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Everything posted by newsmike

  1. No, not a typo. For the last few years we have had hundreds of noobs who post links like this: And those of us who have been here routinely poke fun at it by intentionally using "fiber" as a way to poke fun at people who haven't even learned the name of the platform prior to asking why they are not successful. But speaking of typo, you know my mane is not "newsmaker", just nitpicking. 😀
  2. You know you are going to be Bickie from now on, right?
  3. I think after a while it gets old coming to the forum and seeing 95% of the posts are "How do I rank gig?", followed by a chorus of bad advice, and an army of parrots thanking the posters of said bad advice. The forum is very different now, and there is a fatigue that sets in. Right now @smashradio has been providing lengthy and helpful advice, but it gets pushed out of sight almost immediately by the wave of posts asking how much plagiarism is OK, or how to get suspended account back, or any of the dozens of other noob questions that basically translate to "I have just arrived. I have no skills, no interest in getting any and have no plans to read and learn how Fiber works. But I sure like money. Give me some." We have gamified the forum so that noobs simply "like" every comment without reading it, and thank every comment no matter whether insightful or plain stupid. Then they boast, "I have achieved Grand Master" having done nothing but hitting the "like" button 4,000 times, and expecting the flood of orders that should, of course commence. There are experienced people here who have the patience of a saint when it comes to answering the same dopey questions a million times, @vickiespencer and @lloydsolutions and @theratypist and @frank_d as well as @jonbaas and some others, I fear I have neglected to mention come to mind immediately. In all it seems about 2-3 dozen who have been routinely providing help, but unfortunately, they are as overwhelmed as Venice in July with tourists fighting to get off the ship, buy a Chinese glass trinket and snap a selfie at the gelato stand during their 4 hours in town. I've left Piazza San Marco and have been wandering the back streets. BB King said it best...
  4. newsmike

    Gig Denied

    You are not clear as to what you were asking the other seller. If you were asking "I can't finish this, how much would you charge me to fix it?" That would be a legitimate message and proper. If you were just asking for advice but not intending to hire the other person then the message was indeed spam, and he was correct to report it. I suggest making sure that when you contact another seller that it is clear you are looking to hire them, not chat.
  5. Agree. Let me try this way. @ronithajong22 আপনি নিজেকে একজন "ডিজিটাল মার্কেটার" বলে দাবি করেন। Facebook Advertising এবং Instragram Advertising-এ বিশেষজ্ঞ। এবং আপনি শুধুমাত্র একটি সেলের মাধ্যমে Fiverr-এ আছেন। আপনি কি এটাকে অসৎ মনে করেন না যে আপনি মানুষকে সফল করতে পারবেন অথচ আপনি নিজের জন্য এটি করতে পারবেন না? এছাড়াও, "ইন্সটাগ্রাম" এর একজন বিশেষজ্ঞ হিসাবে, আপনার এটি বানান কীভাবে জানা উচিত নয়?
  6. Not suggesting we ban them, but the people that we keep flagging as new users who need to be learning, be kept in "read only" for a period of time to encourage reading and searching.
  7. @frank_d @imagination7413 @williambryan392 Is there a chance we could start awarding points/restrictions for posts like this that are demonstrably: 1. Self promoting while misrepresenting seller's actual ability 2. Posted in the wrong category 3. Clearly caught in a lie and doubling down?
  8. Sell a whole lot of services. Fiverr favors gigs that actually make them the most money.
  9. Did you actually ask a question, just so you could answer it yourself? 🤣
  10. You claim to be a "Digital Marketer. Expert in Facebook Advertising, and Instragram Advertising.", and you have been on Fiverr for a year with only one sale. Don't you think it's dishonest to say you can make people a success while you cannot do it for yourself? Also, as an expert in "Instagram", shouldn't you know how to spell it?
  11. That's odd because one does not "attend" a test, you attend class, then "take" a test." Just sayin'
  12. Weird, mine looks a little different.
  13. LOL, you are welcome anytime. I think you could handle it as you come from pretty hardy stock as well:
  14. Meanwhile... hundreds of these: "Perfect in English" is kinda funny though.
  15. Sure, now lets get back to not being a "top creative talent for marketing campaigns."
  16. I got some clarification from my SM on the "Togetherr" rollout as to whether it would include VO in the future; copied below. @frank_d
  17. All I know Frank is that when AMC Moons, we got a Lamborghini with your name on it.
  18. Your perspective of what's owed you based on your mere existence here.
  19. Is it possible that musicians are, by nature of the way their success happens, more competitive? Musicians compete to get the gig at the club, get signed by labels (when labels were still a thing) and compete on the Billboard Hot 100? Although VO artists audition for some parts/gigs, there is nowhere near as much direct competition between us, which might prevent cooperation? Just a thought.
  20. @lloydsolutions @imagination7413 @williambryan392 Well deserved each of you.
  21. If the seller doesn't have the ability open 1 successful gig, how useless is it to spread nonsense about opening 6 more? Please pay attention to the thread and don't copy/paste nonsense.
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