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Allow all sellers who sell tailor-made services/products to enable "Request to order"


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Hi all!

I've been a seller on Fiverr since 2021, it's been a journey but I'm now a level 2 seller. I'm getting more and more orders and am genuinely excited to work with my clients.

One thing that I've been suggesting for a while to Fiverr support (since May of 2022 I think) is for all sellers to have the option to enable "Request to order" (I am aware that it's available to select seller plus members at the moment but not for everyone). I believe that this is an excellent feature to have for sellers that sell tailor-made products/services, I can think of a few categories that would benefit greatly:

  • Programming
  • Writers
  • Designers
  • Animators
  • UX design

Even though I've stated clearly for buyers to contact me before ordering and the services that I offer (and do not offer). There were several occasions where clients ordered from my gig, requesting for a service that I don't provide. To deal with such a situation, I had to:

  • Request for client to cancel (nicely)
  • Contact support to make sure that the cancelled order did not affect my completion rate

I believe that situations like this really affects the buyer experience. Instead of having a "seamless experience", the buyer is dealt with rejection and an uncomfortable conversation about why they can't get what they requested. I'm not sure what the statistics are but I'm willing to bet that buyers who've had cancelled orders are less likely to spend time on Fiverr and more likely to look for alternatives. 

Thank you for reading all the way to the end! You deserve a prize so here's a donut 🍩

What are your thoughts?

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It should be made available to every seller no matter their category.

Direct orders affect my experience as a seller and have started putting a lot of stress on me during the past year. I want to be able to control who I work with and what I work on without having to cancel orders. I think @donnovan86has mentioned in the past that it's about consent. And I agree with that. Putting the ability to consent to orders behind a paywall is ridiculous.

Edited by vibronx
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19 minutes ago, vibronx said:

It should be available to every seller no matter their category. 

I have this feature and it is a real game changer. It's now available to ALL Premium Seller Plus members! I like that I can use it to schedule my orders without taking my gigs off the marketplace. I also like the flexibility of only working on projects that make sense for me.

Although Fiverr wants it to be a part of the paid Seller Plus program, I'm not opposed to offering this to all sellers - I think every seller should be able to decide who to work with or not (and when they take on orders).

It might make the buyer's experience a little bit more negative - I do turn away buyers, some of whom send me pretty detailed briefs. I asked product management if we could have an Announcement feature at the top of our profile/gig pages where we can create custom messages for our visitors (to tell them if we are busy, have upcoming travels, or made recent changes to our gigs).

Edited by vickieito
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36 minutes ago, vibronx said:

I want to be able to control who I work with and what I work on without having to cancel orders.

I agree. Today I had 2 self-cancellations and also had another cancellation last night from a dude whose order requirements were just "contact me". So 3 cancellations in 2 days, none of which I was able to have any control over..

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15 minutes ago, donnovan86 said:

I agree. Today I had 2 self-cancellations and also had another cancellation last night from a dude whose order requirements were just "contact me". So 3 cancellations in 2 days, none of which I was able to have any control over..

Are you on the Seller Plus Premium plan @donnovan86? Request to Order is now available to everyone on that plan!

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"Request to Order" is a necessity. I can't work on every project that comes my way because sometimes the projects are not ethically or religiously ok for me to work on. And then when even an order is mutually canceled or canceled by the support although my statistics like "Order Completion Rate" don't get affected but the gig rankings are affected for sure.

It should be made available to all the sellers ASAP.

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Absolutely! I think you guys are right in saying that "Request to Order" should be made available for all sellers!

My apologies to sellers working in categories that I did not highlight/mention in my first message, I should have started this thread with title:

Allow all sellers to enable "Request to order"


I totally understand what you mean and have the same experience.

I check my Fiverr messages the moment I wake up and can feel my blood pressure rising when I see that I got an order from someone whom I've had no prior contact with.

It's very stressful because:

  • 100% of the time, I cannot do what they requested
  • Have to explain to them why I can't do it
  • Request for them to cancel the order
  • Wait for order to be cancelled
    • This is made worse if:
      • The client doesn't want to cancel
      • The client lives in a time zone more than 12 hours away from mine
  • Contact support to prevent cancelled order from affecting my statistics


Thank you so much for sharing your experience with "Request to order"!

I just checked my gig and found out that it's eligible for "Request to order"! I was really excited at first but I started thinking about how enabling it would affect my sales. Judging from your experience, I feel much more confident about my decision to enable it!

I'm really glad that Fiverr took our suggestions and enabled it to all Seller Plus members, I hope that they enable it for all sellers ASAP because I feel like there's a lot of us out there who are feeling the same frustration. 

Would you mind me asking how you knew that "Request to order" was enabled to Seller Plus members? Is there a thread where Fiverr gives sellers updates? 


I'm so sorry to hear your experience! 2 in 1 day must have been terrible! 

From one seller to another, I feel for you and want you to know that I'm rooting for you! 


I did not take the ethical and religious point of view into consideration. From what you said, it sounds like "Request to order" would solve a wide variety of concerns that sellers have!

I really hope that you don't let buyers with unethical requests affect you in any way, I'm rooting for you!


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On 2/11/2023 at 3:14 PM, vickieito said:

Hi @licheng906! It was announced on the Seller Plus forum (which should be visible to you if you are on the forum and a Seller Plus member).

Hi @vickieito, I went to the following link (which I assumed was what you meant when you said "Seller Plus forum"):


Went through the "Products and Feature Requests" and "News and Events" page and could not find where they announced that "Request to Order" was made available to all Seller Plus members.

Maybe I'm on the wrong page, is there a link that you can share with me or would you mind providing a simple guide on how to access it?

If it's too much to ask, don't worry about it. 

I really appreciate yours and everyone else's response to this thread!

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On 2/13/2023 at 7:50 PM, vickieito said:

Hi @licheng906,

Here is the post that Fiverr made announcing that the Request to Order feature was available to all Seller Plus Premium members: 



Thanks for the link!

I see that you were the original user who posted the topic, thank you for bringing it to the attention of Fiverr staff! 

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  • 2 weeks later...

It has happened to me several times and I think I'm not the only one, that there are buyers, who create orders by mistake or in incorrect gigs, there should be an option for the buyer to accept an order if they agree, and as long as they don't accept, time does not run or does not affect your rate, and if you do not accept, you should return the funds to the buyer.

This would save us a lot.

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I like this idea a lot, especially about the time not running until you've accepted the order. However, I could also see it being abused with people doing the work and only accepting the order once they have completed delivering the order in just a couple of minutes (or at least make it appear like it does.) My personally way of combating wrongful orders is by adding a call to action at the end of my description to have buyers message me before they order, some still order right away but most of them will follow the instructions.

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16 minutes ago, rmendozam said:

I am a seller plus but a don't have this option

Someone posted last week when they asked Customer Support "Currently, the feature is not available to all seller-plus users as it is being gradually released." -- Perhaps you can check with Customer Support as well or your Success Manager?

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On 2/24/2023 at 9:43 PM, vovkaslovesnyy said:

If you use Seller Plus, this feature is already available. 


I am not seller plus yet. But in my opinion, this feature should be available for all users because this is one of the most common issue for all sellers.. 

Edited by michmikaia
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16 hours ago, vickieito said:

I thought this feature is only available to Seller Plus Premium members:

They should really clear out what is included on both each tier of Seller Plus so people can properly choose which tier suits them best other than the big diff of having a Success manager. I read the help section and it doesn't say everything. Although I understand if they are still rolling a lot of new stuff so it might be difficult to keep editing that section.

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