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Everything posted by newsmike

  1. Yes, but I want "tricks" to fool people into giving me money. You don't understand, I like money. I will admit to being somewhat conflicted at the seller who proofreads gig descriptions. Seems she is enabling the following: Gig says: "Expert logo designer with 4 "Fortune 500" companies as clients. Order with confidence for a perfect logo, and a truly PRO experience. Delivery arrives: "Helo Dear, This is logos I make to you approval, give me 5 stars, and pray for me. Image atacked:" So the gig description proofreader may not be the actual bank robber, but she is the getaway driver.
  2. I would suggest you figure out what is different between the offerings of the TRS sellers in your vertical and yourself. That is your answer.
  3. Obviously that is not in your control. My advice was for the people here trembling, ready to cancel without a fight at all.
  4. Only if the buyer is concerned with speed instead of quality.
  5. Delivering top quality the first time.
  6. It seems literally every day I encourage a seller who is terrified to stand up to a scammer, bully or just a difficult customer by professionally defending their right to get paid for work done. This may be because some folks are just adverse to confrontation, while others are not confident with their skills, but I believe the biggest factor is that most sellers here still don't think of themselves as a business. Instead of thinking as yourself as a person who has to please every demand, think of fairness going both ways. If you delivered work which was either in line with your gig description, or your custom offer and someone tries to intimidate you into free work with the threat of a bad review, do not take the bait. Do not cancel. Tell them that if they do so, you will post their threat to blackmail you as the response to the bad review, and report them to CS as well. You must stand up for your worth. Just think of how it would go if someone said "I want my meal free or I'm giving you a bad review on Yelp to this guy: Yes, you may get the occasional bad review, but you will retain their money, and your integrity, which is priceless.
  7. Or the 3rd option, be an adult! Stand up for yourself and stop being afraid of what the bad man may say if you don't let them order you around. You worked hard for the money, don't be so scared.
  8. Yes, and it is prohibited. Years ago, I offered to do a VO for someone in a community facing a natural disaster, pro bono, and asked CS about it, they said no, it was not allowed. You could tell that they highly suspicious that payment was being snuck around some other channel.
  9. Hey you think that's something, this will blow your mind. I am really proud of this accomplishment:
  10. I think you may be kind in thinking it is a disconnect. I think it may just be more of a mindset of "make up whatever lie grabs you a quick $5." There are professional pickpockets, just go the the train station in Rome.
  11. Then he should delete his account and hide under the bed. Business is for bouncing Tiggers, not scared piglets.
  12. Saying his spam was strike 1, and the new seller BS was strike 2.
  13. Dude is so obtuse, he's even liking the posts where we are roasting him for spamming. Why do these French digital marketers lie so much?
  14. Yes because he is professional digital marketer.
  15. Please stop spamming my inbox looking for work.
  16. Would it not follow that when buyers spend more that sellers make more? Not sure how you distilled that from anything in my post? That nonsense goes out the window when there are 4 hot dogs and 5 people. Then it's full on Survivor, season 35.
  17. Filter your buyer's search to eliminate all except PRO/TRS, or Level 2 with 200+ 5 star reviews
  18. Not necessary if you are speaking for yourself, only necessary if you are claiming to speak for "most of the existing sellers" as OP tried to.
  19. What is your source for this? I'm interested because you are representing results from literally hundreds of thousands of sellers, so I'd love to see your data.
  20. Most interesting is that revenue and spend per buyer increasing nicely. But what made me chuckle is that with 830,000 sellers (pre pandemic), and the vast majority probably with multiple gigs the total gigs would have to be in the millions. Yet, every day, here in the forum, they are surprised that their gig is not "ranked". After all it is just common sense that every one of those millions of gigs should be top row, first page, simultaneously. Like Yogi Berra said, "Nobody Goes There Anymore, It’s Too Crowded" https://expandedramblings.com/index.php/fiverr-facts-statistics/
  21. Or charge a huge premium for it. I am fine when buyers rush me, it reminds me that FedEx is happy to change 3 day to overnight simply for adjusting the cost.
  22. Peter Clemenza: "Leave The Gun. Take The Cannoli."
  23. Bethany, not to be unkind, but if the grammar displayed in this post is indicative of how you communicate with clients, that could be part of the problem. For buyers of newbie and Level 1 services, price is all that matters, so buyers are willing to overlook a lot more, but as you move to Level 2 and eventually TRS, buyers expect a lot more, and the people you are competing against in those levels are offering it, in service, skills and communication. You claim that you are fluent in English, but your OP clearly contradicts that. Note: This message has been scanned so as to be compliant with all forum rules of conduct, expressly ensuring that it does not contain name-calling or ad hominem attacks, does not respond to a post’s tone instead of its actual content, or contain a knee-jerk contradiction, or a response that could be interpreted as offensive. Instead, this post has been verified to provide reasoned counter-arguments that improve the conversation, with respect, professionalism and wit, along with a soupçon of joie de vivre, unless that's been banned as well. The events depicted in this post are fictitious. Any similarity to any person living or dead is merely coincidental. No animals were harmed in the making of this post.
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