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  1. Into the 3D field: It was totally unplanned for me. I was in 10th standard when I first downloaded the software (Autodesk Maya, which is used to create 3D models). Creating 3D models was a huge passion -- but just for fun without any serious thought of making it a career. Just like people enjoy playing cricket without intending to make it a career, I enjoyed creating 3D models without seriously considering it as a career. After 12th and schooling, I joined university to pursue Electrical Engineering. During my university days, I had a lot of free time and didn't even realize when creating 3D models for fun became a great passion for me. I started working for clients and creating mods for GTA 5 in my free time, and then dropped out of university after the 2nd year with a clear mind that I didn't want to be an electrical engineer anymore. It was a big shift for me -- without any backup plans and just a hope in my eyes that I could achieve something in the 3D field. During COVID, I got an internship and then a full-time job at the same company. Into freelancing: It was even more unexpected and unplanned. I took a week off from my job and planned to visit my hometown (which was ~2000 km away). I have a huge passion for sports and superbikes as well, and I decided to make the journey on my sports bike (instead of taking a flight). Unfortunately, midway, I had a very serious accident on my sports bike and was bedridden for around 10 months. During this time, while I was in my hometown and not actively working at the company, it was the best opportunity for me to try freelancing, as I was almost in debt with medical bills and hospital expenses. Since I wasn’t actively working, I wasn’t receiving any salary either. So, I tried freelancing, quit my job, and from that day, I have been part of this awesome platform (hehe, yes, there are some negative aspects here but overall this platform has really helped me in my worst times and I am very thankful for that). A picture of me with a broken leg and multiple fractures, hustling with my laptop, haha: So, both getting into the 3D field and freelancing were totally unplanned but things are turning out really great! 😊✨
  2. I am not sure how things work in your country, but getting chargebacks on fraudulent transactions is not a very big task here. In India, when we dispute a transaction, the bank will contact the merchant (who received the payment) and ask for documents to validate the payment. If there is no response (or not enough proof), the payment will be reversed. Since we know the person was a scammer, they obviously won’t reply to the bank’s query, and in that case, the transaction will be reversed. People usually lose hope (even at the start) and end up not putting much effort into it. I know 500 euros is a significant amount, so go ahead and file a written case at your police station (or whatever your law supports), and send a written complaint to the bank as well. Also, make sure to attach the police report to make your case strong (and so that the bank takes your request seriously). Also, keep your complaints in writing and approach the bank manager (and not verbally with a typical small bank employee).
  3. Sorry to hear about your experience. The card verification request was a scam and was not affiliated with Fiverr. That email you received was fake and not from the official Fiverr email address. Also, Fiverr customer support usually doesn't help in these matters, as the payment you made was not through the official Fiverr platform and was instead directed to a scammer. The best thing you can do is reach out to your credit card provider or bank and report the fraudulent transaction. They may be able to help you with a chargeback or reversing the transaction. Good luck! ✨
  4. Nah, 200% this won't be the case. Your IP location is never exact and it just creates a geofence of ~200-300 kms. So, your ISP can bump your location here and there within that radius -- and that's completely okay! That does not cause any issues, as it's a dynamic IP and only changes when you restart your devices or router. The location consistency problem only occurs when the system detects a VPN or location change too frequently, which is not possible for a human -- such as getting IP addresses from 5 different cities within 5 hours (that are 1000 miles apart in different directions) -- that becomes the problem. Since earlier, it all started with 'account under review for false identity' -- so probably, it has something to do with that. The profile picture you used on your profile looks very generic (looks like it's taken from a stock media website). I'm not saying that it's not you -- but it's just so professional and the way it's taken looks very generic. There may be other reasons as well. Request a review again from customer support and a chance to review your identity documents (that you can present to them).
  5. Ask any community member and they will tell you only one thing: "Fiverr always favors the buyer's side". Although it may seem contradictory but the thing is that Fiverr takes cancellation requests very seriously and almost always cancels such orders if you're in the right. And a contact number for support? Out of 100 websites, 99 do not have a contact number for support. By being patient, you would have received a response in 2-3 days and get a 100% refund --- But probably you just didn't know how to have patience (judging by the way you framed your message here). Also, Fiverr never bans buyers just because a seller reported them. Considering the way you have typed your message full of slang and the F-word, it's no surprise why Fiverr has taken action. You can still reach out to customer support by email (support@fiverr.com), and wait patiently for at least 5 days before taking another follow-up or spamming them with another email.
