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Everything posted by newsmike

  1. It is not a mystery or a puzzle. Fiverr may or may not review your gigs once you satisfy all the basic requirements. At that point they will determine if your gig is in very the top 1-2% of quality. That includes hidden reviews, and a lot of metrics which they keep to themselves, plus a lot of very picky details. As @visualstudios suggested above, your level of proficiency in English is OK for basic communication, but not sufficient to pass as top 1-2% in an English speaking business situation. Most sellers who complete the requirements to be considered will never get TRS. To me the mystery is why we see posts every day from sellers who continue to believe that simply meeting the requirements to be considered means that they have slam dunked TRS, and that the actual manual vetting process is just a formality. Meeting the requirements is the easy part, passing the manual vetting is the hard part, as it should be.
  2. Where are you seeing that sort, Here's what I see:
  3. It is just first messages that are measured.
  4. Fiverr wants to make sure you are responding quickly:
  5. I just looked, having had 3 incomplete orders sitting for years. the 2 that were close to 5 years old are gone, the one that is 2 years old remains. Did not affect my metrics.
  6. Yes, noobs can, sometimes, provide equally good services in situations such as you describe. That's not what he said. He said simply, "noobs can provide "better" services." You have to look at the precise wording to see why his comment makes no sense.
  7. No noobs don't provide "better services", they may be adequate, but better is a silly claim. This comment is desperate and self serving. Learn your craft and earn your success.
  8. Don't assume the responsibilities for the outsourcing fees. Have your buyer place those orders with instructions to have deliveries provided to you as well as the buyer. This way, even if you get stuck for a chargeback, you are not on the hook to other sellers.
  9. newsmike


    I'm sure that customer service told you what was wrong. What did the notice say?
  10. Look at the top sellers in your vertical and make sure you talents are at the same level, and your gigs are just as professional looking. At the beginning, price yourself lower than the top sellers, and adjust that as you get sales.
  11. This is terrible advice. Try to start with 1 great gig, then branch out later. The quantity vs quality approach makes no sense. Also, avoid buyer's requests, it's the meeting place for the worst quality buyers and sellers. Concentrate on what you do well, and you will have a far better experience here than dragging the bottom of the lake.
  12. That cancel sticks with you for 60 days, and it looks like you have another 5 weeks to go to hit that mark. With each order you delivered it should get you more credit in the system, but when it comes to cancels, they do hold a grudge. Fiverr hates cancellations, and is slow to let you recover from that. Your "order completion" rate will slowly start rising, but that seems to have no correlation to when they forgive you and remove the red flag to allow you to appear higher in the listings. This is why I often advise that 1 star review is far better than a cancellation, if you have to choose. That along with the whole, "don't work for free" thing.
  13. Sorry you have decided to view it that way. Good luck.
  14. So I would assume that you have at the same time made 6-figure income from Fiverr? Are you in seller plus, are you in promoted gigs? What sort of a boost are you looking for? Would this "boost" be available to everyone? When you joined Fiverr you agreed to a contract that listed what they provide, and what you get. Why would this change because you are getting beaten out by other sellers lately, who, by the way, have the very same agreement with Fiverr? Does your landlord stop by with a bag of groceries occasionally, or do they provide what is in the lease you both agreed to? This is business. It is up to you to improve your game, not your landlord, which is what Fiverr really is.
  15. That sentence is what you should put in your patent application. Perfect.
  16. You cannot trick people into buying your service. Instead of trying to fool people into ordering, look at the people making money in your vertical and offer better quality services. That is the answer. Not trickery.
  17. Congratulations!, I'll be sending you the secret codes later today. And as far as raising prices....
  18. Not sure, but I think they have latex gloves. 🤨
  19. That is good to hear. It was the appearance that you were asking for orders in a subtle way that made this feel very suspicious. I suppose it's why people at the airport, who joke about having a bomb get taken to the back room, even though they had no actual bad intentions. It just delays their trip by a few hours.
  20. OK, now try reading the entire comment for context. Those are the minimum requirements. Better?
  21. Beg to disagree Tommy. This is no different than you and I colluding to buy a gig from each other to manipulate the metrics. Agree there is not much actionable on the forum side, the action needs to be taken on the main site, where someone has a fraudulently attained L2 badge as we speak.
  22. The seller knew very much that making such a plea would result in a kind hearted person making a couple sales to get them over the hump. Essentially, that's the same mechanics of every panhandler in the world. Appear pitiful, elicit sympathy, and hope to take advantage of someone else's momentary burst of guilt or kindness. And it worked. Buyer was trying to do a nice thing, but I believe the unintended consequence was that they just instructed a whole lot of shady sellers to write "Homeless, please help" on a piece of cardboard and stand in traffic here in the forum as to the latest "trick" to get sales. Result, someone is looking at the seller's gig right now, thinking of buying, and believing that the seller truly is Level 2, when they are not. Seller should be banned for obvious TOS violation involving fraudulent manipulation of sales.
  23. I see what you did there. 😀
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