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  1. "Buyer Request/Job Post"

    I would like to put a question to the fiverr team how many buyers from Nigeria have purchased from fiverr so far at the rate they posted the job? Also, I want to ask the same question about the buyers of Bangladesh, India and Pakistan, do they give 1% percent order of the amount of jobs they post for fiverr?

    If the buyers of all these countries are not buying anything from fiverr then why fiverr authorities are not against them or stop them from posting jobs?

    I hope fiverr authorities will consider my words and take appropriate action. 


    Best Reagard 

    Mehedi hasan

    1. parvezcomputer


      Thanks for your information.

  2. Nowadays it is seen that someone posts high priced job. But in fact none of them are buyers. Many of us fall into the trap of these fake buyers and work with them to cancel the order after seeing the concept.I think the Fiverr Authority should take this issue seriously, No fake buyer can harm any seller in fiverr. I think the Fiber Authority should legislate that if anyone wants to post a job, they should deposit the same amount with the Fiber Authority and deduct the amount of VAT and tax along with the job posting and job posting.

    1. mehedihasan87


      Everyone comment, it will benefit everyone

  3. How can I add the seller plus option to my profile? Thanks
  4. If anyone knows how to add gig on my fiverr to different websites for free, please share your expereance. 

  5. If anyone knows how to add gig on my fiverr to different websites for free, please share your expereance. 

  6. Get New order/ Get order

    If you want to get new orders, promote as much as possible on social media. The more you promote on social media, the more your gig will expand.

    1. webimer


      But please 🙏 can you list the social media to post, because I have used many social media like Facebook and Twitter, but not yet to get the order. 

  7. Gigs Not promotable (Unqualified)

    Bad for all Terms & Condition sellers of fiverr. I would urge all individuals to protest. Fiverr is oppressing us and treating us unfairly. All the terms and conditions of the fiverr are unfair to the sellers.My gig has been off promotion the last 3 months.Despite all my qualifications, they could not give a good answer as to why they stopped.Fiverr is closing accounts and promoting anyone who wants to.Fiverr is taking 20% commission from us but is not cooperating with us in any way but is treating us unfairly.I call on all sellers to protest against this unfair treatment of fiverr.Below are some pictures from my profile. See how Fiverr is treating me unfairly. 



  8. I saw the Seller Plus option on my profile a few days ago, and started it but I still don't understand if my Seller Plus option is turned on. I was not given any message or notification from Fiber. Can someone explain to me how I can start Cellar Plus Options?

  9. I am reporting with great sadness. Nowadays Fiverr is hiding the gig despite having all the qualifications of any seller. And if an order is canceled, the 10 completion rate is reduced. But if an order was canceled earlier, 1 point would be reduced and now it is reduced by 10 without any reason. But if an order was canceled earlier, 1 point would be reduced and now it is reduced by 10 without any reason. I think this rule is detrimental to all sellers, If this rule continues, all vendors will turn away from fiverr.

  10. I am reporting with great sadness, Nowadays Fiber is hiding the gig despite having all the qualifications of any seller. And when an order is canceled, the order completion rate is reduced by 10. Previously if an order was canceled it would be reduced by 1 point but now it is decreasing by 10 it is very disappointing. If this rule of fiverr continues, I think all seller will turn away from fiverr. 

  11. fiverr posted a number of seller sales jobs and the seller sent buyer requests there. Then after providing the job to someone and taking the concept, the order is canceled. This can cause serious damage to a seller's profile. I hope Fiverr will take appropriate action against such rogue sellers

  12. One of my questions to everyone is what is Fiverr One Time Business Platform?


    Requests to fiverr community/experts will help me.

    Fiverr has been keeping my gig unqualified for the past month and keeping my promotion off so my gig is not appearing in front of any buyer. How can I re-qualify my gig in this situation please help me. Thank you  so much 




  14. Requests to experts will help me.

    Fiverr has been keeping my gig unqualified for the past month and keeping my promotion off so my gig is not appearing in front of any buyer. How can I re-qualify my gig in this situation please help me. Thanks




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