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Everything posted by newsmike

  1. And who's fault is that? I drive a BMW 7 series courtesy of Fiverr. So please continue to school us how to do it. Your profile says "I am Writer's Guild of Great Britain Award Nominated Writer and created the BAFTA award winning 'The Spectrum Retreat'." Yet I can't find you on iMDB. Must be a mistake. 😆 We're listening.
  2. @jonbaas Amazing how the "I have no orders and no hope" crowd is so arrogant in their disdain for the hand that feeds them. I'll bet they hate paying for electricity and internet as well. Not an ounce of business sense. The Rolling Stones still have a manager that takes 15%.
  3. And wouldn't you know it, those Hawaiian sellers at it again.
  4. Fiverr did not "automatically" cancel the order. They saw that you made only a partial delivery, so they correctly cancelled it. Never deliver incomplete work. Better to keep sending requests and be late (if there is no other option) as opposed to having the whole thing cancelled out from under you. At least if you are late, that rolls out after 60 days. Here you lost 10 days pay.
  5. But it is that hobby, lark mentality that hurts those of us that are trying to run legitimate businesses in an environment where people are playing around, and don't care about quality or service. Plus there's the many here that claim to have skills but don't.
  6. I was just having such a discussion that for PRO sellers, Fiverr (under a different brand name) could offer representation, with actual talent agents hired for the job, not their customer service folks doing the pitches. They could take the standard commission, which would be a far better use of resources than a SM.
  7. What about those of us that worship the Fiber Totem?
  8. Yes, you do get a chance, and you have to be able to perform during that brief chance. If you make a sale you remain visible, as you should, and if you do not, you disappear behind those that are selling, as you should. Fiverr is not tying to make everyone equally successful. They are throwing everyone in the pool and those who swim are rewarded, those who sink are gone. Just like in any business, that's how things work. Otherwise there would be 75 coffee shops on every street. For the health of the sales community, it is just as important to insure that weak gigs fail and disappear, as it is to make sure that strong gigs thrive.
  9. If you leave it too long, Fiverr will eventually cancel the entire order as abandoned. You cant leave things hanging.
  10. Why would you as a new seller expect to be "ranked" among the most profitable gigs? Fiverr places the gigs that make them the most money at the top. Once you start selling consistently at high rates like the TRS sellers in your category you should ask that question. To ask now is very odd, and feels as if you don't understand the couple years of hard work (at least) and fighting to get to the top that the "ranked" gigs have put in to get there. Welcome, but learn, pay your dues, and fight to get to the top.
  11. When BMW rolls out the new model year.
  12. Dearest sir, I am writing to congratulate you on your mastery of sarcasm. As a practitioner of the art, I could hardly let your finely crafted response pass without the full measure of kudos due. Please be on the lookout for an application to our secret club, which meets every other Halloween in the Capuchin Crypt, and rewards only those individuals who practice at the highest levels of sarcasm, verging on the sardonic. Well played Sir!
  13. Tara, I checked your gig/profile, and because you are a TRS, you have much more ability to solve this. As a TRS, you are grossly undercharging at $10 for 100 words. The whole "I won't pay for usage rights" problem is at its worst with the $5 and $10 buyer level. I would suggest immediately going to the $25-$40 range for the same amount of words. As you charge more the quality and seriousness of your buyers improves dramatically. At the higher price point, the buyers are much more likely to be in the habit of purchasing rights, and won't balk nearly as much. Plus you end up working less for the same or more money. Better to do 1 $100 order than 10 at $10 any day. The other option is to add the commercial rights in as part of the base order, so charge $40-$50 with rights included, but this is messier, and you will have to negotiate more with people. I would suggest the first option of simply raising prices (of course when you do there's always that 3-4 days without an order just to make you think you made a mistake) and I believe you will see a difference. Then as business develops, keep pushing towards the $100 price point. The algorithm really likes that. Good luck.
  14. So happy for you! Congratulations.
  15. P*ss Factory was my favorite from that video. There truly is no better way to impress your friends than taking a quote you don't understand, from a book you never read, and having it injected on your ass, in a language you don't speak.
  16. Yeah, you would not want to do anything that makes you look dumb, while getting a tattoo. 😉
  17. Those are words. They are English words, but I'll be damned if they mean anything. If you want to be honest you should remove this from your profile:
  18. Most people open their account in 5 minutes. Maybe you are doing it incorrectly.
  19. As @lloydsolutions pointed out, you claim to be a "Professional Digital Marketing Expert", but you are here asking how to market your gig. Maybe you should remove the fake skills from your gig and sell something that you actually know how to do. It is not honest to take money for a service that you cannot even perform for yourself. Maybe a nice Photoshop background removal service, or there is a psychic section if you can't work Photoshop. Also, you should remove "fluent" in English if you are going for that whole honesty thing.
  20. It is the perpetual upsell as they ask for additional services. "You want fries with that?" Many people, as you suggested are afraid to say that we'd be happy to do that for you for an additional cost. Funny how your waitress is never worried that the shake, onion rings and fries you asked for are going on the bill. It is indeed a mindset.
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