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About helenabester

  • Birthday 03/01/1973

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  1. Thank you, @mariepetitifor sharing! I find your story inspiring, because to me, this is what Fiverr is all about. Giving your best and always striving to do better. Yes, it is about the money, but it is also NOT about the money, if you know what I mean. All of the best! Helena
  2. As I see it, the Buyers Request function is still available, but it is being phased out. The new feature has hiccups, though. Spammers still slip through - I've received at least three briefs already where the buyer really wants to be a seller... I hope the reporting feature of why sellers are refusing briefs is there to fix this over the longer term.
  3. Hey, @thatwordchick - I am looking for a tread where you posted about "protecting your own content" but I can't find it.   

    I have a buyer which I suspect is trying to scam me.   Can you perhaps share that post again?   I want to be able to check if the guy is going to use my order regardless of him belittling me. 



  4. Please, Buyers: Don't tell us it is a 'long term project' before you know us. It does not make sense in the real world: you won't hire someone for a huge project before you know the person, his/her way of working or before knowing if your personalities are in sync. Dangling the bait of a long term project before a new seller is unprofessional and unethical, in my opinion. Even if you really do have a big project, check out the seller first with a small job.
  5. Yes. Many Fiverr veterans do make a living here on Fiverr. I know a few myself. But they didn’t get there by begging on the forums, or sitting back and waiting for things to happen. They became successful (sometimes wealthy) by, taking responsibility for their gigs, marketing their services, and doing what they needed to do to BUILD their success. You will likely fail here if you just sit back and wait. Fiverr is not a get-rich-quick platform. It is a marketplace. If you want to be successful here, it will take a lot of work, sacrifice and hardship. Nothing will come easy, and nothing will be given out of charity. Hard work. Hard work. Hard work. Jon, you always give wise advice!
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