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Everything posted by mariashtelle1

  1. Because they go up and down 🤷‍♀️ It’s not all linear all the time growing impressions. m People probably were not interested enough in your gig and fiverr might’ve started showing you less
  2. You might or you might not, all depend on the changes. I had times when my gig wasn’t affected at all and times when it had to re indexed again.
  3. Of course that’s not allowed 🤦‍♀️ Nobody cancelled intellectual property. And gigs are being removed for that or even banning account of the person that stole gig description of other seller.
  4. Topics are not getting removed by accident. If the comments took the wrong turn and violated community standards then that could be a good reason for it to be removed
  5. I never saw anyone getting their account back after restriction/review time. If you are partially restricted as I remember you should be able to withdraw or funds. And if you will blocked you’ll be able to withdraw them after 90 days. You can check fiverr TOS for exact wording
  6. It’s not about giving a chance to new sellers, the problem is with your performance. if your gigs are unqualified for promotion then it’s a very strong hint that some of your hidden metrics went down or you got bad hidden feedback from clients. And no wonder your search results are affected, it is based on your performance and as we know based on your promotion feature that it did drop then it’s only logical that you will be shown less. And on top of that algorithm changed a lot and you checking which page you are shown at doesn’t mean anything, results are tailored for different people and others might see your gig on different spots from where you see it. I also had a look and you had at least two really bad feedback 3&5 months ago and three more not so stellar reviews in that period I suggest for you to read this thread to get better understanding of how algorithm changed because there were drastic changes in the last year 👇
  7. No, you can’t. Behance is not an approved link
  8. Just an FYI: after you or someone else send them a message fiverr for some reason shows clients online even if they are not online
  9. I know I look amazing for my years. And just and FYI: when the forum was transferred from and old one to this platform it automatically changed everyone’s dob who was already registered there to 1904 A blessing and my “no spam amulet” that is also created by a glitch in a system on an old forum, where it was changing my username from Mariashtelle to numbers 1&2 at the end randomly and it kept the number that old forum had at the time of transfer 🤷‍♀️
  10. Customer support can’t do anything about your performance. You had at least 3 bad reviews exactly 5 months ago in February when you started getting less orders. Isn’t that enough of a hint? You deliver bad service and fiverr starts hiding you from searches. yes, you completed few more orders in this months but obviously that wasn’t enough and you got another bad review somewhere in between so you again added bad service stats on top of what you had in February. There are also hidden reviews and if not enough clients that are happy complete hidden reviews then your negative ones weight more and more. Sharing your gig and staying online will do nothing to your ranking unless fiverr algorithm will pick up that your clients extremely happy again. I also would add that you are competing with native speakers and even for me it was a bit tough to read your writing. It doesn’t mean that you wouldn’t have clients, you obviously have a base that orders from you when you are shown to a bigger crowd but it’s not enough to attract when you have less exposure.
  11. You set up your own price that you think is fair for the amount of time you spend on it 😉 you also need to make sure that you know all requirements and can prepare books for printing with different companies like keep, Amazon etc not only design book cover
  12. You see, here is the problem, how clients can trust you to solve their problems with marketing if they can see that you can’t even market yourself? 😉
  13. And of course you can find them all here
  14. Those have nothing to do with gig ranking. he got demoted, his perro dropped and that’s why he lost his ranking. To improve ranking he needs to improve his performance, his keywords and title will do NOTHING for ranking.
  15. And not only USA, Europe is pretty much in the same boat. But I don’t even see those 5$ Sellers as competitors. There is market for every budget and every buyer
  16. There are countries where you can buy three-four hamburgers for 5$ 😉
  17. I’m sure it doesn’t help that you have so many mistakes and typos and weird sentences in your gigs and description that are visible even to a non native speakers.
  18. Im really confused: you have a girl picture on your fiverr profile and a man picture on forum profile 🤔 Misrepresenting your identity is against fiverr TOS by the way. As for ranking: it goes up and down depending on your and your gigs performance, how interested clients are and how they interact with your gig and it’s measured by a lot of hidden metrics, hidden reviews and how well you perform compared to your competitors.
  19. You did not offend anyone, you just showed you don’t care about fiverr rules.
  20. Did you complete any orders in those couple of days? not qualified for promoted gigs always means that your performance dropped. Fiverr has a lot of hidden metrics and also hidden reviews from clients that affect it
  21. Which exact test? What exactly do you want to know? What is so confusing about it?
  22. There is no simple or useful ways, there is only ONE way to do so: get more orders and complete them with better rating and at some point your ratio will go over 90%.
  23. Because that doesn’t bring any help, he write he already talked to customer support and he even stated that he wasn’t happy by their response. So how will it help him if you advise to reach to customer support? It will be great if comments and responses do bring value and help. it’s like if you complain that you are sick and you bought a cough medicine and it didn’t help and then somebody telling you that in that case you should buy a cough medicine . Sounds absurd, doesn’t it? especially when you yourself was complaining about the wording on why your account was banned.
  24. What new situation? Did you even check my profile? 🤦‍♀️😂 You obviously don’t know what you are talking about. I don’t just sit and hope of getting new jobs, I’m a successful freelancer with my business online and offline
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