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Everything posted by newsmike

  1. So while politicians wage war, Fiverr restricts the earning potential of powerless citizens to provide for their families? Punishing a graphic artist in Moscow means nothing to Putin and is merely virtue signaling. Starving the citizens of warring countries is immoral on either side. Families need to eat. That's what Fiverr should be concerned about.
  2. You are calling me names, but you have no argument. You have no idea how happy that makes me. If you want to get under my skin, you gotta dismantle my argument/logic. Your opinion of me means nothing to me, which makes your personal attacks super dumb.
  3. Actually, samples are usually discouraged here. It is a sure fire way to get ripped off as a seller. Asking for samples is the sign of an amateur or dishonest buyer and providing them is the sign of a noob seller who will regret it. Better to save yourself the trouble and just hire a L2, TRS or PRO seller. Simple.
  4. Only about 5 red flags on that scammer. Funny pitch, "Let me underpay you now so you can prove your skills, and then I will reward you by underpaying you on an ongoing basis." Morons.
  5. I understand why you want to make that claim, but please tell us about how you surveyed the millions of new sellers and determined their work quality and honesty. Or is this simply extracted from your nether region for the sake of making a sale?
  6. No one needs to give you anything. "You have to work to succeed...Owner of a Lonely Heart."
  7. You really need to learn how Fiverr works. The forum is for fun, it has NOTHING to do with "ranking" your gig, or making sales. So you can relax and spam less.
  8. In which direction must he go ahead to "rank" gig? Instagram
  9. I'm hopeful that if they have spent time to code dark mode for the app that they will also make it available for the website on PC.
  10. What about them? We all started as a new seller with no sales, at zero. We all had to slug it out taking slimy "buyer requests", and selling at prices that it is illegal to pay someone in any civilized country. The difference is that, unlike you, I did all that and did not complain, or expect others to prop me up. How about the rising talents work hard to propel themselves as we all did, instead of expecting others to do it for them? Again, I'll ask, why do you take others to task for not helping you, instead of taking scammers and spammers to task for making new sellers a bet not worth taking? As to whether I am selfish, please don't judge me. At least I did my own work, my own promotion and my own path. I did not whine for someone to make it easy for me. If you have no sales, look in the mirror.
  11. Now dark mode for the desktop website version would be a true...
  12. No she's right. Unfortunately there has been a literal flood of scammers and spammers from a very specific geographic location who steal from other sellers gigs, lie about their qualifications and then steal from buyers. Until a pay wall for sellers, or some other form of verification and vetting is put in place, we must assume that most new sellers are too risky, and should be avoided. Your disapproval should not be aimed a buyer who has been burned, and is now, therefore very cautious. You should be disappointed in the scammers from that certain location who are ruining it for all new sellers. I have not seen you take any of them to task here in the forums. Our advice remains, filter and purchase only from TRS/PRO or Level 2 sellers with over 200 5 star reviews.
  13. No, this is great blessing upon your gigs from Fiber Totem. Instagram!
  14. Dark Mode is finally here! Pray for me.
  15. That's not how Fiverr was designed to work, did you not understand the platform when you joined? It is "on demand." If you want to be romanced try www.eharmony.com
  16. Great point. I'll bet if you and I walked through the doors of the MGM Grand in Vegas, we might head in different directions based on odds. But, I totally get your sentiment. 😀
  17. Hey Storm, Nice to see you on the forum. Seems we often wander back to the "how can I use/help/encourage new sellers, and I love the fact that there are those that have the patience of a saint in this area, but that little cynical voice in my head always kicks in, and I find myself asking if it is wise. My thought process. Whenever I need my engine tuned, I go right back to the same certified, master shop, with techs trained by German techs in fine tuning these particular engines. Perfect, out the door every time. It never, ever occurs to me to look around for some new mechanic, just starting out, who has the best of intentions to take a wrench to my engine. Why do we do this with freelancers? When we would never do it with our doctor, dentist, accountant, and hopefully never with a pilot. 😱 I suppose if one is doing so out of a sense of charity, or a lack of budget, I completely understand, however, if I need something done, I want a seasoned seller who won't waste my time, eat my money while learning their craft, or make my blood pressure rise.
  18. Was very scary at the beginning, but I had a good deal of regular buyers who came along for the ride. It just seemed odd that your previous success had to be wiped away, while you start over. I hope one of the changes that @frank_d is teasing is that we finally get all the previous credit we deserve added back to our PRO gigs. That would take me from 110 reviews right now to 1K+ (3,000) immediately.
  19. Actually, this is not allowed. I had to disable my regular gig with thousands of reviews on it, and start completely over with a new PRO gig which was exactly the same, just priced higher. It was the one thing that I hesitated about briefly about the move. That could be new, but this was a year ago for me.
  20. Yeah, no more of this "Assistant TO the regional manager", stuff.
  21. Don't buy anything priced at $5. You get what you pay for. You're welcome.
  22. So you have the word "Pros" in your name, yet you are trolling the forum for bootleg software. Thanks for being my afternoon's entertainment.
  23. I hate people who use hate speech. Does that make me a hater? OMG I used hate speech, hating haters. This is all such nonsense. 1. You have the right to say anything you want. 2. You may get punched in the nose for it. 3. Be kind.
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