  6. Since you mentioned that you ordered PPT slides -- although the seller may have described "5 PPT slides in the basic package", the seller may still be right. We are not considering the 'complexity of the project' factor here. Maybe your slides are too complex for the basic package. Of course, we can not know the reason as there could be various factors. By not doing so, you are just making things complicated for yourself. You will have to go through cancellation phases, and in the end, you'll have nothing but wasted time. The best recommendation is to message a seller first and check how long they take to respond. Even if their work and reviews are good, it's important to see how they attend to your query and how they behave. Probably the seller thinks that this way, the cancellation won't impact the metrics, but that's untrue. Whether the cancellation is done by the buyer or the seller, it's counted as a "mutual cancellation" and will still impact the 'Order Completion Score' of the seller. But what issue do you have with accepting the cancellation? Just accept it and move on to another seller. I don't know why you're making things so hard.
  7. Maybe the developer is no longer selling on Fiverr or their account is suspended (as recently, a lot of sellers have been flagged). Have you checked the 'Spam' folder? After getting banned, inbox conversations often move to the Spam folder. Regarding the order, try checking this URL, as all order history is found on that page: https://www.fiverr.com/users/ianshere/orders/type/all
  8. They can leave private ratings on all orders -- but as far as we were informed (on forums by officials or by small hints), reviews from new buyers (completely new to the platform and those who have just placed their first order with you) hold more weight than reviews from old buyers.
  9. Ever heard of 'Browser Fingerprinting'? You get a unique fingerprint based on your screen size, keyboard layout, language set on your PC, time zone, operating system installed, RAM size, graphics card info, and a lot of other information. You can be tracked in many ways, so it's very EASY for Fiverr (or literally any website owner) to track you down and know whether two different individuals are operating or if it's a single individual. Generally, websites can even track the way you're pressing your mouse buttons, keystrokes, and mouse movements. There are literally thousands of ways to track you, but we're uncertain which techniques Fiverr uses out of those available. The recommended option is: Don't operate two accounts from the same household, as the algorithm can always give false positives. My wife was also feeling very passionate about starting her journey on Fiverr (in a different niche than what I am selling), but we are not getting confidence after seeing so many flagged accounts on Fiverr lately.
  10. Most probably, it's the AI Bot that is instructed to mark all tickets closed related to 'disabled account due to ID verification', as the decision of Customer Support is final in these cases and they do not reinstate the account, no matter how hard you try. Try changing your words and message in a way that the AI bot does not pick up those keywords, such as 'disabled' or 'ID verification.' You can write something like: "I validated my documents successfully, but I am not able to work on my account even after the process was shown as successful. I would be grateful if you could please take a look at my issue and assist me with this." Also, the way you're writing tickets is very unprofessional and I am sure Fiverr does not want unprofessional sellers on its platform (since the market is overcrowded). Based on the way you're writing your tickets, you may never be able to start selling on Fiverr. Be professional, increase the length of your message, start with "Dear Customer Support" and end with "Best regards".
  11. Taking 1 or 2 baths per week with cold water, haha! For me, who always takes baths with hot water even in summer (due to a medical condition), nothing can be more pleasurable than this.
  12. @sanyi_diriba Firstly, hats off! When I was 14, I didn't even know what freelancing was, haha! Just a note: If you plan to discontinue Fiverr for now, consider fixing all issues in your gig and aligning it with the TOS -- such as removing email address from thumbnails, descriptions, etc, as @navid_zafar mentioned. If your account and gigs are not aligned with the TOS, Fiverr may ban your account, even if you're not actively using it. A ban would mean you won't be able to use Fiverr at any stage of your life, even when you're older and have more skills, as bans are permanent.
  13. Earlier (before the new Level System), the calculation was simple. Just simple mathematical calculations and you could easily know when you would get back to a 5.0 star rating. But now, the calculation is not just simple math, as Fiverr has started considering 'private ratings' into the average rating. For example, I have 5.0 stars in all rating breakdowns, but I am still at 4.9 (due to some slightly bad private ratings). So, all you can do is keep delivering good quality work and only time will tell when you can achieve a full 5.0 average rating.
  14. No clue why people still lie about this, as it will just show "English" (without specifying fluent or basic)!
  15. There's only one way: Customer Support. All you can do is convince them by using the right choice of words -- or guess the security answer. Even if you're not completely sure, try guessing 3-4 answers and send them to customer support, explaining that you don't remember the exact answer but here are the guessed answers that you might have put.
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