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About aimriser

  • Birthday 03/01/1970

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  1. Editing a gig can potentially impact its performance, but it's not always a guarantee. The effect depends on various factors, such as: 1. What changes you make: Minor tweaks like updating the thumbnail or expanding the description might not significantly impact impressions. However, major changes like altering the gig's title, tags, or categories could potentially affect its visibility. 2. How often you edit: Editing a gig multiple times in a short period can raise flags with Fiverr's algorithm, potentially leading to a temporary or permanent decrease in impressions. 3. Your gig's overall quality and relevance: If your gig is high-quality, relevant, and compliant with Fiverr's policies, editing it to improve its appearance and description should not harm its performance significantly. In your case, since you've already edited the gig 15-20 days ago and saw a positive impact, it's likely that making further improvements like updating the thumbnail and expanding the description will not harm your gig's performance drastically. However, to minimize potential risks: 1. Make targeted, minor changes: Only update the thumbnail and description, avoiding major changes to the gig's title, tags, or categories. 2. Space out your edits: Wait a reasonable amount of time (e.g., 30 days) before making additional changes to allow the algorithm to adjust. 3. Monitor your gig's performance: Keep a close eye on your gig's impressions, clicks, and orders after editing. If you notice a significant decline, consider reverting the changes or seeking Fiverr support. Remember, the goal is to improve your gig's quality and attractiveness while minimizing potential algorithmic penalties. Good luck!
  2. Congratulations on being a Level 2 seller! You're correct that Level 2 sellers are limited to 10 active gigs. Having 14 active gigs might be causing the issue with receiving orders. Here's what you can do: 1. Review your gigs: Assess your 14 gigs and identify the top-performing ones (based on views, orders, and revenue). 2. Prioritize and delete: Delete the 4 lowest-performing gigs to comply with the Level 2 limit. This will help you focus on your best-selling services. 3. Consolidate or merge: Consider consolidating similar gigs or merging them into a single, more comprehensive gig. 4. Optimize remaining gigs: Ensure your remaining 10 gigs are optimized with relevant keywords, attractive titles, and compelling descriptions to attract clients. 5. Monitor and adjust: Keep a close eye on your gig performance and adjust your strategies as needed to maintain your success score and key metrics. By taking these steps, you'll be able to comply with the Level 2 limitations while maintaining a strong presence on Fiverr.
  3. 1. Respond to the review: Politely and professionally address the client's concerns, reiterating that the premium plugin license was not part of the initial agreement. This shows potential clients that you're proactive and committed to customer satisfaction. 2. Focus on excellent service: Continue delivering high-quality work and exceeding client expectations. This will lead to more positive reviews, helping to balance out the negative one. 3. Encourage satisfied clients to leave reviews: Reach out to happy clients and politely ask them to share their experiences. This will help increase your overall rating. 4. Optimize your gig: Ensure your gig description, keywords, and tags are accurate and clear, minimizing potential miscommunications. 5. Offer exceptional customer service: Go above and beyond for your clients, building trust and loyalty. 6. Consider offering a premium service: Provide an upsell option for clients who want additional services like plugin licenses, increasing your earnings potential. 7. Don't stress about a 4.4-star rating: While it's not perfect, a 4.4-star rating is still respectable and demonstrates your commitment to quality. Remember, one negative review doesn't define your entire service. Focus on continuous improvement, and with time, your rating will recover. Good luck!
  4. Congratulations on achieving the Level 1 Seller badge in just 4 months! That's a fantastic milestone! Your hard work and dedication to delivering excellent services have paid off. Keep up the great work and keep pushing yourself to reach even greater heights! You got this! Level 1 Seller badge is a significant achievement, and you should be proud of yourself. It shows that you have consistently delivered high-quality work, met deadlines, and provided excellent customer service. You're building a strong reputation on Fiverr, and this badge will help attract more clients to your services. Keep shining!
  5. I think your frustration! It sounds like there was a miscommunication or misunderstanding between you and the Fiverr Customer Support system. You had asked two specific questions, but their response didn't address those questions at all! That must be really confusing and frustrating for you. It's unacceptable that you haven't received a response in 5 days, especially after pointing out the mistake. I would suggest reaching out to Fiverr's support system again, reiterating your original questions, and politely asking them to address your concerns. You can also try contacting them through different channels, like Twitter or Facebook, to see if you get a faster response. Even then if it is AI ,their response should be more quick and finer.
  6. That's great news! Congratulations on completing those orders! You must be feeling accomplished and productive today! Keep up the fantastic work and keep shining!
