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Everything posted by mariashtelle1

  1. Then if you’ve been working as a digital marketer before, shouldn’t you already know how to get orders, attract clients and market your gigs? 😉
  2. Do I see “marketer” in your nickname? 🤔
  3. My thoughts are that you couldn’t possibly expect the seller to draw the whole illustration plus do design work for 20$. anyways to your problem: if he offers “unique” design in his gig you can try to take it to customer support. If you didn’t discuss with him prior if it will be his original drawing or not then chances are slim. But I would say that it will be customer support decision to make based on sellers gig description. But technically fb banner design is a category where stock photos are allowed
  4. It will as soon as you improve your performance. Creating new gig will not make a difference because it’s your whole account that is affected, not only one gig. The answer is above 👆 There is only way and it’s improving your performance and client satisfaction
  5. There is no timing for bid. Requests appear when people post them and not at a certain specific time. Just keep checking buyer request section as often as you can and maybe you’ll catch it one day
  6. No, that’s not correct. your active fiverr account is your current account for selling gigs. Business account for buyers side but it’s a paid subscription, you have to pay to open that account to buy gigs. So if you are not ready to pay business account subscription price then you can not open another account
  7. What might’ve looked suspicious to them is that you have 15+ reviews from the same person within 2 months almost consecutive and there are suspiciously many reviews from one specific country
  8. Why would you buy a gig from someone else with a service that you offer yourself?
  9. Refer them that fiverr is not an hourly platform and that it will take you x hours based on their brief and it will cost x dollars in total
  10. Then it’s very unwise decision. You basically decided to gamble your whole income and life and it seems that this round was not in your favour 🤷‍♀️ you should never build all your life and potential income on a volatile algorithm. I wouldn’t even call it a business with your business model of betting it all on fiverr. To have a sustainable business and income you need to have crisis strategies in place from downtimes and few income streams.
  11. I would ask him how the universe is built aka laws, physics, quantum physics, time and dimensions. Only if we truly could understand the space, time and the universe
  12. Unfortunately no one on this forum will able to help you with impressions because it’s only up to fiver algorithm and it’s based on the quality of your gig. As for clicks: getting fake clicks from the forum will not help you to get orders.
  13. Khm… impressions are basically your ranking. So of course if your impressions are high you can consider your position in search improved. It’s the same thing impressions and ranking basically. Then if you believe u know that thing you also should know how to bring business back without trying to manipulate the system (which doesn’t work anymore bringing fake clicks for ranking your gig with a new algorithm 😉)
  14. I would advise you to read this topic because your questions are a bit out of the date about the algorithm.
  15. To be honest I see it more as your mistake and not a client being difficult 😉 Was she a bit more maintenance than usually? She probably was but you also didn’t handle that and kept giving free revisions, no matter how difficult it is if you don’t outline your terms in your gig or the offer clients can request as many changes as they want. But your very first mistake was to even take an order with the accent that is not yours and that you have to imitate. That’s the biggest lesson: never take a job that you don’t know if you will be able to complete. In a professional setting “trying” is not enough, that’s not what clients are paying for. That’s why you were stuck with revisions. She is not paying you to edit it herself 😉 she is paying for a finished product. If it takes you a long time to edit why do you think she has all right tools to edit it herself or why would she need to spend time editing your work when it’s supposed to be a finished product? I see this whole situation as YOU needing to have a proper workflows for the orders to make sure that they go smoothly and that you can direct clients along the lines of a contract and setting terms correctly from the start.
  16. Please stop spamming your gig link all over the forum. It’s against forum rules. you can post your link only in “my fiverr gig” category
  17. Only this part is worth something. Everything else I would’ve just ignored. This “I read it carefully, trust me” is so overused template and doesn’t bring any trust. And you still got only 6 orders in 8 months
  18. And you don’t have to open all 7 gigs. In fact it’s against fiverr TOS to open duplicated gigs and you definitely will not get any boost if your gigs are offering similar services.
  19. Even if one of the accounts is removed you still should have access to your order page from the order tab wether you are a buyer or a seller. And on the order page you can find all your order details
  20. What do you mean by fiverr doesn’t let you take orders? You created your gig and anyone can place orders with your gig so fiverr IS letting you take orders. But wether you can attract customers or not is a totally different story. Fiverr gave you all the tools to open your “store” and how you sell and product you offer is totally on you. If your product *excuse me* sucks then nothing fiverr can do about it.
  21. Why would they remove it if they are finally making an effort to check quality of new profiles to make experience better for buyers?
  22. Gig can not go offline. It can only show your profile offline but it has no effect on your gig, even if you are offline your gig is still shown in search
  23. Because now you are competing with more experienced level one sellers and they might be doing better than you are Maybe your performance was enough to compete with no level sellers but now you need to up your game
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