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Everything posted by newsmike

  1. I was speaking to @mariashtelle1 , not you. Put the gun down. Note: This message has been scanned so as to be compliant with all forum rules of conduct, expressly ensuring that it does not contain name-calling or ad hominem attacks, does not respond to a post’s tone instead of its actual content, or contain a knee-jerk contradiction, or a response that could be interpreted as offensive. Instead, this post has been verified to provide reasoned counter-arguments that improve the conversation, with respect, professionalism and wit, along with a soupçon of joie de vivre, unless that's been banned as well. The events depicted in this post are fictitious. Any similarity to any person living or dead is merely coincidental. No animals were harmed in the making of this post.
  2. Wow, Bill Murray on the board twice already. Nice.
  3. I will absolutely! I too am celebrating because I was just notified that I can save up to 15% on my auto insurance by switching to GEICO. Everyone will pray for me.
  4. What if you were to sum up the Fiverr Forum as a movie? Just post the movie poster that best describes how the Fiverr Forum feels to you. Posters available on https://www.imdb.com/ OK, I'll go first: Sums up almost every forum post; "Everyone wants to be found" and the tragic reason why most are not; "Lost in Translation". Note: This message has been scanned so as to be compliant with all forum rules of conduct, expressly ensuring that it does not contain name-calling or ad hominem attacks, does not respond to a post’s tone instead of its actual content, or contain a knee-jerk contradiction, or a response that could be interpreted as offensive. Instead, this post has been verified to provide reasoned counter-arguments that improve the conversation, with respect, professionalism and wit, along with a soupçon of joie de vivre, unless that's been banned as well. The events depicted in this post are fictitious. Any similarity to any person living or dead is merely coincidental. No animals were harmed in the making of this post.
  5. Not exactly, They cannot make the buyer accept, but they fully expect you to resist the cancellation request if you did the original work as described in the gig description. TOS even backs you up on this. Just because they won't fight it for you, does not mean that you should not fight for yourself, and your right to be paid. All it takes is saying "No." Note: This message has been scanned so as to be compliant with all forum rules of conduct, expressly ensuring that it does not contain name-calling or ad hominem attacks, does not respond to a post’s tone instead of its actual content, or contain a knee-jerk contradiction, or a response that could be interpreted as offensive. Instead, this post has been verified to provide reasoned counter-arguments that improve the conversation, with respect, professionalism and wit, along with a soupçon of joie de vivre, unless that's been banned as well. The events depicted in this post are fictitious. Any similarity to any person living or dead is merely coincidental. No animals were harmed in the making of this post.
  6. I would like to respectfully and professionally request that the tone of this conversation be taken down a notch, so as to not offend any casual readers. CAPS are considered "yelling" in Internet parlance, and I sense a bit of "knee jerk contradiction" as prohibited in this nifty "Pocket guide a Random Selection of Some of the Forum Rules." - abridged version 2022 Note: This message has been scanned so as to be compliant with all forum rules of conduct, expressly ensuring that it does not contain name-calling or ad hominem attacks, does not respond to a post’s tone instead of its actual content, or contain a knee-jerk contradiction, or a response that could be interpreted as offensive. Instead, this post has been verified to provide reasoned counter-arguments that improve the conversation, with respect, professionalism and wit, along with a soupçon of joie de vivre, unless that's been banned as well. The events depicted in this post are fictitious. Any similarity to any person living or dead is merely coincidental. No animals were harmed in the making of this post.
  7. I don't know, I like some good old fashioned "proessionaly" with my data analysis, unless I can get some "profusionulismness.
  8. I know, someone just liked this thread, and I went to their website and found this. All fakes. And you guessed it, Canada, again.
  9. And the participation trophy for best participation trophy attempt goes to...
  10. Now the question is whether Fiverr will ever deal with the problem.
  11. 1. Saving a gig as a favorite does not "rank" it higher in the search. 2. Asking to arrange reciprocal fake saves is dishonest, and sort of desperate looking. How about learning the ropes and offering quality, instead of "tricks?"
  12. So funny how we keep seeing these same zero quality gigs, and "sellers" surprised that "money does not come". What is it with these Canadian sellers?
  13. Thank God I don't need the express written permission of Major League Baseball to retransmit the session.
  14. newsmike

    Pray for me

    What is it with the outright lies?
  15. You have to sell more than anyone else in your vertical.
  16. Two pieces of advice, First, if they want more work than initially agreed to, send them a gig extra with the additional charges and requirements explained. Be firm, you have to be able to say that the original requirements were ABC, and now you want XYZ, which adds this much more. Second, you need to get over this fear of a bad review. It is the key that bad buyers will use to blackmail you every time if you are afraid. Fight for what you deserve, and take your lumps in the process, but don't be bullied into free work.
  17. I would suggest that you need to make sure you are honest in your qualifications and descriptions. For example, I compare your profile picture with the alleged "client reviews" on your website, and notice that there is a huge problem. Fiverr is competitive to begin with, but dishonesty is a sure success killer.
  18. I would suggest within 90 days.
  19. I wasn't scolding, just thinking about paying for intel, and then handing it out for free. 😀
  20. annnnnnd I rest my case.
  21. I was gonna post something similar, but thought that since Seller Plus folks pay for this, why throw it out there for all to rush to use?
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