  7. Congratulations on completing the rush order and meeting the tight deadline! It's great that you took the initiative to experience the fast client process, even if it didn't fully materialize due to the client's busy schedule and limited communication. This experience still offers valuable insights into the importance of clear communication and setting expectations with clients, especially when working on rush orders. You demonstrated your ability to work efficiently and deliver quality work under pressure, which is a fantastic skill to showcase on Fiverr! Keep honing your skills, and don't hesitate to share your experiences and lessons learned with others. Who knows, your next rush order might be just around the corner, and you'll be even more prepared to deliver an exceptional fast client experience!
  8. I think your concern! Fiverr's policy prohibits selling fake engagement, including organic views, as it violates Instagram's terms of service. If your account was blocked and under review, it's likely due to a violation of this policy. Here's what you can do: 1. Review Fiverr's policies: Ensure you understand what's allowed and what's not. 2. Remove violating services: If you're still offering organic views or similar services, remove them immediately. 3. Appeal the decision: Respond to Fiverr's message, explaining that you've removed the violating services and will comply with their policies going forward. 4. Wait and follow up: Wait for the 30-day period to end, then follow up with Fiverr support to see if your account can be reinstated. 5. Diversify your services: Consider offering other services that comply with Fiverr's policies to minimize future risks. Remember, Fiverr prioritizes maintaining a safe and compliant platform. By adapting and following their policies, you can minimize the risk of permanent blocking and continue growing your business. Good luck, and I hope your account gets reinstated soon!
  9. Sorry to hear that your client submission is pending approval for over three weeks. That can be frustrating! Based on the screenshot you shared, it seems like the client has already left a review, but it's not visible on your profile yet. Here are some possible reasons for the delay: 1. Review moderation: Fiverr has a team that reviews and moderates client reviews to ensure they meet their guidelines. 2. Account verification: Fiverr might be verifying your account or the client's account, which can cause a delay. 3. Technical issues: Sometimes, technical glitches can cause delays in review approval. Here's what you can do: 1. Wait a bit longer: Give it another week or so, and if the review still doesn't appear, you can... 2. Contact Fiverr Support: Reach out to Fiverr's customer support team and provide the order number, client name, and a screenshot of the pending review. They'll help investigate and resolve the issue.
  10. Congratulations on completing your first order! Sorry to hear that the buyer left a 3-star review, which wasn't entirely fair given the circumstances. Regarding your questions: 1. Will it affect badly on my gig performance? Yes, a 3-star review can impact your gig's visibility and credibility, especially when you're just starting out. However, it's not the end of the world! You can still recover from this. 2. What can I do to improve my situation and get a second order? Here are some suggestions: - Respond to the review professionally and politely, explaining the situation and highlighting your commitment to delivering quality work. - Focus on providing exceptional service to your next client to earn a 5-star review and offset the impact of the 3-star review. - Keep on to offer competitive pricing and packages to attract more clients. Remember, one review doesn't define your worth as a web developer! Keep working hard, and with persistence and dedication, you'll attract more clients and build a strong reputation on Fiverr. Regards
  11. While metrics are important, they shouldn't be the only focus. It's equally important to prioritize your own standards and values, such as: - Following the rules and guidelines set by the system - Practicing ethical communication - Taking responsibility for your duties and respecting the rights of others - Avoiding conflicts and competitions that can lead to harm - Showing mutual respect and clear demonstration of your intentions By focusing on these aspects, you can build a strong foundation for your work and interactions, regardless of how metrics may fluctuate. Remember, it's important to stay focused on what you can control and prioritize your own growth and development. Additionally, paying attention to client feedback and responses can give you valuable insights into their needs and expectations. By being responsive and adaptable, you can build strong relationships and achieve success in your own terms. Keep in mind that it's a competitive platform, but that doesn't mean you have to compromise your values and standards. Instead, focus on differentiating yourself through your unique approach, skills, and values.
  12. This is a general marketing technique and normally every trading business try to adopt it. You have to make strategy in available rules and binding of the system. However you can do this designing your gig packages based on the bulk/ size of the work involved in your project. Fiverr allow three packages in the same gig. You can easily design your gig in three packages : 1. first for single task. 2. 2nd for 3 or 5 tasks 3 . 3rd for no. of tasks above that. Moreover you can mention extra cost for each extra task in gig 's extra section. so we can assume that Fiverr is already giving the leverage and we can use it strategically. regards,
  13. I have visited to your fiverr account and impressed to see your presentation and dedication to job. Expecting to have guidance from your end about the work environment. Kindly guide about reputation perimeter in forum as well as in fiverr environment. I specially request your guidance.

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