or disclaimers in the description then support wouldn’t be able to remove it from your stats.
  8. How many seller accounts do you have? You obviously did read the rules if you are asking this question and if your account got disabled. You can not open accounts at all, not with the same information not the different ones. Fiverr will disable them too sooner or later as per fiverr TOS
  9. No, it’s just the answer that you didn’t like. That’s why you have to make sure upfront if you can deliver it or not. If you want to protect yourself you can create FAQs stating the things that you will need from a client side to make let’s say his internet speed faster and if after they submit requirements and you check what they have doesn’t match your requirements then you can cancel without starting the work. Otherwise you couldn’t fulfil your promise if you don’t have FAQs and disclaimers on why you might not be able to take the order and what clients need to have in place for you to be able to deliver your work. And that falls under this 👇
  10. Unfortunately you can’t fix it. You couldn’t satisfy your buyers and you cancelled to avoid bad reviews and that’s not the reason not to count it towards your completion ratio. The only case you can get it cancelled without affecting your stats is if client ordered wrong package and doesn’t want to pay more to upgrade or a service that you don’t provide and you are cancelling it right after the client placed an order.
  11. Your gig don’t have to appear in search bar to be available. A lot of other people can have the same title as yours and fiverr is choosing to whom to show your gig and who will be most likely to buy it. As fiverr showed your gig IS active and is shown in search
  12. Because evaluations happening on 15-16th of each month and they are not instant as soon as the day starts, it takes time. Just be patient.
  13. How exactly would you like us to help you? How would we get you orders?
  14. You gave incorrect information, plus with the English language and your mistakes it’s tough to understand what you even mean with your comments. If you want to give advice you need to make sure that people can understand you. That 80$ Support on buyer doesn’t make any sense. And plus that’s incorrect, support was always on my side if there was trouble with a client. And I would like to see where you took that 80% statistics. and again, you wasted one of your posts to reply here and again didn’t even read what you wrote or even tried to fix typos and mistakes even though you have a limit of posts.
  15. And rightly so. I checked your replies and some of them give wrong advice, some of them just your assumptions and most are impossible to understand. I attached here a couple of examples of your replies. Even with the limit of 5 posts you didn’t proofread or checked the spelling of the words that you wrote. So probably it’s for the best that you can not post more at this point in time. Plus why do you need “to give 7+ replies”?
  16. 😨😱🫠 I am…. I have no words. First if all it looks like yourself still has a lot to learn about fiverr. There are no guarantees that those new accounts will get your buyer request that you posted as they are limited in requests they can see. And secondly yes, it is against fiverr TOS to deliver fake orders. Third, I am personally against all this “classes” on how to set up an account and sell easy on Fiverr. Fiverr has official videos, help page and tutorials on how to do it. They are the official source and they explain it better. They even have a free course on fiverr learn on how to be a great seller, how to set up an account and how to deliver work.
  17. Yes, just “ranking” your gig means nothing. How your gig looks like and if clients trust it to order from you, that’s what matters. There is something in your gig, services, description etc that doesn’t attract buyers to buy from you.
  18. You don’t have promoted option not because you have less clicks. You don’t have your promoted gig option because your performance got low and you don’t fulfil quality standards anymore.
  19. There is no format or content. For sure don’t take those templates and copy paste messages that some people advise here. Just write a personal message, ask questions if something is not clear in the clients brief, give your ideas on how to approach the work or a task etc. Everyone likes personalised approach
  20. I’m just guessing by your name but are you based in Russia? If so then fiverr blocked all Russian users
  21. Unfortunately no one on the forum will be able to help with that because only you can do a market research, look at your competitors, analyse what they offer and then determine what you can do better and if there is something unique you can offer. But if you just took a course on creating fb, Google or whatever ads then the market is already flooded with those gigs and you do need to have extra skills to sell your services
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