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Everything posted by newsmike

  1. Could have been far worse....could have been...
  2. After two days in the desert sun My skin began to turn red After three days in the desert fun I was looking at a river bed And the story it told of a river that flowed Made me sad to think it was dead
  3. It felt good to be out of the rain. Anyone?
  4. No, you misunderstand. The user and comment was what I referred to, and the fact that it seemed out of character with Netherlands.
  5. Same vibe. Is Omar a name generally considered native to Holland?
  6. I'm starting to notice a slight competition between my two dear friends @smashradio and @damooch916 in the area of thesaurus writin', flowery storytellin' and 20,000 word, fancy pants memoir with a touch of a "who is John Galt?" twist, though told with a Steinbeck sort of vibe tipping its hat to 1960's narrative in the voice of Norman Mailer in "The New Yorker." I remain on the sidelines as such:
  7. As long as Fiver is free to join and there is no verification of skills, literacy or even location, this is the 3rd world sweatshop reality in which we are forced to operate our businesses.
  8. You are asking how to keep him from doing this, but at the same time you are encouraging his bad behavior by accepting. Can't feed the bears than complain that there are a bunch of bears at the door. You need to stand up for yourself, and refuse the cancel, unless you are wealthy and wish to work free as a charitable act. You got scammed.
  9. You should start by being honest as to your ability to speak/write English. The screenshot below from your profile is clearly not accurate.
  10. I'm not sure, but if you got money burning a hole in your pocket that badly and the casino won't let you back in till 6AM, I offer online 3 card monty.
  11. @vickiespencer brings up a great point. If you are a digital marketer with experience, why would you be here asking advice as to how to "digitally market" your services? You need to start by being honest about your abilities.
  12. Have a talent. Offer it for sale.
  13. I find it refreshing with a minty aftertaste.
  14. Please disregard advice from @tarikkhaan He is completely wrong, and offering nonsense as advice.
  15. This is complete nonsense. Why are you making us fake answers? You joined one month ago, and have made zero sales. Please learn and don't try to fake it here.
  16. My car payment is due, please help me.
  17. Has the idea of replying to CS and nicely asking for some guidance as to what in particular needs to be improved occurred to you? Good lord what a fuss.
  18. "Fiverr, skills, literacy and integrity, optional."
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